2016-17 Mountain Shadows FCCLA District Officer Application
Must be an affiliated FCCLA member who will be in 8th-12th grade during the 2016-17 school year.
Personal Information
Last NameFirst NamePresent School Grade
Home Address:
StreetCityZip Code
Contact Information:
Home PhoneStudent Cell Phone
Student Email Address
Chapter Information
Adviser’s Name:
Adviser’s Email:
General Questions
How long have you been involved in FCCLA?
What type of activities have you participated in with FCCLA?
Summarize your involvement in the following areas:
- School:
- Community:
- Other:
Why do you want to be an FCCLA district officer?
What are some leadership skills you bring to a team?
If you had to name one personality trait that you have tried to change about yourself, what would you say and why have you worked to change it?
Select three officer positions you would like to hold in order of preference. See attached sheet for position descriptions.
_____Vice President
____VP of Finance
____VP of Public Relations
__VP of Community Service
____VP of Recognition
____VP of Hospitality
Student: If selected, I agree that Mountain Shadows District FCCLA will be a priority and that I will complete my obligations. It is my responsibility to attend required meetings. I will help plan and implement the Fall and Winter District Conferences and any other activities planned for Mountain Shadows FCCLA. I understand the Colorado FCCLA Bylaws and the Policies and Disciplinary Procedures.
Applicant Signature Date
Parents: Your son or daughter is applying for District Officer consideration. It is an honor and responsibility to be a FCCLA District Officer. Responsibilities include fall planning and winter planning and the conferences that follow each. I understand the commitment my student will make as a FCCLA District Officer.
Parent Signature Date
Advisers: Your signature is verification of the qualifications of this candidate. Your assistance is required in completing the duties assigned to your District Officer during his/her term of office.
Yes, I am willing to accept the responsibilities of a Local Adviser to a District Officer and will give my support to the student during his/her term of office.
Local Adviser Signature Date
Mountain Shadows District Officer Application
Student Checklist
______Please place your application items in a bound folder, arranged IN THE ORDER LISTED BELOW:
- Cover page, including your name, chapter name, school, and adviser name
- Completed application
- Current official school transcript—signed by your counselor
- A collage (on 8 ½” X 11” paper) of pictures, words, or graphics that depicts your personality and interests.
- 2 sealed envelopes with recommendation forms from your adviser and one other adult at school
______RSVP that you will be applying for district office to Debbie Nelson, NO LATER than Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 3:30 pm.
______Interviews will be on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 @ 3:30 pm at Pomona High School in room FACS 1. Bring your completed application folder with you.