Chapter 19 – Animal DiversityName:

Characteristics of Animals:


Multicellular (eliminates the protists)

Moveable (at least one time in its life cycle)

______that ingest their food within their bodies after ingesting organisms, dead or alive, whole or by the piece.

Animal cells lack ______that provide support to plants and fungi.

Animals are held together by ______proteins.

Most have ______cells for movement and ______cells for conducting impulses.

Most animals are ______and reproduce ______.

Egg and sperm are the only ______cells. (Ants, bees, and wasps have some males that develop from unfertilized eggs that are ______)

Sperm and egg join to form a ______.

The ______develops into a multicellular ______.

The ______divides repeatedly in half until there is a ball of cells called a ______.

One side of the ball of cells folds inwards forming a ______.

If the ______becomes an ______, the animal is a ______(echinoderms and chordates). A mouth develops from a second opening later.

If the ______becomes a ______, the animal is a ______.


After ______, many animals develop directly into ______.

Others develop into one or more ______stages first.

Larva undergo ______(major body change) in developing into a______reproducing adult.

Animals have been around for roughly a ______years. The fossil record shows a giant explosion of animal diversity in the Cambrian era (approx. 542 million years ago).


The ______history of animals (where they come from).

The phylum’s are on the far right of the drawing below.

The branch points indicate a common ______between the two ______.

Animal body plans vary in ______, ______, and number of ______layers.

First branch: ______tissues or ___ true tissues.

If there are no true tissues, then the animal is a ______.

If there are true tissues, then the animal is a ______.

Radial Symmetry

Example: Sea Anemone

No matter where you cut through it, it will be the same on either side. Example: ______.

The animal has a top and a bottom but lacks ______and ______or right and left sides.

Radial animals are ______or passive drifting.

These animals have ______-image right and left sides, a ______head and tail, and a back (______) and belly (______) surface.

They also have a brain, sense organs and ______located in the head.

Facilitates mobility; the animals meets its ______head-first.

What does the gastrula become?

If the gastrula becomes an anus, the animal is a deuterostome.

If the gastrula becomes a mouth, the animal is a protostome.


Outer Layer – ______

These are the outer coverings that become your skin or in some organisms becomes ______and the ______


The endoderm is in the ______and becomes the linings of the ______.


The mesoderm becomes the ______and ______.

Animals’ body plans vary in organization of ______.

Phylum Porifera means “pores” Porifera– Sponges

Sponges lack ______tissues.

In other animals, cell layers formed during ______give rise to ______and ______.

Some animals have only ______and ______, but most animals also have ______.

Cnidarians – ______Animals– (Sea Anemones & Jelly Fish)

Sea anemone – ______up and are fixed on the bottom

“hydra” stage

Tentacles containing “______cells.”

In the jellies, the tentacles are facing ______.

They have a mouth that also serves as an ______.

Also have ______cells.

Called the “______stage.”

Body cavities of animals vary.


Example: ______

Have simple ______.

Mouth is located on their ______.

Can cut their ______in half and it will generate two ______.

Example: ______

Tapeworm parasites are found in _____ and ______and other animals.

Tapeworm infections in humans are caused by eating ______or ______infected meat.

The tapeworm larva develops in the human ______and can grow up to _____ feet.

Scolex on the ______end to attach to their host.

They do not have a “_____” digestive system.

They absorb nutrients through their flat-bodied _____.

Nematode: Nematode Worms

Longitudinal ______

Over ______species, many are parasitic.

They have a ______digestive system.

Example: ______in dogs.

Nematodes ______on Humans:

Ascarids (______)




All have a ______foot.

All have a ______mass containing most of the internal organs.

Their ______may secrete a shell to enclose the visceral mass.

Gastropods – ______groups of mollusks and include ______and ______.

Most snails are protected by a single, _____ shell.

In land snails, the lining of the mantle cavity functions as a ______.

Slugs have lost their ______and shell and have long colorful projections that function as _____.


Shells divided into ______that are hinged together.

Examples: clams, ______, mussels, and ______

Most are ______suspension feeders.


Octopi, squid, ______.

Means “______”

They are found in all oceans and cannot live in ______.

Agile predators!

Large ______

______-like jaws

Annelids – ______Worms

______parts – segments

Example: ______and leeches

They have a ______circulatory system.


Over a ______species.

Crayfish, ______, crabs, spiders, ______, and insects.

Success is due to segmentation, a ______skeleton, and ______appendages

Insects - Most ______of all animals!

More than a ______species of insects have been identified.

Many can ______.

______coating on the cuticle.