Mr. Hoole’s Science Class

Welcome to Middle Level Science! Here we are going to learn the basics that will carry you throughout your high school science levels. My goal is to help bring science to life and to help you, the student,gain an interest in one of the fields of science. Whether it is discovering the nuances of Biology, or learning to create substances from Chemistry, or delving into the secrets of the Earth in Earth Science, or even unraveling the workings of the universe with Physics.

To do this we need to have a safe learning environment where we can not only learn together but also to explore the more physical side of science, the labs. To achieve this safe environment there will be rules put in place and procedures that will help us to be as efficient as possible.

Also in order to make the experience productive it is important that everyone always be willing to participate. Points will be awarded for participation, these points will be forfeited if the student does not participate, is not prepared for the day or is not behaving properly as the situation calls for it.

Hall Pass: Each student will receive 3 hall passes to use throughout each term; any unused hall pass can be turned in for extra credit in assignments on the last week of the term.

Late Work: Assignments handed in on time will receive full points. Any assignment handed in late will receive a reduced amount based on the number of days late. Assignments will always receive at least 50%.

Grading:Grades are determined using a weighted grading scale. The grades are split into three categories; Assignments, Quizzes and Tests. Assignments are worth 50% of the student’s grade, Quizzes and Tests are each worth 25% of the grade. The total percentage from each category is used to determine the student’s final grade according to the grading scale here.

A 94+ / A- 90 / B+ 87 / B 84 / B- 80 / C+77 / C 74 / C 70 / D+ 67 / D 64 / D- 60

Each student must take this home and read it with their parent. After they have both signed below please cut off the signed section bring it back to the class. The remainder of the disclosure is to be kept in the student notebook at all times

I ______(student name) have read and understand the terms of the class that I will be participating in this year. I understand that my grade is based on a weighted scale and that in order for work to receive full credit it must be turn in on time. I understand that I am to participate in the activities of the classroom and that I am responsible to be prepared for each day in the classroom.

Student signatureParent Signature
