Reference: / Writing date: / Page:
X-DIS/XBRL / 21-06-2006 / 1
Software AG:
Project / date / Hour / Meeting Place
X-DIS/XBRL Project / 21/06/2006 10:00 / At INEBuilding located at C/ Rosario Pino, 14-16 Madrid
Writing Person / Issue / Goal
Adolfo Rodríguez / Third Working Session

Note: In case some of the attendees are not in agreement with part or the totality of this minute, it has a term of fifteen working days to notify it to the writing person in charge that will come to its revision and rectification if therefore it is decided. If not claims, esteem that all the assistants give their conformity to this minutes.



Mr. José Manuel Bercebal Gómez

Mr. Gervasio-Luis Fernández Trasobares (Metodología y Técnicas Estadísticas)

Ms. Ana Isabel Sánchez-Luengo Murcia

Mr. José Manuel Feito Fairén (Estadísticas Industriales)

Ms. Raquel del Río Paramio (Estadísticas de los Servicios)

Software AG

Mr. Adolfo Rodríguez Miguélez (Consultant)

Ms. Marta Sancho González (Analyst Programmer)

Not Attendees


Treated Subjects

The goal of the meeting, which took from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, has been to explain the test taxonomy and test plan to Spanish Statistics Institute (INE). The attendees were the Managing Directors of the different INE business areas.

  • In first time, has been shortly reviewed the objectives of X-DIS program and X-DIS/XBRL project to situate the context of the meeting
  • Second time, has been explained the analysis evolution to obtain the model of the test taxonomy and has been showed the taxonomy structure.
  • Has been explained the test plan to realise between enterprises and INE and has been listed the different technical possibilities to develop it.
  • Enterprises selection by INE to the test plan has been commented.
  • A possible real case and expected results has been presented.

The most important issues arisen from the discussions in the first session were:

  • Has been confirmed by NSI the difficulty of data reuse of the annual account: Balance Sheet, Income Statements and Notes…INE comments that there are a few concepts that could be mapped, but those are a small amount.
  • INE explains to the Work Team the current workflow between enterprises and INE:
  • INE sends surveys by post and after, carries out further revisions by phone,
  • If any enterprise requests the survey in electronic format, INE sends it an Excel form to be filled,
  • In some cases there exist online formsat the INE website. It does not includeCommon Questionnairesfor industry and services,
  • When INE receives the filled forms, they are validated and storedin a Database by manual process (manual data input processes).
  • Has been solved some doubts about the taxonomy, for example, the reference linkbase of the taxonomy should be filled with references to GAAP, SBS and to the internal manual of gathering procedures of INE.
  • The questionnaires are sent to a large amount of different enterprises, in some cases the enterprise is a freelance without possibility of using integration systems, in other cases are large enterprises that should to fill more than 1 hundred of questionnaires during the year. So is necessary reducing the impact on XBRL adoption inside the enterprises. Has been proposed that test plain in enterprises may be performed in a transparent way.
  • In this way, companies that do not want to be XBRL aware, can fill the forms and the own forms do the work for them in a transparent fashion,
  • INE offers to enterprises XBRL integration at any time,
  • Software providers can implement XBRL on their products targeted for smaller enterprises,
  • INE benefits from process automation for XBRL introduction.
  • For this reasons, due to the change to XBRL is transparent for the enterprise, INE has doubts if is really necessary to involve to the enterprises in the test plan. INE proposes like an option realises the test at INE exclusively.
  • In the case that the test plan is realised with enterprises, the selection will be focused in enterprise members of XBRL Spanish Jurisdiction.

Decided Actions

Action / Responsible / Date
Software AG will send the taxonomy to INE for its revision / INE / ASAP
INE will plan a meeting between the Software AG work group and IT personnel of INE to discuss about the current infrastructure required for the test. / INE / ASAP
INE will response about the location of enterprises for the test plan. / SAG / ASAP
/ Confidential Document property of Eurostat / /