Norfolk Supporting People: Guide to Housing Support for People with Learning Difficulties

Provider / Indication of service provided to PwLD / No. of PWLD
Supported / SP funding 2010/11
or other year* / Indication of move-on / Other Funding
Stonham Homestay / Floating support -visiting housing support regardless of landlord. PWLD are one of the many client groups supported by this service and PWLD make up about 5% of the total number supported. / Varies as this is people will access this service on a short-term basis. Supports around 1300 people at any one time. / £2,259,350 / Varies – the service supports people in a range of different types of housing & not everyone supported will have a need to move-on. / None
Assistive Technology for PwLD (1 service delivered by 6 providers) / Support through provision of a variety of assistive technologies in self-contained privately rented accommodation (managed by Saffron Housing Trust) / 14 / £64,000 / No move-on need as people living in self contained housing / NLDS & HB (see below)
Services are also funded by Norfolk Learning Difficulties Service.
Housing benefit will be accessed for people who are entitled to claim it, however, this will be paid directly to the landlord not to the support provider.
Camphill Communities / Supported living, people live in small group homes clustered within a large estate. People have their own rooms and share communal facilities. / 23 (21 NSP funded) / £97,900 / Permanent accommodation with some people moving on to independent living.
Elizabeth Fitzroy Support / Small group homes (supported living) with staff on site at most schemes for most of the time. Scheme set up following the closure of Little Plumstead Hospital / 34 / £251,200 / As above
Flagship Housing Learning Difficulties Support Scheme / Shared houses with up to 4 people sharing at any one time. Staff available 24 hours per day (but not always on site). / 9 / £81,500 / Permanent housing that supports people to increase their independence
Heritage Care / Small group homes (supported living) with staff on site at most schemes for most of the time. Scheme set up following the closure of Little Plumstead Hospital / 27 / £175,700 / Permanent housing for people with high care needs. Very little move-on
Voyage Care Supported Housing / Small group homes (supported living) with staff on site at most schemes for most of the time. Scheme set up following the closure of Little Plumstead Hospital / 17 / £195,000
New Support Options (NSO) Resettlement Homes / Small group homes (supported living) with staff on site at most schemes for most of the time. Scheme set up following the closure of Little Plumstead Hospital / 26 / £283,200
Norfolk Learning Difficulties Service Supported Housing / Shared houses with different levels of support. Staff availability varies within each house from waking staff 24 hours per day to visiting staff for a few hours per day. / 66 / £553,600 / Permanent accommodation with some people moving on to independent living.
Royal Mencap Society Common Road Scheme / Shared house with staff on site mornings and evening.Support to develop and maintain independent living. / 11 / £48,800 / Permanent housing that supports people to maintain their independence
Royal Mencap Society - Wellesley Road Scheme / Service has merged with Common Rd
SPAN Visiting Supportsecondary target PwMHP / Visiting support service supporting people in self-contained and shared accommodation. Support to maintain independence. / 23 / £67,000 / Visiting support service to help people maintain their independence.
TACT Supported Accommodation / Small group homes (supported living) with staff on site at most schemes for most of the time. Scheme set up following the closure of Little Plumstead Hospital / 10 / £76,300 / Permanent housing for people with high care needs. Very little move-on
Thera Trust Supported Accommodation / Small group homes (supported living) with staff on site at most schemes for most of the time. Scheme set up following the closure of Little Plumstead Hospital / 10 / £99,700

((HB according to individual entitlement)

*I have included the maximum amounts available for each service as this varies depending on whether the service is full or not. Supporting People will not pay a provider the support cost for a vacancy.