** All school procedures and policies from the student handbook will be followed. Accommodations for students with Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) or Personalized Education Plans (PEP’s or 504’s) or English as a Second Language (ESL Plan) will be followed. Conferences may be scheduled upon request.
Course Rationale- This course builds a wide range of skills and strategies students need in order to become confident and effective problem solvers. Decision-making and critical thinking skills are developed as major elements of problem solving. The main concepts to be taught are solutions of equations and inequalities, polynomial operation, graphing, irrational and rational numbers, number theory, and quadratic equations. Problem solving and critical-thinking skills will be studied continuously. Algebra I provides the basic foundation needed for Geometry, Algebra II and other higher level math courses.
Proposed Objectives- All objectives stipulated in the Alabama Course of Study for Algebra I will be covered (see pacing guide). Material covered will also satisfy the objectives for the Pre-AP Course.
Student Resource Title- Glencoe’s “Algebra I” On-line (We have a few textbooks available for check-out for home use for students who do not have internet access at home).
Materials Needed-
2-inch three-ring binder (exclusively for Algebra)2 Dividers
Lots of loose-leaf notebook paperand Graph paper
Pencils (mechanical pencils are wonderful!)
1 Box of Tissues (for the classroom would be greatly appreciated)
Scientific Calculator (Recommended:TI-30Xs multiview)
Assessment- A variety of assessment styles will be utilized including but not limited to formal chapter tests, quizzes (announced and unannounced), daily class work assignments, homework checks and special projects.
Grade Determination Precedes-
Term Average: Outside (Hwk) 20% Semester Grade: 1st/3rd Quarter Avg. 45%
Inside (Quizzes/projects) 10% 2nd /4th Quarter Avg. 45%
Assessment (Tests) 70% Midterm/Exam 10%
Final Average: 1st semester avg 50%
2nd semester avg 50%
Make-up Work- Due to the fast pace of this course, missing class is strongly discouraged. Absent students should contact another student when possible for the homework assignment or view the class moodle site. Students will consult the classroom calendar for missed homework assignments upon return or INow. If a student misses a quiz, the next test grade will count for the missing grade. Should a make-up test become necessary, they may differ from those given at regular test time. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all work is made up when he/she misses class. Students will be allowed reasonable time to make up work as specified in the handbook.
Discipline Policy- One of the most important lessons educators should teach is discipline. The purpose of my discipline policy is to insure the rights of each student to attend Gulf Shores High School in a safe, positive, and productive learning environment. Improper behavior is the choice of the individual and he/she will be expected to accept the consequences of that behavior. Likewise, proper behavior is a choice and will be rewarded appropriately.
Conferences- I look forward to working with each of you, and hope that you will contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You are encouraged to the call the office and leave a message to schedule an appointment for before or after school. You may also contact me by using the above listed email address.
Classroom Rules
Be on Time and Ready to Learn Be Prepared Be Courteous
First Offense: Warning Second Offense: Detention (Practice Multiplication Tables) Third Offense: Office Referral
Severe Disruptions will be handled on an individual basis and may include sending student directly to the office
Classroom Procedures
1. Homework - Algebra is a subject that can only be learned by practicing. Homework is an essential daily requirement. Students are expected to complete every assignment and try every problem that is assigned. If the student has difficulty with a particular assignment or problem, the student is highly encouraged to seek help in understanding by asking a peer who understands or by asking the teacher. Students must SHOW ALL WORK in order to receive credit. Although many steps in the algebraic process can be completed mentally, in order to evaluate the student’s level of understanding of the algebraic process all steps must be written down. Students not showing all work may be asked to re-do the assignment in order to receive credit for their work. Students are expected to demonstrate learning for all topics studied. Students not demonstrating learning on homework, quizzes, or tests are encouraged to get additional help and make corrections to the assignments. Homework turned in late will receive 60% of the original grade.
2. Warm-up –During “warm-up” time, students will check the homework answers as I go around to check to see that homework was completed. During this time students should only have RED marking pens in their hands, not pencils. All homework corrections are to be completed in RED ink. Students may not work on the homework while I checking other’s work.
3. All Tests, Homework, Classwork, and Quizzes must be completed in pencil and done on LOOSE LEAF NOTEBOOK PAPER or standard copy paper. Sheets torn from spiral notebooks will not be accepted. All papers must have the following information in the upper, right hand corner: Period, FIRST and LAST name, Date and name of the assignment. Any paper turned in without this information will be considered incomplete and points may be deducted. All homework will be returned to the student and should be kept in the notebook until the end of the quarter. Occasionally I may check notebooks to see that students are taking notes, writing down objectives and homework assignments, etc. These checks will count as daily grades.
4. Cell Phones and Chromebooks - Cell phone usage will not be permitted in the classroom unless directed to do so by me. If a student is found using their cell phone, they will be disciplined per Board Policy. The use of Chromebooks in the class is also under the direction of the teacher. Computers will be used when the teacher has assigned work or projects where the computer is needed. Students may also use their computers after class is completed as long as they are on appropriate websites.
5. Passes - Each student is allowed three (3) passes per quarter. These may be used for whatever is deemed necessary. They should, however, only be used for emergency situations. Emergencies do no happen FOUR times in a quarter. Every student must sign out before leaving class. Students must record the date, destination, the time leaving and time returning.
6. End of Class - Whenever possible, students will be given an opportunity to begin homework in class. Students are expected to use their time wisely. Students who do not will be warned once, then assigned detention. The teacher, not the bell, dismisses students. Students should not “pack up” until told to do so (approximately 15 seconds before the bell).
7. Calculators – I have in class calculators for the students to use during class time. Each student will be assigned a calculator number. It will be the student’s responsibility to inform the teacher if their calculator is missing or damaged at the beginning of the period. If the calculator is found missing or damaged at the end of the period, the student will be responsible for the replacement of the calculator.
8. Tardies - Four (4) tardies to class will result in detention, every even tardy thereafter will be an office referral.
Please stress to your student the importance of being organized and doing homework every night. It is important that students come to class prepared to work. Please see that they have an ample supply of notebook paper and pencils at all times. I hope these procedures will encourage students to cultivate good study habits as well as improve grades. I thank you in advance for your support and cooperation in these matters. Please sign below.
Thank you,
Mrs. Dempsey
Goal setting is an essential step to reaching a final destination. Thomas Jefferson once said, “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal.” In order to graduate from high school, your student must (1) maintain a passing grade for both semesters of Algebra I. Success in Algebra takes hard work, determination, and perseverance. As your child’s teacher, I will do everything I can to make sure that your child can complete Algebra I successfully as one step towards high school graduation. You and your child play a role in this as well. Please complete the following goal setting activity. Throughout the school year, ask your child how he/she is doing toward meeting their goal(s).
Student’s Goals
(1) ______
(2) ______
Sample Goals
I will complete and turn in all of my homework assignments on time.
I will make corrections on any assignment in which I score below 70%.
I will stay for tutoring when I make a low grade on an assignment.
I will try to maintain a B average, but if I do have a C I will be putting forth my best effort.
I will be organized so I know where my work is.
I will be responsible for my own learning.
I will set aside a time and place to do homework each night.
Algebra I Honors Course Syllabus and Class Procedures
Student Printed Name ______Period ______
I have read and understand what is expected of me/my student.
Student Signature Date
Parent/ Guardian Signature Date
Parent Communication: Parents, I prefer to communicate by email. Please contact the school directly to ensure that the email address stored in our attendance and grading system is valid and correct, as this will be used to directly communicate with you. I will also set up a REMIND cell phone account in order to communicate with the class and parents as a whole.
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