


Mr. Justin Nunn


School Phone: (209) 830-3360 ext. 2267


Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 3:00-4:00 and by appointment

Course Outline

Unit 1 – Introduction to Economics

Unit 2 – Elements of Microeconomics

Unit 3 – Free Enterprise

Unit 4 – Elements of Macroeconomics

Unit 5 – Government and the Economy


Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Holt Economics. Austin, TX: Holt, 2003

Materials Needed for Each Class

Students are expected to bring the following materials to class each day:

-Pen (black or blue ink only) or pencil

-Government notebook

-Notes from assigned readings (to be done prior to class discussion)

-Assignments due on that particular day

-Other supplies as needed

Economics Notebook

Each student will be required to keep a Economics notebook. We will spend an entire class period setting them up.

Economics Textbook

Students do not need to bring their textbook to class everyday. I will let students know one day in advance when they need to bring their textbooks to class.

Grading Policy

Your grade will be determined by a point system where every assignment is assigned a point total. Total points can be tallied at any time and divided into the total number of points you have received to figure your grade. For instance, if out of 1000 points you have received 740, your grade would be 74%.

Grading Scale;

A = 89.5-100

B = 79.5-89.4

C = 69.5-79.4

D = 59.5-69.4

F = 59.4 or below

I do update Parent Link every other Friday. If you ever have a question about your child’s grade, check Parent Link, and then feel free to email () or call if you feel it is necessary.

** All seniors must pass Economics with a 59.5% or better in order to graduate. If students receive a 73% or below, they will receive an “In Danger of Failing” on their progress report.

Late Work Policy

You may submit work up to 1 week late for a loss of 50%. Late work will not be accepted thereafter. Excused absences are exempted from this rule during the one day for each excused day policy, but after the make up period is over, the late work policy is in effect.

Students who are in school on the day that an assignment is due and need to leave prior to class should turn in the assignment prior to leaving the building.

Homework Policy

Students can expect to have homework every night, but will receive no more homework than is stated by BP 6145.

Homework assignments are expected to be completed by the due date. Students who are in school on the day that an assignment is due and need to leave prior to class should turn in the assignment prior to leaving the building, otherwise the work will be considered late.

Other Classroom Policies

Classroom Rules:

1. Students are expected to pay attention, follow directions, and stay on task.

2. Respect the teacher, your fellow students, and yourself including thoughts, ideas, and personal property.

3. Ask permission to get up out of your seat.

4. Students will follow any and all rules in the Tracy High School Student Handbook.


  1. Verbal praise and recognition
  2. I will give extra credit for any bathroom passes not used during the semester.


  1. Verbal warning
  2. Seat Change
  3. Referral to Counselor
  4. 20 Minute Lunch Time Detention
  5. Teacher Suspension from Class
  6. Full Day of “In-House” Suspension
  7. Off Campus Suspension

**Subject to change depending on behavior

In regards to tardies:


3-4Loss of one bathroom pass

5Referral to Attendance office + 2 hours of SaturdaySchool

6Referral to Attendance office + 4 hours of SaturdaySchool

7Refer to AP, One day at “In-House” suspension

8Loss of off campus lunch privileges

In regards to bathroom usage: Students may not use the bathroom 10 minutes after the bell rings to start class or 10 minutes before the end of class. Student will be allowed to use the bathroom without penalty three times a quarter.

In regards to food and drink: The only food or drink allowed in the classroom is bottled water.

In regards to electronics: Any electronic devices in use during class time will be confiscated and returned to you at teacher’s discretion.

Documentation of late work: As mentioned in the syllabus, late work will be accepted at 50% off if turned in with in a week of the original due date. You must document your late work. You will need to identify the work as late. For example, if your assignment is one day late please write “late – one day” on your paper. If it is late due to an excused absence please write that as well.

In regards to make-up work: I will distribute to you any assignments you missed when absent upon your return to class via the class make-up box. You will be given one day for every day of excused absence to complete missed work without penalty. For, example if you missed five days of school you will have five days to complete and turn in all missed work. Missed exams and quizzes are to be made up after school. Make up times will be announced in class. Students who are in “in-house” suspension will be expected to turn in the work they missed upon return to class. If you are going to be in “in-house” suspension for the day, work may be picked up before school on the day of suspension. Students who are suspended may make up missed work at teacher’s discretion.

T.A. Expectations: T.A.’s are expected to show up to class on time and be prepared to work.

Academic Dishonesty

This applies to both written and oral presentations. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following: the willful giving or receiving of an unauthorized text, unfair, dishonest, or unscrupulous advantage in academic work over other students using fraud, duress, deception, theft, trickery, talking, signs, gestures, copying, or any other methodology. Assignments deemed academically dishonest will receive a grade of 0.


  • Submitting or presenting another person’s work as your own without proper documentation, including downloaded information from the Internet and lab data.


  • Giving or receiving information during a test, quiz, and/or class work assignment without teacher authorization.
  • Using hand signals, gestures, and the like during tests or quizzes to obtain/give information
  • Using unauthorized materials during a test or quiz.

Other dishonesties:

  • If you have any questions or concerns that something may be considered academically dishonest, please communicate with the instructor.

Tips for Doing Well in Government

-Take complete class notes and date them. Put them in your words. Don’t write down something you don’t understand without asking about it. Leave some blank space on each page to make additions and clarifications. It is very important to review your class notes each day while they are still fresh in your mind. Expand them, clarify them, and add examples so that they will make sense when you go back to study them later.

-Learn to read more effectively. You can read more effectively by doing the following;

  1. Read actively; don’t just look at the words. If you spend a half-hour “reading,” but are unable to recall anything when you are done, the time has been wasted.
  2. Preview the chapter quickly before you begin, and review the material frequently. Pause at the end of each paragraph and summarize mentally, in your own words, what you just read. Ask yourself, “What do I believe the main ideas of this chapter are going to be?”
  3. Do not ignore pictures, diagrams, tables, and sidebars in your textbook. These features serve to make the text more interesting and may include important information.
  4. Take notes as you read. If you can condense a 30 page chapter to a few pages of good notes, it’s going to be much easier to review when it comes time to study. Be sure to keep a list of questions about the reading.

-Pick a “study buddy” or form a study group.

(Cut and return portion below this line.)

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please review the above syllabus and sign as a receipt of this information. If you have questions please reach me by email () or by phone (830-3360 ext. 2267). Thank you for taking the time to review these policies with your student.


Justin Nunn

Print Student’s Name ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number______Email:______

Student’s Signature ______Date:______