Mount Horeb High School Marching Band

Student Director Application

The Mount Horeb High School Marching Band is seeking applicants for the Student Director position for the fall, 2016 season. To be eligible, the applicant must be enrolled in band all year and be either a senior or a junior at the start of the 2016 – 2017 school year.

The process of being considered for the Student Director position begins with submitting this application. All applicants will be reviewed by the band directors; where appropriate, some applicants may be interviewed by the band directors as well. The directors will then forward any potential candidates they feel meet all the criteria for a vote by all the members of the high school bands.

Successful candidates will demonstrate the following:

·  Excellent musicianship

·  Excellent marching technique

·  Superior understanding of marching band charts and drill instructions

·  An ability to command the respect of peers without intimidation

·  Outstanding work ethic

·  Demonstrated ability and interest in helping others

·  The maturity to handle oneself well in front of the public

The final candidate will be expected to do these tasks:

  1. Assist with outdoor marching rehearsals by helping band members read their charts and implement the instructions.
  2. Work with band members, particularly freshmen, to write marching instructions their music.
  3. Identify band members who are struggling with understanding the charts, understanding moves, or are marching incorrectly – and give those members the assistance needed to improve the overall performance of the band.
  4. Learn the show well enough to provide visual cues for moves during each performance.
  5. Act as a Field Assistant (Assistant Conductor) for rehearsals and performances.
  6. Demonstrate positive leadership for everyone in the band.
  7. Be approachable so that students can come to you with questions or concerns.
  8. Maintain a sense of decorum as a leader of the ensemble at all times.

Name ______

The answers to the questions below can be written by hand on this page or you can type them separately and attach to this page.

Applications are due by Friday, May 26 at 3:30 p.m.

Mount Horeb High School Marching Band

Student Director Application

Why do you want to do this?

In what ways to you match the list of bullet point items on the previous page?

What would make you the best candidate for this position?