Most Holy Mary Crowned Queen
Most Holy Mary Crowned Queen
“Most Holy Mary Crowned Queen” (Mary of Agreda)
Most Holy Mary Crowned Queen
775. Back 22 years earlier, when Jesus took leave of His disciples (Good Thursday after the Last Supper.) in order to enter upon His suffering, He told them not to be disturbed in their hearts on account of the things He had told them. Because in the house of His Father there are many rooms.
Jn 14:1 “Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.
14:2 In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
14:3 And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.
He further assured them, that there was room and reward for all. Although the merits and good works of men are different, no one will be disturbed in his peace and hope when he sees others more favored or advanced. Because in the house of God there are many levels and many dwellings, in which each soul shall be content with what belongs to him without envy. I (Mary of Agenda speaking.)have said that most blessed Mary was assigned to the highest position and state on the throne of the most blessed Trinity. (Trinity is recognized as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.) Using the word "throne"to describe the location of the Trinity is based in Scripture.
Rev 1:4 John to the seven churches that are in Asia:Grace to you and peace from Him (Jesus) who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before His throne.
Rev 3:21 He who conquers, I (Jesus) will grant him to sit with Me on My throne, as I Myself conquered and sat down with My Father on His throne.
I will say that God, as He is Spirit and at the same time infinite, immense, and impossible to understand completely, has no need of a material throne or seat. Godfills all creation and is present in all souls.He is understood by no soul, but He Himself comprehends and surrounds all things. The saints do not see God with physical eyes, but with those of the soul.They see Him in a certain location, in order to relateto our earthly and material ways of thinking and speaking. We say that He is upon the royal throne of the most blessed Trinity, though in reality He has His glory within Himself and gives it to His saints in heaven. But I do not wish to deny, that the most sacred humanity of Christ our Savior and of His most blessed Mother holds highest place over all the saints who are in heaven with body and soul. (Some saints are in heaven now with their bodies before the general Resurrection. (Mt 27:52)) There is an orderin their relative position nearer or farther from Jesus and Mary. But this book is not the place to discussthis arrangement.
776. The throne of the Divinity is where God reveals Himself to the saints as the principal cause of their glory and depend on God for their existence. Godreveals Himself as the King and Judge of all that is in existence. Because of the union of both Human and God, (Hypostatic)Jesus is the King and highest Judge. The saints are as servants and inferiors of Jesus. Mary assists forever at the right hand of Her Son as Queen Lady of all creation. Her high authority extends like Her Son Jesus, although in a different manner because She is created.
777. After placing the most blessed Mary on this exalted and highest throne, Goddeclared to the inhabitants of heaven all the privileges She should enjoy. The Person of the eternal Father, as the first principle of all things, speaking to the Angels and saints, said to them: "Our Daughter Mary was chosen according to Our pleasure from among all souls. She is the first one to delight Us, and who never fell from the title and position of a true Daughter, such as We had given Her in Our divine mind.She has a claim on our highest authority, which We shall recognize by crowning Her as the true and incomparable Lady". The Word of God (Jesus) said: "To My true and natural Mother, all the souls belong to You which were created and redeemed by Me. She too shall be the true and highest Queen". The Holy Spirit said: "Since She is called My beloved and chosen Spouse, She deserves to be crowned as Queen for all eternity".
778. Having thus spoken the three divine Persons placed upon the head of the most blessed Mary a crown of such new beauty and value, nothinghas been seen neither before nor after by any soul. At the same time a voice sounded from the throne saying: "My Beloved, chosen among all souls, our kingdom is Yours. You shallbe the Lady and the authority of the seraphim and the other choirs of Angels and of mankind. Attend, proceed and govern favorably over them, We give You power and authority. Being filled with grace beyond all the rest, You havehumiliated Yourself in Your Own estimation to the lowestplace.Receive now the highest dignity deserved by You and the authority over all souls. From Your royal throne to the center of the earth (hell), You shallreign.By the power We now give You, You shall have authority over hell with all its demons and inhabitants. Let all of them fear You as the highest authority of those caverns and dwelling-places of our enemies. In Your hands and at Your pleasure We place the forces of the heavens, the moisture of the clouds, the vegetation of the earth; distribute according to Your will. Our Own will shall be at Your disposal for carrying out Your wishes. You willbe Queen of the Catholic Church, its Protector, its Supporter, its Mother and Teacher. You shall be the special Saint of Catholic countries. And whenever these countries, or the faithful, or any of the children of Adam call upon You from their heart, Youshall help them in their labors and necessities. You shallbe their Friend, the Defender of all the just. All of them You shall give comfort and fill with blessings according to their devotion to You. In view of all this, We have made You the Home of our riches, the Treasurer of our goods. We place into Your hands the helps and blessings of our grace for distribution.Nothing will be given to the world, which does not pass through Your hands.And nothing do We deny, which You wishto give to men. Whatever is Ours shall be Yours, just as You havealways been Ours; and You shallreign with Us forever".
779. In the execution of this law and privilege given to Mary, God commanded all the inhabitants of heaven, Angels and men, to show Her obedience and recognize Her as their Queen and Lady. There was another mystery concealed in this wonder. Even though Mary was full of grace, She humbled Herself beneath all souls while on earth. Yet now, when She was in the kingdom of heaven, it was just, that She should be venerated, worshipped and praised by them as Her inferiors. Both the Angelic spirits and the blessed souls, while rendering their adoration to the Lord with fear and worshipful reverence, rendered a like homage in its proportion to His most blessed Mother. The saints who were there in their bodies prostrated themselves and gave bodily signs of their worship. Her crowning contributed wonderfully to Her glory, and causednew joy and jubilee of the saints and to the pleasure of the most blessed Trinity. Altogether like a festival was this day, it produced new accidental glory in all the heavens. Those who experienced the highest joy were Her spouse saint Joseph, Her parents saint Joachim and Anne and all the other relatives of the Queen, together with the thousand Angels of Her guard.
780. Over Her heart was visible a small chamberof great beauty and splendor. It was there that the Holy Eucharist had been placed when She received the Body of Jesus in communion. She had received holy Communion so worthily, purely and without any defect or imperfection, and with a devotion, love and reverence above all other saints. Other crowns corresponding to Her highest works and virtues, I refer it to when men enter into heaven, where each soul shall understand them in proportion to his actions and love merit. In the foregoing chapter I mentioned that Her soul separated from Her Body on the 13 of August, while her Resurrection, Assumption and Crowninghappened on Sunday the 15. Her sacred Body remained in the tomb 36 hours, just as the Body of Jesus did. Her death and Her Resurrection took place in the same hours of the day as Her Son. (Mary died at 3:00 PM Friday, placed in the tomb and Resurrected at 12:00 AM Sunday.) According to the calculation given from heaven, this miracle happened in the year of our Lord 55 AD.
781. We now return to the Apostles and disciples, who were in tears and surrounded the tomb of Mary in the valley of Josaphat. Saint Peter and saint John, who had spent the most time there, noticed that the heavenly music had stopped; for they failed to hear it on the third day. Partly enlightened by the Holy Spirit, they reasoned that the most pure Mother had arisen and had entered heaven, Body and Soul, like Her divine Son. As the head of the Church, Peter decided that such a wonderful fact should be determined as far as possible and made known to those who had witnessed Her death and burial. For this purpose, on the same day, Peter called together the Apostles, disciples and the other faithful at the tomb. He told them of his reasons for his conclusion. Peter said Her assumption would be honored in the coming ages and contribute to the glory of Jesusand of His most blessed Mother. All approved of the decision and at his order they immediately removed the stone, which closed the tomb. This being done, they saw the grave empty of the sacred Body of Mary.The tunic was in the same position as when it had covered Her, showing that Her Body passed through the tunic and the stone of the tomb without disturbing any part. Saint Peter took out the tunic and the mantle and allhonored it. They were now certain of the Resurrection and Assumption of the blessed Mother into heaven. In mixed joy and sorrow they wept sweet tears at this sign and sang psalms and hymns of praise and glory to Jesusand His most blessed Mother.
782. In their loving wonder, all of them remained looking at the tomb spellbound, until the Angel of the Lord descended and shown Himself to them, saying: "Men of Galilee, why are you astounded and delay here? Your and Our Queen now lives Body and Soul in heaven and reigns in it forever with Christ. She sends Me to confirm you in this truth, and in Her name. I tell you that She wants you to honor the Church, convertsouls, and spread the Gospel. Return to your work saving souls, with which you have been called to do. From Her throne She will take care of you". At this message, the Apostles were comforted.
The Apostles and disciples did experience Her protection in their travels, and much more in the hour of their martyrdom. To each of the martyrs did She appear in that hour to present their souls to Her Son.
Pertaining to the Blessed Virgin's death andResurrection, not all the details are recorded here.During the whole course of this heavenly history, I had no choice but to present what wasshown to me and I present it to you in writing.
783. My daughter, in heaven nothing canlessen the enjoyment of the highest peace and glory which I possess. However, if I was able to feel sorrow, I would be grieved to see the holy Church and the rest of the world in its present state of sin. When God the Almighty had granted Me so many privileges as His Mother, mankind receive so many sources of help. God placed in My hands for the benefit of men HisMother of mercy. It is a great cause of sorrow to see mortals force Me to remain idle. Because men fail to call upon Me, many souls are lost. But since I cannot experience grief in heaven, I may justly complain that men load themselves with eternal damnation and refuse Me the glory of saving their souls.
784. The power I have in heaven has never been hidden in the Church. For I have shown My ability to save all by countlessmiracles, signs and favors performed in behalf of those devoted to Me. With those who have called upon Me in their needs, I have always shown Myself liberal, and the Lord has shown Himself liberal to them on My account. Yet, though many are the souls whom I have helped, they are few in comparison with those, whom I could and am willing to help.The world and the centuries are far advanced; while mortals are late in turning to the knowledge of God. The children of the Church are involved in satan's traps. Sinners multiply and crimes increase, because charity is getting cold even thou God became Man and taught by His life and Gospel. By His Passion and Death, and His Law of Grace, are guides formankind. So many miracles, mysteries unveiled, blessings, favors have occurred in the Church and through Her saints. In addition to all this God has in His goodness opened up His mercies through Me and My intercession, making Me as Mother, Supporter, Protector and Helper of all men. Iam prompt and liberal in fulfilling all these offices.
The crimes of men, however, merit punishments, which threaten them and men feel there pain. Under these conditions, the hatred of men has already reached the highest possible point, what wonder is it that divine Justice is irritated. (This was written in 1660. How much worse is it today!)
785. All this, My daughter, is true; but My kind and merciful love exceeds all men's sins. God's justice is held back and still allows His infinite Goodness to reach men. God still wishes to give liberally of His infinite treasures and resolves to favor those who know how to gain My intercession. This is the secure way and the powerful means of advancing the Church, of spreading the faith, of bringing the souls to grace. In this work, My daughter, I have desired you to labor and assist according to your power with divine grace. Your labor is more than writing My life, but in imitating My life by following the counsels and teachings, which you haveso abundantly received. Consider well, My dearest, your strict obligation of serving Me as your only Mother, as your true Teacher and Superior, who favors you with all these gifts. You havelikewise have often repeatedyour promises of religious life and havepromised Me special obedience. Remember the promises you have so often given to Jesusand His Angels. Many times We have shown you Our will, and that you must act likean Angel. Thus yourconversations and interactions must be with the Angels. And just as the Angels speakwith each other, and just as the higher enlighten and illumine the lower, so the Angels will enlighten and instruct you in the perfections of Jesusand in the exercise of all virtues, especially charity. Charity should inflame within you love ofJesus and your fellowmen. To this state you must desire with all your powers, in order that the Most High may find you readyfor the fulfillment of His most holy will and wishes. May His powerful right hand give you His eternal blessing, show you the joy of His face and grant you peace. See that you do not make yourself unworthy.