Examination Directions
Please note that you must complete the lesson plan project and open book examination (and any other required work) before the expiration date of your course. We prefer that you take your time and do the best work you can and you may use the exam and lesson plan project to help guide your studies.
Lesson Plan Project
Write a detailed lesson plan teaching intermediate level high school students the language they might need to ask and answer questions about their hobbies. If you look on the Internet you may find many good examples.
Be careful to not teach too much language in one lesson. Use the example lesson plan format that is presented on the website and follow either a PPP or an ESA structure for the lesson. Be sure to include an example of your boardwork showing what the board might look like at the end of your class.
Ten Point Lesson Plan Checklist
Use this checklist to review your lesson plan BEFORE submitting it for evaluation.
We will keep it simple and let you know what things we look for that will most affect your evaluation
_____ 1. Is a clear and definable method used? Please use PPP or ESA.
_____ 2. Are the individual parts of the lesson clearly labeled?
______3. Are there clearly noted presentation, practice and production sections (or ESA sections)?
______4. Is pair work or small-group work included in the lesson?
______5. Is teacher-talk time minimized and student-talk time maximized?
______6. Is there a clear and definable goal for the lesson?
______7. Is the language for the lesson clearly linked to the goal of the lesson?
______8. Have you included all handouts and/or activity sheets with your lesson plan?
______9. Have you included an example of your boardwork?
______10. If your lesson is a “conversation” type lesson where speaking skills are emphasized, have you minimized the amount of time students spend with non-speaking activities such as reading or writing?
The lesson plan is and should be the most time consuming component of your examination as it is the most important and will be 50% of this evaluation.
Open Book Examination
Please answer questions with short but complete responses. When writing, please use English correctly, spell correctly and avoid the use of slang or pop terminology. It is important to begin practicing those skills now as you will need to develop the habit when teaching English as a foreign language.
In all descriptions and explanations, use simple and clear language that you would expect your students to understand.
You may write your answers on this document or use a fresh Word document being careful to label the number of each question.
Go to the next page for the examination
Section I: English Teaching Methods
1. When and why might you use a student’s first language (L1) in the classroom?
2. What is the purpose of language teaching methodologies like PPP or ESA?
3. What other teaching methodologies might you find useful? Why?
4. What are the steps in a PPP lesson. Describe them in detail. Which step is most important? Why?
Section 2: Lesson Planning
5. Why might it be important for a teacher to develop a lesson plan for each
lesson, rather than just “winging” it?
6. What is the purpose of a lesson plan?
Section 3: Boardwork
7. Why should you not write on the far top right of the marker board?
Section 4: Grammar
8. How many parts of speech are there? Name and briefly describe each with simple language that your students would understand. Give an example of each.
9. How would you describe the use of the future perfect continuous form of a verb? Give an example of it in a complete sentence.
10. What is the difference between a phrase, clause and sentence? Give an example of each.
11. What is a demonstrative pronoun versus a demonstrative adjective?
Give an example of each.
12. Why does a teacher need to know grammar?
13. How are the quantifiers some and any used differently?
Give an example of each.
14. List all twelve tenses or aspects of verbs and give an example of each in a sentence. You may use the next full page for the task.
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15. What are participial adjectives? Give two examples in sentences.
Part Five: Pronunciation
16. Why it is important to speak to your students naturally and as close to normal speed as possible?
17. Why might respelling be useful for your students? Write an example of respelling below.
18. What is the problem with using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to help your students understand pronunciation of a word?
19. What is linking? Write an example sentence below and show where linking occurs.
20. How might you respell Jim wants to go to the bank after school?
Indicate where linking occurs in the sentence.
Part Six: Teaching Reading
21. Explain surveying, scanning and skimming. Why are they important skills?
22. Why is it important to help students understand the role that affixes play in the English language?
Part Seven: Teaching Writing
23, Why is it important to teach students good basic sentence writing skills?
Part Eight: Teaching Listening
24. How is teaching listening similar to teaching pronunciation?
25. How is teaching listening similar to teaching reading?
Part Nine: Error Correction
26. What is the tension between accuracy and fluency and how can it be a problem for students? In which direction should you err when teaching conversation or speaking classes?
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