Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries

Major Event Timeline

(Concerts, Retreats, Conferences, etc.)

Ministry Event:
Date of Event:
Contact Person(s):
Timeline Start Date:

Phase 1: Yellow Zone – PRE-PLANNING THE EVENT

14 – 15 Months

The following tasks should be performed before submitting the Event Request and Event Budget Forms:

√ / Task / Due Date
  • Meet with appropriate ministry members to discuss the:
  • What? (Identify the event)
  • When? (Determine month/day/date you’d like to have your event)
  • Why? (Identify the purpose of the event)
  • How? (Determine associated cost, and resources (e.g., space, etc.))
  • Who? (Identify guest speakers, psalmist, etc.) – Contact should be made with proposed guest speaker/psalmist, etc. organization to obtain bio, contract rider, DVD, Video, CD or cassette of potential guest(s) – should be sent to Bishop’s Council

Evaluate if this could be an opportunity to partner with another ministry (internal/external).
Determine if Culinary services will be required for your event
Take a realistic look at the expense (what the event will cost your ministry) and potential revenue (how much could be earned for your ministry) of the event.
Who’s the audience (exclusively MPCM members, gender/age specific, invitees outside of MPCM)
Organize a planning team (e.g., marketing, hospitality, etc.)
Obtain an Event Request and Budget Request Forms from the Administration Office (the forms should not be completed until the suggested guest(s) have been approved)

13 Months

Do not proceed to these tasks until your guest(s) have been approved.

√ / Task / Due Date
Complete an Event Request Form
Complete an Event Budget Analysis Form
  • Most costs will be based on projections (not actual costs), honorariums, and existing market rates (e.g., hotel, transportation, fuel, etc.)

Submit the completed Event Request and Budget Analysis Forms to or the Admin Office
  • Ministry Leader may be contacted to answer questions/clarifications before submitting the request to the Bishop’s Council
  • Within 14 business days of submitting Event Request and Budget Analysis Forms, the Finance Office will contact the Ministry Leader to schedule a meeting with Dea. Goodwyn to discuss the Budget Analysis
  • Dea. Goodwyn will advise FED of Budget Analysis approval
  • Upon receipt of Budget Analysis approval, final approval/disapproval of Event Request will be rendered
  • Expect a response from Admin Office within 30 days

If your event is rejected, the ministry leader will be contacted with an explanation.


If your event is approved, the ministry Leader will be contacted with further instructions.

Congratulations. You’ve got the green light and your event has been approved. Now you will begin the process to a successful event.

PHASE 2: Green Zone – Planning the Event

12 Months

√ / Task / Due Date
Utilize the Event Management Packet
  • Develop action plan outlining tasks, define responsible parties, and deliverable dates
  • Determine what additional ministry(ies) participation is needed (e.g., Security, Audio, etc.)
  • Review Event Timeline and establish deliverable dates

Meet with Minister of Stewardship to discuss guest(s) contract rider, required deposits and dates to be sent.
  • Include profile form(s) and stamped self addressed envelop with deposit(s)
* the profile form addresses personal preferences/needs of the guest(s)
Evaluate how you can involve the neighborhoods surrounding MPCM in this event
  • Contact presidents of neighborhood associations to discuss further

Determine “Registration/Ticket Fee” (consider all expenses (including registration packet resources) and stringent “Cut Off” date
Schedule ‘Kick-off” meeting with appropriate MPCM ministry leaders(s) needed to support your event (Purpose: Communicate information about your event, discuss roles and responsibilities of each supporting ministry and obtain signatures for Ministry Request Forms)

9 - 11 Months

√ / Task / Due Date
Forward ministry request forms to the ministries needed to support your event, but were not at the kick-off meeting. Retain copy(ies) of the forms for your records
Determine if vendor tables will be offered
Develop status report and forward to FED Leaders
  • FED Leaders will share status report with Bishop’s Council

Review/Monitor tasks for approaching quarter (months 6 – 8) and begin action plan for follow up

6 – 8 Months

√ / Task / Due Date
Ministry Marketing contact and Ministry Leader MUST meet with MPCM Marketing representative to discuss marketing need/strategy, role/responsibilities and deliverable dates
  • Determine when communication should begin and what vehicles (e.g., radio, CSA, TV, MPCM Media Highlight, flyers, brochures, posters, web, etc.)
  • Obtain list of addresses for churches/organizations to be invited

Schedule status/update meeting with the ministry leaders needed to support your event
Create invitation letter for mass mailing to invited churches (letter MUST be approved by FED Leaders/Bishop’s Council before going to print)
Submit status report to FED Leaders
Review/Monitor tasks for approaching months (months 4 – 5) and begin action plan for follow up

4 – 5 Months

√ / Task / Due Date
Coordinate printing with Admin office (letters, brochures, poster, registration forms, etc.)
Contact Minister Baker to reserve registration table in narthex
Notify Security of the dates that you will conduct registration/collect funds for your event in the narthex
Create a schedule for registration team and assign greeters to assist with registration traffic
Submit general information to Admin office
  • Name, date, and location of event
  • Ministry contact & number (ext)
  • Cost (what is included)
  • Registration period
  • Recommended hotels (provide toll free #)

Confirm marketing will begin three months before scheduled event (Video Highlights, and Ministry update)
Submit status report to FED Leaders
Review/Monitor tasks for approaching month and begin action plan for follow up

3 Months

√ / Task / Due Date
Obtain printed marketing resources (e.g., brochures, Poster(s), registration forms, etc.)
Remind Security Ministry of registration dates and begin registration/sales
Submit status report to FED Leaders
CRUCIAL: Review/Monitor tasks for approaching month and begin action plan for follow up

2 Months

√ / Task / Due Date
Continue event marketing and registration/sales
Mail invitation letters to guest churches/organizations
Obtain official contract from Culinary
Assign hostess(es) to guest (s)
Meet with Facilities Manager to determine what rooms will be assigned to guest(s)
Schedule meeting with MPCM ministries that will be supporting the event
Contact neighborhood association to encourage participation
If applicable, prepare vendor lists and merchandise for sales – must be submitted for approval
Develop and submit status report
Registration should end by end of this month
CRUCIAL: Review/Monitor tasks for approaching month and begin action plan for follow up

1 Month

√ / Task / Due Date
Meet with culinary ministry for follow up and confirmation
Marketing continues
Meet with security ministry – communicate approximate number of attendees, identify VIP’s, vendors, etc.
Submit status report to FED Leaders
CRUCIAL: Review/Monitor tasks for approaching month and begin action plan for follow up

3 Weeks

√ / Task / Due Date
Crucial: Review/Monitor action plan to ensure tasks and deliverable dates are met
Determine if event is “Go or No Go” (Evaluate if goal has been met, or if event should be cancelled)
Marketing continues
Status Meeting: Finalize all plans and responsibilities with all ministries involved – resolve any issues/questions
Confirm all is in order for invited guests
Prepare ID badges for volunteers/host/hostess (if needed)

24 Hours

√ / Task / Due Date
Crucial: Monitor action plan to ensure tasks and deliverable dates are met
Create final “To Do” list
 Church set up
 All needed equipment available
 Elmo (video overhead projector), Lap top
 Extra microphones
 Credit Card outlet (for ‘in house’ use ONLY)
 Culinary Ministry
 Administrative offices for any messages/questions (delegated to sponsoring ministry team member)
 Other ______
Marketing continues
Status Meeting: Finalize all plans and responsibilities with all ministries involved – resolve any issues/questions
Confirm all is in order for invited guests
Prepare ID badges for volunteers/host/hostess (if needed)

Event Day !

√ / Task / Due Date
Pray!!! Pray!!! Pray!!!
Arrive at church 2 hours prior to the scheduled event
 Maybe earlier if display set up assistance is needed
 i.e., tapes, books, other resources
Expect the Unexpected
Enjoy the Event

Remember: The highest form of ministry is servant hood!

Post Mortem: 1 - 2 Weeks After the Event: Very Important!!!

√ / Task / Due Date
Close out Budget Analysis by entering “Actual figures” on Budget Analysis Form to evaluate profit/loss
  • You may need to schedule a meeting with Finance Ministry to obtain actual cost numbers

Debrief event (Sponsoring Ministry and All Ministries that Supported the event)
  • What went well?
  • What could be done differently?
  • Lessons learned

Forward Thank You letters
  • Preacher/Pastor
  • Musical Guest
  • Speaker
  • Vendors
  • Other

Revised November 2013Page 1 of 1