“Learning a Living” through employer, student

and teacher relationships




Welcome Letter 3

Work-Based Learning Instructional Leaders 4

Program Overview 5

Program Guidelines 6

When You Don’t Have a Job 7

Changing Jobs 7

Daily Sign-out 8

Meetings 8

Employer Appreciation Activity 8

Employability Skills 9

Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader Evaluation 9

How Your Grade is Calculated 10

Sample Weekly Wage and Hour Sheet 11

Sample Monthly Wage and Hour Sheet 12

Sample Employability Skills Assessment 13

Sample Training Plan Assessment 14

Sample Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader Assessment 15




Dear Student:

I am glad you will be a part of the Work-Based Learning Program for this school year. My goal is to help prepare you for the career you would like to pursue after graduation. Because of this goal, your current job should help to build skills that can be carried over into that profession. I will be happy to help you find an appropriate job if you do not already have one.

Throughout this handbook you will find the essential information to assist you in being successful in Work-Based Learning. There are strict rules that must be adhered to while you are enrolled in the program. Being allowed to leave school early carries with it an obligation to be responsible. Possible consequences of not abiding by the program rules are: removal from the program, lower work grade, or revocation of your early release privileges. Take this class seriously!

Remember, I take your success personally and am here to help you through any obstacles you may encounter at school or at work. Please ask for my help if you need it.


Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader




Revised 7/27/2016


Revised 7/27/2016

Mrs. Tina Walcott

Dutchtown High School


Mrs. Dwanda Brew

Eagles Landing High School


Mr. Michael Drew

Henry County High School


Mr. Rod Pipkin

Locust Grove High School


Mrs. Sandra Goss

Luella High School


Mr. Joey DiNino

Ola High School


Ms. Deborah Gilliam

Stockbridge High School


Mrs. Kathy Spivey

Union Grove High School


Ms. Deborah Hibben

Woodland High School


Mrs. Melissa Roberts

Hampton High School



Revised 7/27/2016


Work-Based Learning placements represent the pinnacle of the Career-Related Education experience. To qualify for a WBL placement, a student must be in grades 11 or 12 and at least 16 years old. Students must also have a defined Career Pathway in order to participate ina Work-Based Learning placement. This is especially important for successful completion of a student’s pathway in that their job placement is directly related to the curriculum of thepathway classes they have completed or in which they are concurrently enrolled. Work-Based Learning is not simply work release but an extension of the high school classroom learning in a non-traditional laboratory setting. It is an opportunity to truly apply, in real-word settings, what the student has learned through a related program of study. PROGRAM OVERVIEW

Work-Based Learning Employer Guidelines

·  To provide my youth apprentice/student learner, with [at least] an equivalent of work hours to school release hours (or an average of those hours) under the mentorship of one of my employees or me.

·  That the student is a regular employee of my company, and subject to all policies, labor laws, regulations, and minimum wage requirements as established by federal and state law.

·  To adhere to policies and practices which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and handicap in recruitment, hiring, placement, assignment to work tasks, hours of employment, levels of responsibility, and pay.

·  To provide instructional materials and occupational guidance to the student.

·  To evaluate my student’s performance, in consultation with the Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader, a minimum of twice per semester. I understand that forms may be sent to me via student, facsimile, U.S. mail, or personal visit, and should be returned to the Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader.

·  To adhere to all federal and state regulations. I understand that students employed through a Work-Based Learning program are not eligible for unemployment compensation.

·  For all paid positions, to adhere to minimum wage regulations, income tax and Social Security withholding regulations.

·  To give my student learners(s) a supervised, quality work experience commensurate with that offered any entry-level employee at our facility.

·  To provide time for consultation with the Work-Based Instructional Leader concerning the student and discuss progress and/or difficulties that may arise.

·  To inform the Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader before any disciplinary action is taken in regard to the employment of the student.

·  To retain all rights of dismissal.

Student Responsibilities

·  To be at least 16 years of age and to have a Social Security number.

·  Per HB 366, effective July 1st, 2015 a minor 16 years of age or older is no longer required to have a work-permit.

·  To assist the Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader in finding an appropriate employment position related to the career focus area of the program and the career objective of the student.

·  To provide transportation to and from work.

·  To represent the school and employer by demonstrating honesty, punctuality, courtesy, and a willingness to learn.

·  To complete a minimum of work hours equivalent to school release hours during the current school year.

·  To be evaluated by my employer and the WBL Instructional Leader a minimum of twice per semester.

·  To be responsible for providing information as requested by the Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader.

·  To keep my school mentor and Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader informed of any serious physical, emotional, or social problems that might interfere with proper performance as a student learner.

·  To not terminate my work experience prior to the completion of this contract without the approval of the WBL Instructional Leader.

·  To follow all guidelines established by the Henry County Board of Education, the Work-Based Learning Student Handbook, and my employer.

·  To attend school regularly and work as scheduled.


As a condition for acceptance into Work-based Learning (WBL) Programs, and to remain in the program, I agree to the following:

1.  I understand that my actions reflect upon my school, the Work-Based Learning Program, and the Henry County School System. I will conduct myself in a manner that will be a credit to all.

2.  I will not go to work on any day that I am absent from school or class unless specifically approved by the WBL facilitator before reporting to work. Working without attending school may lower my grade.

3.  I will maintain an excellent attendance/tardy record. I will make up all class assignments. Completion of schoolwork takes priority over employment. I will maintain passing grades in all classes.

4.  I understand that this program is about learning in the workplace, and that I must gain verifiable employment at an approved site prior to the first day of school.

5.  I will obtain a current work permit, and be responsible for returning the completed permit to the school office prior to the first day of school.

6.  I will immediately notify the WBL Instructional Leader if I am fired/released from my job. Failure to notify the WBL facilitator about this situation may result in my being dropped from the program and grade loss.

7.  I understand that my grade will be lowered for being fired due to poor performance, quitting my job without permission, or falsifying reports.

8.  I will obtain permission from the WBL Instructional Leader before changing employment.

9.  I understand that all work sites/job locations must be approved by the WBL Instructional Leader.

10.  I will demonstrate a cooperative attitude, abide by all rules set out by the WBL Instructional Leader and the training agreement, and refrain from any misconduct. Suspension from school may result in my being dropped from the Work-Based Learning program. Work-Based Learning students must abide by the school discipline policy, including remaining at school for ISS.

11.  I will notify the WBL Instructional Leader of any school or work related problems that might affect my ability to maintain my employment.

12.  I understand that the WBL Instructional Leader is the recognized authority for making adjustments or changes in my release schedule. If necessary, the WBL Instructional Leader will recommend that my privileges be revoked and require me to remain at school during planned release periods.

13.  I understand that my schedule may be affected by school activities or work-based learning meetings/conferences, and I must adhere to the adjusted schedule and make suitable arrangements with my employer.

14.  I realize that I am expected to actively participate in the end-of-year Employer Appreciation activity and in other efforts to promote Work-Based Learning.


. . . at the beginning of the semester:

You must find employment before school starts. This job should relate to your career goal and must meet with the WBL Instructional Leader’s approval. If you do not find a job by the first day of school, you will need to have your schedule changed. Students enrolling late may have an extension as approved by the WBL Instructional Leader.

. . . during the semester:

If you lose your job, you will be given a two-week grace period to find employment while being allowed to leave school early. A job search log must be kept detailing your efforts to secure a job, which includes the name and place visited and the outcome of the meeting. This job search log will count as your weekly wage and hour report. If you are still unemployed after two weeks, you will not earn weekly wage and hour report credit and you may not be allowed to leave school early. This process must be approved by the WBL Instructional Leader.


v  ALL job changes require prior approval. All other job changes may result in a grade penalty.

v  ALL job changes require proper completion of the Job Change Forms:

·  Form A – Student Request for Job Change

·  Form B - New Employer Information and Signature

§  New Training Plan and Partnership Agreement must be signed by all parties

·  Form C - Two-Week Notice Verification from current employer



School attendance is an important part of Work-Based Learning. Therefore, county policy requires all Work-Based Learning students to sign out daily. This will be verified daily as the main method of entering school attendance through Infinite Campus. Grade penalties will be assessed for failure to sign out properly.

Sign-out Procedure:

§  You are only authorized to sign yourself out for the current school day.

§  Do not loiter—leave school immediately after signing out.

§  Sign out at your designated time. Do not sign out early.

§  This sign out sheet is only to be used when leaving school for work. If you leave for any other reason, follow school check-out procedures.

§  You must have Work-Based Learning identification cards available to show administrators or security guard.

Please remember that failure to maintain excellent school attendance may result in dismissal from the program or denied permission to leave campus early.


All Work-Based Learning students are required to attend school and county level meetings.


§  Orientation – first week of school

§  Meetings as scheduled by Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader


An Employer Appreciation plaque and a page in the local newspaper will be purchased to honor Work-Based Learning employers. Employers of all students in the Work-Based Learning program will be recognized. This is funded by the students.

Cost of the activity - $10


An important part of work-based learning is the development of employability skills. Employability skills are those skills necessary to be successful in any work place. Ten major skills will be evaluated at least twice per semester by each employer. Those evaluations will be used by the Work-Based Learning Instructional Leader to assess the student’s level of development in the area of employability skills. The following 10 areas will be evaluated:

·  Displays a professional attitude

·  Exhibits good work ethics

·  Demonstrates appropriate work behaviors

·  Communicates effectively,
both verbally and nonverbally

·  Builds essential work relationships

·  Shows ability to manage self and time

·  Performs well in a team environment

·  Demonstrates excellent customer service skills

·  Solves problems effectively

·  Follows company policies


Work-Based Learning students are expected to demonstrate outstanding behavior and attitude at school as well as at work. At least twice each semester, students will be evaluated by the work-based learning instructional leader on these important program guidelines areas.

·  Going to work when absent from school

·  Falsifying work reports, permanent folders, or job related materials

·  Changing a job w/o prior notification – Incorrect procedure for job change

·  Being dismissed from employment due to inadequate performance and/or inappropriate conduct

·  Failure to attend WBL/YAP meetings at the school level