Creative Composition

Creative Composition

“Indecisive in Ithaca” Creative TAC Rubric
Student Name:
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Accuracy +
Content / Writer offers two different reasons (DI), each with substantial references for support, as to why Penelope should either welcome or reject Odysseus. Analysis clearly sways reader. / Writer offers two different reasons (DI), each with adequate references for support, as to why Penelope should either welcome or reject Odysseus. Analysis sways reader. / Writer offers two reasons, each with minimal to moderate reference for support, as to why Penelope should either welcome or reject Odysseus. Reader not totally convinced by advice. / Writer offers less than two reasons and minimal references for support as to why Penelope should either welcome or reject Odysseus. Reader not convinced at all.
Style / Letter is in correct format with an appropriate heading, inside address, salutation, body length, closing and signature. / Letter is in correct format with an appropriate heading, inside address, salutation, closing and signature. Body length is a bit too short or not broken up into paragraphs correctly. / Letter is missing one element of proper format: either the heading, inside address, salutation, closing or signature. Body length is a bit too short or not broken up into paragraphs correctly. / Letter is missing more than one element of proper format, which includes the heading, inside address, salutation, closing or signature. Body length is too short or not broken up into paragraphs correctly.
Diction and Mechanics. / Error Free
No spelling errors found. Punctuates all sentences correctly. No run ons or fragments found. No grammar errors.
Within blacklisted words limit. Great verbs and sentence style. / Minor errors
1-2 spelling errors found; punctuates almost all sentences correctly; a run on or fragment found. Some grammar errors.
A few too many blacklisted words. Good verbs and sentence style. / A bit careless
A few spelling errors found. Some punctuation errors. Some run ons or fragments found. Grammar errors interrupted flow.
Blacklisted words indicate a weakness in vocabulary and sentence style. / Unedited and sloppy. Several spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors throughout.
Blacklisted words throughout and many sentences that are poorly structured or incoherent.
And Presentation / Letter is presented in a way that is appropriate for the time. Diction and style of writing is time appropriate. Letter looks authentic to time period. Writer takes many extra steps to make the letter look authentic. Is creative, entertaining, touching or funny. / Letter is presented in a way that is appropriate for the time. Diction and style of writing is time appropriate. Letter looks authentic to time period. Writer takes a few extra steps to make the letter look authentic. Is fairly creative, entertaining, touching or funny. / Letter is presented in a way that could be a bit more appropriate for the time. Diction and style of writing is usually time appropriate. Letter looks fairly authentic. Writer takes little effort to make the letter look authentic. Is fairly creative, entertaining, touching or funny / Letter is not really appropriate for the time. Diction and style of writing is not usually time appropriate. Letter does not look very authentic. Writer makes little to no effort to make the letter look authentic. Is not very creative, entertaining, touching or funny.


The Odyssey

Creative Composition

Imagine that Poseidon, in his attempts to ruin Odysseus’s homecoming, informed Penelope of all of Odysseus’ adventures between the time Odysseus left the shores of Troy until the time he proved his identity at home. Essentially, Penelope knows everything you do after reading The Odyssey. She knows he committed both honorable and dishonorable acts. Penelope is now torn: should she take back the husband she loves and waited for these past 20 years? Or should she reject him because of his behavior during his time at sea? She writes the following letter to the advice column of the local paper, The Olympian Observer.

Dear Olympian Observer:

My husband, a known war-hero and skillful strategist, just returned home after a very long absence. After hearing of his adventures during this time abroad, I’m not sure he is the man I married. I thought he was a hero, someone to be admired, but now I’m not so sure. Should I welcome him back with open arms or, based on some of the decisions he made in the past 10 years, should I show him the door? Please advise me.

Indecisive in Ithaca (a.k.a. Penelope)

As the local advice columnist, you need to write Penelope a 4 paragraph letter that advises her to either accept or reject Odysseus. You must use SPECIFIC references (not DQs) to the text of The Odyssey to support your answer. You should not only focus on Odysseus’ perceived infidelity, but you should also focus on his other decisions, either foolish or noble. You should not merely retell Odysseus’s story. You must insightfully analyze what qualities Odysseus reveals that make him worthy or unworthy of Penelope’s love. Two such qualities will serve as the Dis for your DPs. Your areas of focus are:

  • Clear Main Idea/Advice for Penelope’s problem
  • Substantial references and analysis of events in the text that support above advice-each DP will focus on a different DI (flaw/ or positive quality). Each DP will support that DI with at least TWO specific examples from the story.
  • Organization & Mechanics
  • Presentation (be creative!)

Letter Due Date: Tuesday, January 16th