Mr. Brouillard/Mrs. Stedman’s 10th Grade Global History
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to 10th grade Global History, the second of a two-year course where students learn about defining moments in history and the individuals involved. The year will culminate with the mandatory Global History and Geography Regents Exam, where students will use their knowledge and analytical skills to demonstrate their understanding of world history.
This year, the NYS Regents will not include previous 9th grade material. So, we will begin our school year with a short review of the 9th grade skills and concepts that are important to refresh. Upon completing the review, we will persist on to the study of the Enlightenment, continue our time travel through the wars of the 20th century, and end our journey with events of the modern era.
Students are expected to come to each class fully prepared. This means they are to have their supplies, completed the previous night’s homework, and be able to participate in class discussions. I have included in this letter some of the expectations and requirements for students to succeed this year.
- A three-ring binder with loose leaf and dividers
- Section 1 – Class notes, handouts, in-class assignments
- Section 2 – Homework assignments
- Section 3 – Tests and quizzes
- Section 4 – Essays (thematic, DBQ, and other writing assignments)
- Please date all pages and place them in chronological order in each section!
- Black or blue pens
- Highlighters for reading assignments
- Colored pencils (to be kept at home for projects and maps)
- Handouts from website, if it states that the handout should be printed
***While not required, it can be useful to have a USB flashdrive/thumb drive to allow students to transport work from one computer to another. ***
Class Rules and Regulations:
There are some basic rules that must be followed to make the year a pleasant and productive one.
1) Absolutely no cell phone use in the classroom. I do not want to even see them!
2) No food or drinks in the classroom without a valid pass.It is a distraction to me and other students. Eat breakfast before school!
3) Be punctual! – This means you should be IN YOUR SEAT when the bell rings with your notebook out ready to go. We only have about 40 minutes a class and thousands of years to cover…every minute is crucial!
4) The bathroom is only for emergencies.This goes along with the previous statement. In the event of an emergency you will need to sign the bathroom log.
5) Raise your hand. Please no calling out or interrupting (the teacher or fellow students). It is important that we show respect for each other.
Assessment/Grading Policy:
Tests: 40%
Quizzes: 25%
Essay and free-response writing: 15%
Homework, projects: 10%
Participation: 10%
Final Grade Breakdown:
Q1 = 20%
Q2 = 20%
Q3 = 20%
Q4 = 20%
Midterm = 10%
Final = 10%
Late Assignments/Absence Policy:
1) Failure to have your homework will result in academic detention. If an assignment is not handed in when it is collected in class, it is late. Do not do your homework during lunch and expect it to be on time.The homework should be made up in academic detention for partial credit. If the homework is not made up in academic detention and handed in by the next day you will receive a zero for the assignment.
2) Late projects and assignments will lose 10 points for each day the assignment is turned in past the due date.
3)If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to obtain and complete all missing assignments within one cycle of returning. This includes homework assignments and copying class notes.
4) If a student has anexcused absence deductions on work will not begin until the day AFTER they return. Work due on the day of absence can be handed in for no point deduction on the day the student returns to school. Example: If you are absent on a Wednesday and return the next day, you may hand in work Thursday without losing points.
5) If a student is absent for a test or quiz, he/she will be expected to take the test/quiz on the day of return and will receive a test/quiz different from the class. The student will be responsible for making up any work missed while taking a make-up examination.
Extra Help: Will be held in room 306 on Wednesday’s at 7:00 AM – 7:40 PM.
10th Grade Global Studies
Mr. Brouillard/Mrs. Stedman, Room 306 –
Please return this page by Thursday, September 7th. This will count as a homework assignment. Points will be deducted for every day that this is late.
I, ______, have read and understood the grading policy, requirements, and rules for 10thgrade Global Studies. I understand that I am expected to come to class fully prepared and know what is required to succeed in this class.
Home Phone:______
Cell Phone: ______
Work Phone:______
Email Address: ______
Which means of contact is the best way to reach you?______
Which times are the best times to contact you? ______