Town of Grover

September 8, 2014 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at the Grover Town Hall by Chairperson Wayne Staidl at 6:00pm. In attendance were: Wayne Staidl-Chairperson, Kim Kittredge-Supervisor, Wayne Hoffman-Supervisor, Lisa Witak-Clerk/Treasurer, Buzz Davis, Dave Zahn, Shirley Prudhomme-Peshtigo Times and Eugene Bancroft.

Motion to approve the agenda by Kittredge, second by Staidl. Carried

Motion to approve 8/12/14 minutes by Kittredge, second by Staidl. Carried

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report and to cash in the $25,000 and $50,000 CD’s to pay the bills by Staidl, second by Kittredge. Carried

Public Comment:

Dave Zahn asked if there were any questions/concerns that the board or constituents would like to take to the county board.

Buzz Davis asked about the work done by the road crew. He noted that the road is breaking apart on the corner on Loucks Road.


Equalized values received from Department o f Revenue, new phone number for Tennessen Appraisal, logging permit, and ISO letter that fire rating is now a 6

Officer Reports:

Clerk/Treasurer: Fire inspection report notes that the emergency lighting about the main entrance is not working.

Supervisor I: Kim is following up on a report regarding a home rental situation that may be dangerous.

Supervisor II: Wayne talked to the DNR regarding the culverts at the boat landing and they stated that our plan is fine with the DNR. The tractor needed to be repaired recently. The culverts on Town Hall Road are failing and need to be replaced this year.

Chairperson: There has been a request to widen a driveway.

Garbage/Recycling Coordinator: None

Zoning Administrator: 2 driveway permits and 4 building permits issued

Motion by Kittredge to approve assessor contract for 2015 with Tennessen Appraisal, second by Hoffman. Carried

There will be a meeting about implements of husbandry on 9/24/14 at Grover Town Hall with local municipalities, counties, Farm Bureau, Wisconsin Towns Association, and police associations beginning at 7pm.

Motion to approve operator license for Raena Chucka by Hoffman, second by Kittredge. Carried

Motion to allow all board members to attend the WTA convention in October and to purchase materials for town official fall workshop by Staidl, second by Kittredge. Carried

Grover/Porterfield Fire Department Open House will be 9/20/14 at Harmony Fire Station

Next meeting October 13, 2014 6pm

October 22, 2014 5pm garbage/recycling bid meeting and budget workshop

Motion to approve vouchers 12483-12535 plus Decker Supply for $24.48 and $81.33 by Kittredge, second by Hoffman. Carried

Motion to adjourn at 7:14pm by Hoffman, second by Kittredge. Carried

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Witak, Clerk/Treasurer