Mr. Gillespie — Fall 2016 . . . Tentative Course Overview . . .

English 4

I — Culture and Identity

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

A Streetcar Named Desire

II — Existentialism

The Metamorphosis... The Stranger

III — Expectations and Social Behavior

The Tragedy of Hamlet

short fiction and poetry

CORE Works:selections from short fiction and poetry, The Metamorphosis, A Streetcar Named Desire,

The Stranger, a Shakespeare play

English 4Research Paper:CP— 3-4pages ... CPA— 4-5pages ... Honors — 7-8pages


90% — Assessment (essays, tests, projects)10% —21st Century Skills

 homeworkpoints will be awarded only if the assignment is on time and complete.

YOU should contribute daily to a positive classroom environment by . . .

• preparing for and participating productively in all class activities

• submitting assignments on time and submitting makeup work promptly

• maintaining a notebook and student agenda

• arranging for extra help when you need it

• taking proper care of books, equipment, and materials

 Be prompt — Be prepared — Be attentive — Be respectful — Be responsible

CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES include . . . journal and essay writing; vocabulary development; making historical, cultural, and social connections; reading about literature and authors; individual and group presentations; HSPA preparation — Using . . . novels, stories, poems, drama, music, films, art, nonfiction, biographies, related readings about literature, research.

Classroom Activities Develop Student Abilities

 Classroom Activities Student Abilities

thinking / creatingspeaking / listeningREADING . . . responding analytically, personally,

questioning / debatingproblem solvingimaginatively, collaboratively to build connections

viewing / researchingstaging / role playingWRITING . . . critically, creatively, independently,

READINGWRITINGcollaboratively to build connections

Indicators of Student PROGRESS and GROWTH

Instruction and assessment are ongoing and mutually supportive in our classrooms. We teach for understanding and performance and assess both what students know and what they can do. As students explore content and concepts and develop skills, their efforts and accomplishments are assessed by multiple criteria, such as . . .

quizzes / tests / midterms / finalsnotebooks / journals / logshomework

presentations / projectsoral / independent readingresearch

writing circles / conferenceswriting folders / portfoliosessays / papers

teacher observation of classwork — preparation, participation, productivity, effort

Midterm and Final Examinations

All midterms and finals include reading and writing tasks and are essentially performance based.