Outline,updated 8thDec 8 pm / This is a draft outline, unless it is mentioned in respect of persons and organizations as confirmed all others should be treated as “to be confirmed (TBC)”
Title / Climate Displacement : Promoting and Protecting the Climate Migrants Rights
Date and time / 9th December Friday 19.00 to 21.00 hours, followed by drinks and dinner 21.00 to 22.30 hours
Venue / Hotel 71, Kaizuddin Tower, 176 Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam Sarani, (Old 47 Bijoy Nagar), Dhaka 1000,
Objectives / (i)To appraise the climate displacement situation globally with a special focus on Bangladesh,
(ii)To inform key GFMD (Global Forum on Migration and Development) leaders on the discourse both in and outside of UNFCCC process,
(iii)To discuss how the civil society and other can participate in the UN framework discourse “Global Compact on Orderly, Regularly and Safe Migration” and
(iv)Solicit opinions from the GFMD leaders on the issue for future progression.
Chair / Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman, Chairman, PKSF and One of the Leading Climate Change Negotiator on Behalf of Government of Bangladesh(confirmed)
Chief Guest / Dr. Hasan Mahmud, MP, Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Environment and Forest (confirmed)
Special Guest / H.E ShahidulHague, Foreign Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chair GFMD
Honorable Guest / H. E Ambassador Riaz Hamidullah, Bangladesh Ambassador to Sri Lanka
Mr. Henrik Widht, Deputy Head of Mission, Norwegian Embessy in Bangladesh (confirmed)
Panel Members /
  1. Mr. Colin Rajah, Civil Society Chair 2016
  2. Mr. Ashley WilliamBonaventure Gois, Migrant Forum Asia
  3. Mr. SayedSaifulHaque, WARBE
  4. Dr. Gopal Krishna Siwakoti, Asia Pacific Refugee Right Networks (confirmed)
  5. Ms. Sarnata Reynolds, Policy Lead, Rights in Crisis, Policy Advisor, Global Displacement and Migration, Oxfam International (confirmed)
  6. Mr. Sanjay Vashist, Co ChairClimate Action Network (confirmed)
  7. MrHarjeet Singh, Global Lead on Climate Change, Action Aid International (confirmed)
  8. Mr. Atle Solberg, Head of the PDD (Platform on Disaster Displacement, Unit. PDD an state led initiative currently Germany is the Chair, Bangladesh is the Vice Chair and around 30 countries are the members including EU. (confirmed)
  9. Mrs. Farah Kabir, Action Aid Bangladesh (confirmed)

Moderator / Rezaul karim Chowdhury, COAST / EquityBD
Key methodology and time allocation for the session / (i)Intro. from the Chair and presentation of the issue by the moderator 10 minutes
(ii)First round presentation from the panel members, @ 4 x 9 = 36 minutes,
(iii)Open floor for participants, question and comments, 30 minutes
(iv)Second round from the interested panel members, @ 3 x 6 = 18 minutes
(v)Deliberations from honorable guest, special guest and chief guest, @ 5 x 3 = 15 minutes or more
(vi)Deliberations and conclusion from the Chair = 7 minutes
Materials / A concept note on the session and a symbolic campaign “Humanity Passport” containing basic statistics in this regard will be supplied to all the participants prior to the seminar. These materials will also be available in and
Organizers (in alphabetical order) / Action Aid Bangladesh, APRRN (Asian Refugee Rights Network (TBC), BCSCC (Bangladesh Civil Society Coordination Committee (TBC), CAN South Asia, COAST, MFA (Migrant Forum Asia (TBC) and NorwegianRefugee Council (NRC)… more others may join in this regard.
Participation / By invitation only, we have limited seat capacity, which is up to 80.
All communication / RezaulKarimChowdhury, , +8801711529792, Mustafa Kamal Akanda, , +8801711455591
Information available in / and in the notice board section.