Labour Market Framework: National Recruitment and Employee Retention Strategy: Draft 2013-2016 Action Plan

New Actions / Monitoring Actions / Evaluation
Objective / Actions / Stakeholders / Resources / Timeline / Outputs / Indicators / Current Situation / 2016 projection / Outcomes / Indicator / Current Situation / 2013 projection
Governance an practise Goal: Stakeholders implement the LMF National Recruitment and Retention Strategy together
Implementing the LMF National Recruitment and Retention Strategy / National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee continue to monitor and assess the implementation of the National Recruitment and Retention Strategy of the Labour Market Framework for Yukon / Any stakeholders interested or impacted by recruitment and retention
Specifically: President, Board of Directors members and human resources representatives of: Crown corporation, Yukon Government, Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, Yukon Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Mines, Corporation in the energy. Mines and resources sectors, Northwestel, AFY, Yukon First Nations, Multicultural Centre, municipal governments, Association of Yukon Community / In kind contribution by attending the meetings / From 2013-to 2016 / Committee members assess the implementation of the LMF National Recruitment and Retention Strategy on a regular basis
Committee members monitor the implementation of the LMF National Recruitment and Retention Strategy
Committee members advise the chairs on changes to make to the Action Plan and any related issues regarding recruitment and retention efforts and initiaitives
Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the strategy published each month of March
Co-chair model in place (with a YG and a non-YG as chairs) / # of stakeholder attending the LMF National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee meeting
# of meeting per years
# of issues identified and recommendation made to / Stakeholder met on a regular basis since 2010. / Stakeholders are satisfied with the impact of the strategy’s implementation
Stakeholders participate actively in the committee / Progress Report developed and published / Regular meeting with a satisfactory participant turnout / Regular meeting are organized / Stakeholders are engaged and satisfied with the progress made regarding the implementation
Strategic Goal 1.0: Recruitment Facilitates Yukon employers’ ability to recruit suitable employees.
1.1 Increase the awareness of the Yukon as a desirable location to work and live. / 1.1.1 Promote a variety of communication tools available to use for recruiting hard to fill positions
1.1.1 A) Promote a variety of communication tools available for Yukon employers to use for recruiting hard to fill positions / Yukon Government (Advanced Education Branch, Economic Development, Tourism)
Multi-cultural Centre
Private Sector Employers
City of Whitehorse
Yukon Chamber of Commerce
Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce
Yukon Chamber of Mines
Association franco-yukonnaise
Association of Yukon Community / Funds for content development/web design
Stakeholders In kind contribution / 2014-2015 / Content (Multi-Media and Videos - living/working in Yukon) developed
Promotion of Yukon (e.g., quality of life, health care, wages, opportunities, economic growth, outdoors, environment)
Better communication among stakeholders and with the targeted audience
Marketing campaign developed
Effective partnerships established: Linked efforts to Economic Development, Yukon Mines and Training Association and the Yukon’s Hospital Corporation
Coordinated approach to promote existing tools
Existing newsletter mentioned the existing tools
Candidates recruited used the information tools developed by stakeholders
Links to employment sites, posted jobs, and support (e.g., multi-cultural centre) / # of employers using developed websites
Collaboration among employers and government in the promotion of the existing tools developed
Newsletters content mentioned the communication tools developed
Candidates recruited by stakeholders used information tools developed / Website developed: Yukon Community Profiles, WorkFutures,
Invest Yukon
Promotional campaign are implemented
Partnerships are established
Recruitment and Retention Committee established
Yukon Human Resource Manager Association established / Visitors to web sites/ social media find attractive and vibrant site that effectively promotes Yukon as a place to live and work
1.1.1 B) ) Promote a variety of communication tools available for students to use for finding career and employment information / Yukon Government (Advanced Education Branch, Yukon Public Schools)
Multi-cultural Centre
Private Sector Employers
City of Whitehorse
Yukon Chamber of Commerce
Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce
Yukon Chamber of Mines
Association franco-yukonnaise
Association of Yukon Community
Commission Scolaire Francophone du Yukon
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre
Schools Councils
Group of Careers practitionners
Yukon First Nation Employment Training Officers
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Funds for content development/web design
Stakeholders In kind contribution / 2014-2015 / Information session given in schools throughout Yukon
Stakeholders of the LMF Recruitment and Retention committee are informed of any new development / Information shared among stakeholders
Student from Yukon Public Schools are informed about the information available
Students from Yukon Public Schools are guided to access the information available / Multiple stakeholders are disseminating careers and employment information through numerous channels / Students are informed about careers and employment possibilities in Yukon
1.1.2 Yukon’s representatives participate to career and college fairs across Canada to advertise career possibilities and available positions / Yukon Government
Private Sector Employers
Yukon First Nations
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Career and College Fairs
In kind contributions by stakeholders (by example by sending their staff tom these events)
Effective websites / 2014 / More exposure of the Yukon as a place to live and work at job fairs
People in skilled-trades are connecting with employers
Participation to careers and college fairs (by example Destination Canada) / # of employers who attend career fairs
# of workers who accept positions in Yukon from career fairs / Yukon Hospital Corporation send representatives to job fairs in Canada / Yukon actively promotes itself as a place to live and work at career fairs
Demand for skilled trades and other employment opportunities met due to exposure at career fairs
1.1.3 Yukon host international and national conferences of professional associations as an approach to promote Yukon to professionals. / Yukon Government
City of Whitehorse
Chambers of Commerce members
Crown Corporation
Yukon Convention Bureau / Incentives for organizations developed by Yukon Convention Bureau
In kind contribution by stakeholders / 2016 / Increase of conferences
National Conferences hosted in Yukon / # Number of professional association approached to organize their conferences in Yukon.
# of organization who choose to host their conference in Yukon. / More organizations chose Yukon as a place to host their conferences. / Yukon actively promotes itself as a place to live and work
1.1.4 Participating in the Yukon Housing Strategy / National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Yukon Education / 2014 / Liaison with the Yukon Housing Strategy established / # of meetings attended
Information shared with Recruitment and Retention Committee / 5 years Housing Strategy (2013-2018) / Yukon is a more affordable place to live as a result of the Yukon Housing Strategy implementation
1.1.5 Education, Career, and Volunteer Expo organized annually / Volunteer Yukon,
Yukon College,
Yukon Chamber of Commerce,
Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Volunteer Yukon, Yukon College in kind contribution and funding
Sponsorship by the industry / Ongoing Annually / Student, job seekers and job planners have access to employment related information and contacts / # of exhibitors
# of entries
# of sponsors and contributions / Stakeholders planned an Education, Career, and Volunteer Expo / The Education, Career, and Volunteer Expo is seen as an effective event by employers, students and sponsors
1.1.6 Launch an Info and marketing campaign to recruit specialized skilled position / Public Service commission,
Advanced Education Branch,
Chambers of Commerce and Mines
Department of Tourism and Culture
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Yukon Education Funding / 2014 / Campaign realized / # of employer aware of the campaign / No campaign launched / Stakeholders work together in a collaborative way to improve recruitment in the Territory
1.2 Increase the return rate of Yukon students who leave for school and return back to Yukon for work / 1.2.1 Increase number of local students who return from university and have educational backgrounds applicable to jobs to which they are applying / Advanced Education Branch,
Public Service Commission,
Yukon Chamber of Commerce
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Department of Education
Economic Development / 2015 / Yukonners studying outside Yukon are recognized as valuable
Option for leveraging the Yukon student grant as financial incentive are developed
Incentives for employers to hire recent graduated are explored and developed
A Return to Yukon indicator is developed / # of programs to hire recent graduates among Yukonners
# of applicants to those programs / Grad Corps
Step Programs / Local students have assistance from programs to find employment in Yukon after graduation
1.2.2 Work and mentorship opportunities are available for returning students to find employment in their field / Yukon Government
Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Mines
Yukon College
First Nations Governments
Yukon Hospital Corporation
Yukon Business
Volunteer Yukon
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Department of Education / 2016 / Recent graduates are mentored and assisted to find relevant jobs in Yukon
Best practises of mentorships initiatives are identified and promoted
Evaluation of mentorships initiative performed
Step Program and Grad Corp Program ongoing / Monitor # of returning students who are still trying to find permanent employment in their fields
Monitor # of returning students who find successful work opportunities
Grad Corp is offered to recent graduates
Step program is offered to recent graduates / Ad Hoc mentorship offered.
Career counselling and mentoring services are offered by Yukon College, AFY, YCOD, Employment Central, Multicultural Centre, LDAY, YLC, and LDAY / Yukon’s student at Yukon College and in Grades 11 and 12 are aware of the services and programs available
Recent graduates are informed of the Services and Programs available to enter in the labour market
Mentorship initiatives are improved
1.3 Increase the recruitment of under-represented groups, such as aboriginals, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, youth, older workers, social assistance recipients, and women in trades. / 1.3.1 Develop a “Navigator” for small-medium size businesses / Department of Education,
Yukon Chamber of Commerce
Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / In kind contribution by stakeholders / 2015 / “Navigator” developed
Inventory of best workplace integration practises developed / Navigator develop
Best practises on workplace integration practises inventory made / No Workplace Integration Strategy in place / Business owners have access to resource to implement effective workplace integration practises
Under-represented groups are successfully integrated their workplace
1.4 Attract people to Yukon for specialized and hard-to-fill positions. / 1.4.1 Develop a marketing and recruitment initiative to support industry/business recruitment efforts (worker attraction) for skilled trades / Chambers of Commerce
Chamber of Mines
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Yukon Education funding / 2014 / Initiative realized / # of people in trades reached by the initiative / No coordinated initiative launched / Industry /business are supported
Increase of the labour force
1.4.2 Assessing regulation/licensing in order to improve the recruitment of skilled workers in the mining sector / Chamber of Mines
Advanced education Branch
The Mining Producers Group
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / In kind contribution from stakeholders involved / 2014 / Assessment of regulation/licensing to improve the recruitment of skilled mining workers is made / Assessment developed / Existing regulations are barriers to effective recruitment / Recruitment of skilled workers in mining sector is more effective
1.5 Increase the employment of temporary casual workers. / 1.5.1 Integrating successfully temporary Foreign Workers into the labour market
a) Reduce cost of testing for temporary foreign workers / Public Service Commission,
Advanced Education Branch / In kind contributions by stakeholders / 2014 / Info sheet developed
CTF is designed to improve successful labour market integration of temporary foreign workers
Agreement is reach to decreased cost of testing / Cost of testing / Temporary foreign workers are part of the labour market
Testing limits the possibilities of the temporary foreign workers / Employer can use an effective Temporary Foreign Workers Program
Making sure that employers knows about Temporary Workers Program
1.5.1 B) Scoping the barriers to employment faced by temporary foreign workers / Public Service Commission,
Advanced Education Branch / In kind contributions by stakeholders / 2015 / Inventory (scope) developed Recruitment and Retention Committee members participated in the development of the scope. / Inventory developed / Temporary foreign workers face barriers performing in the labour market / Employers are aware of the barriers faced by the temporary foreign workers
1.6 Improve Yukon employers’ access to information/tools to support their ability to recruit employees. / 1.6.1 Informing the business community on information and data affecting recruitment and retention efforts and initiatives / Yukon Education
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Advanced Education staff, EcDev staff, Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / 2014 / LMI Dashboard to be compatible with this landing page
Development of an internet landing page.
Information expected by employers is published on the landing page and in person through the Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Landing page developed / No LMI dashboard for Yukon available online.
Need for horizontal collaboration to present data in a comprehensive approach.
The Yukon Bureau of Statistics “portal” and SWEP exist / Employer have easily access to relevant, timely and accurate information regarding recruitment and retention
1.6.2 Websites promoting the benefits of living and working in the Yukon are well interconnected / Yukon Education, EcDev, Tourism, HSS, Mines, NGO / No funding required / 2014 / Identified relevant websites are well interconnected / # of websites identified and interconnected / YG Websites are numerous and some of them refers to each other but the overall situation shows a lack of planned interconnection / Web users can navigate easily from a YG Website to another as they are well interconnected
Strategic Goal 2.0 Retention: Enhance Yukon employers’ ability to retain skilled employees.
2.1Increase the awareness of the importance of employee retention. / No action proposed
2.2Improve Yukon employers’ access to information/tools to support their ability to retain employees.
To be replaced by:
Develop and improve Yukon’s employers’ ability to retain employer. / 2.2.1 Promote integration support into community / Whitehorse Chamber of commerce, Yukon chamber of Commerce, AFY, Yukon First Nations, National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / Advanced Education Branch funding / ongoing / Social networking event for employers and job seekers are organized / # of networking session organized for job seekers and employers / Regular events are organized by numerous business oriented organizations. / Specific regular networking event are available for employers and job seekers
2.2.2 Sharing onboarding process among employers / Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, Yukon Chamber of Commerce, Yukon Education, Economic Development, Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee, HRMA, Yukon First Nations, AFY, National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / In kind contribution from stakeholders / On going / Implement basics prior to the first day on the job
Design and implement formal orientation programs
Create and use written onboarding plans
Consistently implement onboarding
Monitor progress over time
Engage key stakeholders in planning
Include key stakeholder meetings
Workshop developed on onboarding practises / # of employers using onboarding practises / Recognize onboarding takes place over time.
Milestones used ( 30 – 60 – 90 – 120 days on the job up to 1 year post-organizational entry) / Employers have a better ability to retain employees by: Attending workshops provided; Recruitment and Retention stakeholders Committee meetings; implementing onboarding best practises.
2.2.3 Enhancing networking among stakeholders / Yuwin and Whitehorse Chamber of commerce, Yukon Chamber of Commerce, Public Service Commission, Yukon Education, AFY, Yukon First Nations, National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / In kind contribution from stakeholders / Official networking Events organised on an annual basis / Networking event organised / # of employers participating in the networking events / Networking events organised by the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce on a regular basis / Increase visibility and participation of stakeholders in the networking events proposed.
Employers expand their knowledge on recruitment and retention.
2.3Increase employers’ awareness of the barriers to employee retention.
To be replaced by:
Increase employers awareness of the reason of what employees appreciate about living in Yukon / 2.3.1 Development of a survey to assess why employees come here / Business owners, Chamber of commerce, Yukon Education, Public Service Commission, Yukon First Nations, Yukon Bureau of Statistics
National Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / In kind contribution from Recruitment and Retention Stakeholders Committee / 2014 / Employee survey are organized / # of employee engaged in the process / Data on employee satisfaction is not available / Employers have access of data from their own employee.
Employers are aware about what are the reason why their employee likes living in Yukon


Draft version December 13, 2013