Mr. Bresciani’s Grade Eight Overview

Language Arts:

  • In Language Arts, students will be engaged in the meaningful use of “language”. The literature selected will be used to aid in the development and understanding of the 6 strands of language: Reading, Writing, Listening, Viewing, Representing and Speaking. These strands will be continuously taught and assessed throughout the course.
  • A resource-based approach in learning will be used; therefore, selections will be taken from a variety of fiction and non-fiction sources. Students will engage in a range of instructional strategies such as: Blog Posts, Vlog Posts, Comprehension Questions, Vocabulary Analysis, Literature Circles, Writers Workshop and Oral Presentations.
  • Thematic units to be explored include: Timeless Narratives of Greek People, Other Skies – Dystopian Societies, Exploring the Unknown (Mysteries) and Doing Our Part for Planet Earth. Students will also engage in a thematic book club novel study that will focus on many popular Dystopian novels.
  • An integrative approach will be used in the teaching of grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and spelling. Research has shown that grammar is only meaningful when understood in the context of literature and language. There will be an emphasis placed upon the writing process as used in writer’s workshop. Vocabulary and Spelling will be integrated with the theme or novel studied.
  • Evaluation will be based on tests, daily assignments, projects, displays and presentations. Assignments will reflect the principles of the Multiple Intelligences.


  • In Math, students will be participating in a relatively new approach to education called the"Flipped Classroom". Essentially a "Flipped Classroom" involves teaching in a way that sees the students learn new content online through the use of educational videos prepared by their teacher. This is usually completed at home and what used to be homework is now accomplished during class time with the teacher. This approach allows for more personalized interactions with the students during class time instead of lecturing.All lessons and other tools are hosted on our Flipped Math website. Feel free to follow along with us as we journey through Math this year:
  • Grade 8 Units:Ratios; Rates and Proportional Reasoning; Pythagorean Relationship and Squares and Square Roots; Understanding Percent; Surface Area; Fraction Operations; Volume; Integers; Linear Relations; Graphing Coordinates and Solving Linear Equations; Representing Data and Interpreting Graphs. Mental Math and Problem Solving will be assessed in all units of study.

Text: Math Links 8 (with supplemental resources)

  • Unit tests and/or quizzes will be given at least every 2 weeks to assess student comprehension and skill. Students will also be evaluated on their Daily Work through Homework and Notebook checks.


  • Science will focus on Resource Based – Thematic Approach. Students will participate in discussion, study content from the text and participate in a variety of labs, as well as complete weekly assignments, quizzes and tests. We will be focusing on four core units throughout the year: Optics and Vision, Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems, Fluids, Forces and Density, Water Systems on Earth.

Health/Fully Alive and Career Education

  • All three subject will focus on a Resource Based – Thematic Approach. Students will participate in discussion as well as complete projects, assignments, quizzes and tests.
  • Text: Fully Alive (Grade 8), Careers for Life (6-8)

Core French:

  • The French program will be based on a communicative approach. Students will be expected to try to read/speak/listen and write in French. This involves: writing sentences, conjugating verbs and other parts of speech.
  • Assignments and projects are usually based on reading, writing, speaking and listening and will involve presenting accordingly to the Multiple Intelligences. Some projects will involve individual work, while others will be assigned in partner or small group format.

Arts Education:

  • Taught by Mrs. PattersonMrs. Papandreou
  • Arts Ed is broken down into four strands: Visual Art, Drama, Dance and Music

Social Studies:

  • Taught by Mr. Rieger
  • Social Studies is organized into four strands of study.

Units will be theme based and focus on the following concepts:

1. Resources and Wealth 2. Power and Authority 3. Interactions and Interdependence 4. Dynamic Relationships.

  • The overall objective of the Social Studies program is to help to develop in students a sense of themselves as active participants and citizens of an interdependent world. Therefore, students will explore many issues and events Current Events will be expected to participate in discussion.


  • This program focuses on assisting the students in nurturing their relationship with God in and through Christ in the context of a spirit filled community. Students will engage in units from the grade 8 curriculum, as well other resources provided by the Regina Catholic School System. We will be exploring the following units: Exploring My Gifts; Compassion and Justice; The Lives of Saints; Stories from the Bible; Examining Faith and the Media; and a Lenten Service Project
  • Text:Stand By Me (Grade 8)
  • Other Resources: We are also very fortunate to have Mr. Miles Myers, who is the Religious Education Coordinator for Regina Catholic, join our class each month to give a presentation that is aligned with our area of study.

Physical Education:

  • Taught by Mr. Garinger
  • Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice skills in a cooperative, fun environment. The students will participate in Phys. Ed activities that focus on Physical fitness, skill development and cooperative games.

Genius Hour:

  • Genius Hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in learning. Students will spend one hour per week learning about the project or passion of their choice through the exploration that is guided by an essential or driving question.
  • At the end of the project students will be required to teach the class about their passion/project in a platform that is up to the individual student. (Poster, Video, Presentation etc.)


  • Students will have the opportunity to exchange books for research and silent reading.
  • We will be participating in a new reading program this year that will allow the students to read and review their novels in a variety of ways including: Blog Posts, Flipgrids, Adobe Spark Posts, Memes, Book Trailers etc.


  • We are in for an exciting year as our class will be participating in the Connected Educator project. As participants in this project, we will have a one-to-one ratio of laptops per student in our classroom. That means that each student will be assigned their own RCSD laptop that will be their responsibility for the duration of the school year. More information on this project will be sent home later this week.
  • Other technology that we will be exploring this year will include:
  • Blogging and Vlogging using Kidblog and Flipgrid
  • Data Organizing Skills (One Note, Microsoft Office 365, Slide Rocket, Emaze, Prezi, Adobe Spark and many more to be explored throughout the year!)
  • Flipped Classroom! Math Lessons online –
  • Ethical use of Internet and e-mail integrated into all subject areas, as well as the proper care of tablets/computers. Students will be encouraged to save all of their digital work to their One Drive account on the Office 365 online cloud.
  • Other Technology to be explored this year: IXL Math, The iPads, Mystery Skypes, Photography Essays and so much more!

Student Work and Responsibility:

  • Assignments are expected to be turned in on time and to be done neatly and thoroughly. Students will be asked to stay in either at lunch or after school to finish incomplete work. Late assignments will be deducted marks accordingly. Students will also be asked to redo any work that is illegible.
  • Students will always have an abundance of class time to complete work. However, whatever does not get finished in class is considered homework and must be taken home and completed for the due date.
  • Math assignments are to be completed in pencil and students are expected to show their work. Some work will be completed with a calculator. Simple addition/subtraction/multiplication and division questions should be completed without the aid of a calculator.

Tests, Projects and Presentations:

  • As an educator, I recognize that today’s classroom is filled with students with varying levels of ability, learning styles, multiple intelligences, and cultural backgrounds. In short, every student in the classroom has their own unique learning needs. It is my responsibility to make sure that I meet those varied needs by providing students with the opportunity to “showcase” their learning in a variety of ways. During a unit of study, students will be able to demonstrate what they have learned in a variety of ways that reflects their learning styles and individual talents.
  • In addition to this, students will have the opportunity to learn strategies for studying and giving presentations. This is very important for our Middle Years students, as these are skills that will be necessary when they enter High School.
  • Evaluation may involve weekly tests to performance assessment at the completion of a unit of study. Students will be made aware of the test at least one week prior to it. There will be a review period in class where students will be informed of study material and given time to briefly review it. However, students will be expected to also study at home.
  • There will be periodic checks to ensure that students have all of the required notes and assignments in their notebooks. If absent, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain the assignment they missed from a “Learning Buddy” or the teacher.


  • Students are expected to be respectful to all people. Disrespect will not be tolerated or accepted.
  • Students are expected to have a positive attitude and to do their best at all they do. Even if a student does not care for a particular activity, they are expected to keep an open mind.
  • Students are expected to follow the Classroom Procedures and the Classroom Policy.
  • Students are expected to act responsibly and to be ambassadors for their family and their school, as they are the eldest students in the building.
  • Students will be expected to keep their classroom clean and tidy. Desks, shelves, lockers and the floor will be each student’s responsibility.
  • Please remember to have a good sense of humour (Which means always laughing at my jokes!!!) as well as a smile. A positive attitude and laugh always makes the day go well!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me:

Phone: 791-7270


Please communicate through email or your child’s agenda, as both forms of communication are checked daily

Student Timetable – 8 -2017/2018