Moving Reimbursements
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the limit for reimbursement?
$1,000 for the entering class of 2008
Your combined receipts are subject to the $1,000 limit.
What expenses are covered?
Purchase of packing materials (boxes, tape, popcorn, crates, rope)
Hotel costs (maximum three night stay, $120 per night maximum)
Airfare (housing scouting trip or move to Nashville)
Mileage reimbursement for personal vehicle (current $ .505 per mile or revised Vanderbilt rate)
Temporary storage of personal items up to 30 days
Ground shipping of cargo OR rental charges for moving trucks or trailers
What expenses are NOT covered by the relocation reimbursement?
Supplemental insurance purchased for shipping packages, rental cars, rental trucks
Food purchased during travel
Realtor or broker fees
Closing costs on realty
Deposits for rental property, rental vehicles, or storage space
Deposits for utility service
Damages to rental vehicles
Labor expenses paid to moving contractors
Can I be reimbursed for a hotel stay in Nashville while I am searching for housing in Nashville?
Yes, you can be reimbursed for this expense. There is a three night maximum with a $120 max per night. You can be reimbursed for hotel expenses for a housing scouting trip or in transit to Nashville.
If I am driving my own vehicle, will I be reimbursed for gas?
Instead of being reimbursed for gas, you will be reimbursed for mileage expenses ($.505 per mile). There is no need to save gas receipts. If you rent a trailer, please bring us the receipt for trailer rental.
If I am renting a truck, will I be reimbursed for gas?
Yes, you will be reimbursed for the cost of the rental vehicle and gas. Please save all receipts. This reimbursement will be subject to the $1000 limit.
If I am renting a truck and driving my own personal vehicle, how will I be reimbursed?
You will be reimbursed for one mode of transportation, but not both. The choice is up to you.
Is the reimbursement taxable?
The University will not remove taxes at the time of reimbursement; however, it will be considered a taxable benefit under IRS policy. If you receive a reimbursement from the University for moving expenses, you cannot deduct these expenses from your 2008 taxes.
How will I be reimbursed?
Please bring your receipts to the BRET office no later than August 31, 2008. At this time, you will complete a check request for reimbursement for all eligible expenses.