Application Service Name / American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service / American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine Application Service / ADEA Associated American Dental Schools Application Service
Association / American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
/ American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine
/ American Dental Education Association
Number of Schools / 33 schools participate in AACOMAS / All 9 schools and colleges participate in AACPMAS / 66 schools participate in AADSAS (65 US dental schools) Texas applicants applying to Texas Dental Schools are required to utilize Texas Medical Dental Application Service for schools outside of Texas use AADSAS.
Contact Information / 617-612-2889
/ 617-612-2900
/ 617-612-2045
Opening Date* / May / August / June
Submission Date** / May / August / June
Deadlines / Range from December - April depending on the school / Deadline for priority consideration is April 1, afterwards applications accepted on rolling basis until June 30 / Different according to each school
Letters of Recommendation / Letters of recommendation can be submitted to AACOMAS electronically or directly to your designated program(s) following the processes outlined by each college. / Should be sent directly to colleges or brought to interviews. Some colleges of podiatric medicine accept letters via confidential letter transmission services
See list on pg. 35 of the Podiatric Medical College Information Book on / Up to four individual letters of evaluation or one Committee Report plus one individual letter of evaluation. Most dental schools strongly prefer that letters are submitted to AADSAS as either an online electronic document or as a paper letter that is mailed to AADSAS with a LOE Matching Form.
Standardized Test Scores / Test scores must be sent directly to AACOMAS. To do so, students should go to log on to the MCAT Testing History system and select AACOMAS as a score recipient. Make sure to accurately enter the 8 digit MCAT/AAMC number. / Send MCAT and DAT scores directly to AACPMAS. AAMC ID Number and DENTPIN Number required / Official DAT scores are sent to ADEA AADSAS. Indicate at least one ADEA AADSAS participating schools as one of your score recipient selections to ensure that ADEA AADSAS receives your DAT scores. You are encouraged to indicate every school you would like your scores to be sent to when you register for DAT.
Transcripts / Must have the registrar send official transcripts directly to AACOMAS, any received before May 7, 2016 cannot be used for 2017 application. / Send official transcripts directly to AACPMAS / Send official transcripts directly to ADEA AADSAS with Transcript Matching Form. Do not send transcripts before application opens.
Social Media /
Application Service Name / American Medical College Application Service / Central Application Service for Physicians Assistants / Not a participant in a CAS
Association / Association of American Medical Colleges
/ Physician Assistant Education Association
/ Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Number of Schools /
- Most medical schools participate in AMCAS. The only exception is Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, and Paul L. Foster School of Medicine. 6 Texas schools use AMCAS only for M.D.-Ph.D. application
Contact Information / Applicant Contact:
/ (617) 612-2080
/ 410-464-6040
Opening Date* / May 1 / April 27, 2016 / Not applicable
Submission Date** / June 4 / March 1, 2017 / Not applicable
Deadlines / The Early Decision deadline including transcript deadline is August 1. Regular M.D. and all other program deadlines range August- December / Each PA program categorizes its deadline into one of the categories below and reports their selection to CASPA at the beginning of each cycle. You can view each PA program’s deadline category on our Participating Programs page. / Not applicable
Letters of Recommendation / Most medical schools receive letters through AMCAS (5 schools/programs do not participate). Evaluators submit letters electronically directly to AMCAS through the AMCAS Letter Writer Application, VirtualEvals, Interfolio or through U.S. Mail / Three letters of reference submitted electronically to CASPA are required for the application. Check PA program requirements regarding references prior to listing any references on CASPA as they cannot be removed or replaced.
Committee letters are not preferred. / Research individual colleges
Standardized Test Scores / MCAT Scores are automatically sent to AMCAS for distribution to applied participating schools once the applicant scores are available. / Submit official scores electronically to CASPA using PA program-specific CASPA GRE code which differs from the school’s regular code. If your PA program does not have a CASPA GRE Code (list found under FAQ sections) then send scores directly to CASPA using CASPA code. Official TOEFL Scores should be mailed to CASPA / Research individual colleges
Transcripts / Send transcripts directly to AMCAS attached to an AMCAS Transcript Request Form / Send all official transcripts from institutions at which you earned college level credit by mail to CASPA / Research individual colleges
Social Media /
Application Service Name / Chiropractic Centralized Application Service / Health Administration, Management & Policy Centralized Application Service / Naturopathic Doctor Centralized Application Service
Association / Association of Chiropractic Colleges
/ Association of University Programs in Health Administration
/ Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools
Number of Schools / 22 US colleges participate in ChiroCAS (18 U.S. and 4 in Canada, New Zealand, and Korea)
It is suggested that you apply directly to individual schools. / 40 schools participate in HAMPCAS / 4 Naturopathic schools participate in NDCAS
Contact Information / (617) 612-2870
/ 703-894-0940 x 124
for more information
for HAMPCAS Portal help /
Opening Date* / Multiple start dates and some rolling admissions research schools directly / September 10, 2017 / September
Submission Date** / Varies by school / August 5, 2017 / August
Deadlines / Deadlines vary by school
It is recommended that students apply six months before intended matriculation date. / Recommended that students have complete application by deadline date (August) posted. / Deadlines vary by program
Letters of Recommendation / A maximum of 3 letters can be sent directly to ChiroCAS. Any additional references should be sent directly to the schools. Reference letters can be submitted electronically, by email or Interfolio or by mail / Submitted online to HAMPCAS reference portal. Paper references not accepted. / 3 e-letters of recommendation are required and submitted directly to NDCAS. Only electronic submission accepted. If a school requires more than 5, submit additional letters directly to school. Committee and composite letters are accepted.
Standardized Test Scores / None required / Self-report scores to HAMPCAS using “Test” section of application. If school requires you to directly send official GRE scores to HAMPCAS use special program-specific HAMPCAS GRE code / No required (TOEFL is required in some cases but those results are sent directly to schools)
Transcripts / Send transcripts directly to ChiroCAS from the school / Mail to HAMPCAS Transcript Processing Dept., PO Box 9122, Watertown MA 02472 / Official transcripts should be sent directly to NDCAS
Social Media /
NursingCAS / OptomCAS / OTCAS
Application Service Name / Nursing’s Centralized Application Service / Optometry Centralized Application Service / Occupational Therapy Centralized Application Service
Association / American Association of Colleges of Nursing
/ Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
/ American Occupational Therapy Association
Number of Schools / 185 schools participate in NursingCAS / 21 schools and colleges participate in OptomCAS / 67 OT programs with 6 additional locations
Contact Information / (617)-612-2880
/ Applicant Contact:
/ 617-612-2860
Opening Date* / October 15, 2016 (new application software) / July 1 / July 17
Submission Date** / October / July 1 / July 17
Deadlines / Deadlines vary by program / Deadlines vary by school and range from December 2016-May 2017 / Deadlines vary by program.
Letters of Recommendation / Up to 6 references may be submitted through the Evaluator Portal. References must be attached to a specific designation in order for the schools to access it. / Recommendation letters must be sent directly to OptomCAS by the evaluator electronically. / References should come directly from the evaluator to OTCAS electronically.
Standardized Test Scores / You can self-report to NursingCAS. Send official test scores directly to programs. / Official OAT scores must be sent to optometry schools and colleges when the exam is taken. Applicants are asked to self-report OAT scores on the OptomCAS application. / If required by program, GRE and TOEFL test scores must be entered on the OTCAS application. Any other scores should be sent directly to the program.
Transcripts / Official transcripts should be sent by schools directly to NursingCAS / Send official transcripts directly to OptomCAS by the school or college’s deadline. / Send official transcripts directly to OTCAS.
Social Media /
Application Service Name / Pharmacy College
Application Service / Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service
/ Schools of Public Health Application Service
Association / American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy
/ American Physical Therapy Association / Association of schools of Public Health
Number of Schools / 111 pharmacy programs
participate in PharmCAS / 176 schools participating / 42 Schools participate in SOPHAS
Contact Information / 617-612-2050
TTY: 617-612-2060
/ 617-612-2040
/ 617-612-2090
Opening Date* / mid-July, 2016 / June 30, 2016 / September
Submission Date** / June 1, 2017 / June 1, 2017 / August
Deadlines / Ranges by program from
November 2016- March 2017 / Varies from October to May / Varies according to Program.
Letters of Recommendation / Send up to four references to PharmCAS which will disseminate
to colleges. Letters must be sent directly to PharmCAS by evaluator, either electronically or hard copy, or to the program, if required. / All references must be submitted electronically via PTCAS. DPT programs can still choose to accept paper references directly from applicants, if needed. Program-specific reference requirements are available on the PTCAS website. / Recommendation letters must be sent directly to SOPHAS electronically.
Standardized Test Scores / Send PCAT, TOEFL, & TSE scores to PharmCAS, if required. (PCAT not required by all pharmacy schools) / The majority of DPT education programs require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) for admission. Applicants must use the correct GRE code for each designated program. / MCAT, GRE, and TOEFL test scores can be sent directly to SOPHAS; other test scores should be sent directly to the program.
Transcripts / Send official transcripts to PharmCAS. Policies for Int’l transcripts vary. / Transcripts should be sent to PTCAS with a transcript matching form. PTCAS will not verify or forward your application until all official transcripts are received. / Official transcripts should be sent directly to SOPHAS.
Social Media /
@PharmCAS /
Twitter: @PTCAS /
Application Service Name / Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service / Veterinary Medical Colleges Application Services
Association / Texas Medical and Dental Schools
/ Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
Number of Schools / Most Texas schools (8 medical, 3 dental and 1 veterinary schools) participate in TMDSAS / 36 schools offering 39
Contact Information / 512-499-4785
/ 617-612-2884
Opening Date* / May 1, 2017 / May 2017
Submission Date** / September 29, 2017 / September 2017
Deadlines / August 1, 2017:
AAMC Early Decision Program – Texas Tech University HSC School of Medicine
Early Decision Program – University of North Texas HSC – Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Partnership for Primary Care Program – Texas A&M HSC College of Medicine
Last Deadline is October 2014 / September 15 - Check with schools on possible deadlines.
Letters of Recommendation / *All supporting documents (transcripts, evaluation letters, test scores) for Early Decision Program applicantsmustbe received at TMDSAS by August 1st
Recommendation letters accompanied by TMDSAS evaluation forms must be sent to TMDSAS.
Applicants are also required to submit one Health Professions Committee Packet or two individual letters of recommendation from Interfolio or Virtual Evals. One vet letter must be from a veterinarian. / Accepted electronically (eLOR), no paper letters are accepted.
Standardized Test Scores / All MCAT scores MUST be reported directly to TMDSAS by AAMC. All DAT scores must be released to each of the dental schools they are applying with. GRE scores must be submitted directly to Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine using the institution code #6812. / Test scores must be sent directly to the school(s) you are applying to, do NOT send to VMCAS.
Transcripts / Send most recent, official transcripts to TMDSAS. / Transcripts must be sent directly from the registrar’s office to VMCAS, NOT your veterinary programs.
Social Media /