SCARY CREATURES Odd Years – Years 1 & 2
This unit takes about 7-8 library lessons of an hour each. It is primarily print-based with a focus on learning to record simple bibliographic data about resources that are used; on using Tables of Content and Indexes to locate information, and on using pictures to gather information from non-fiction texts. (A PowerPoint presentation is used only to provide supplementary information if needed). Year One students will need a lot more support than Year Two students.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Learning Focus English
Learning Focus Thinking Processes
Learning Focus Personal Learning
Learning Focus Interpersonal Learning
SLAV Library focus
Aboriginal Perspectives
POLT Focus
Key Understandings for Assessment
Focus Questions
VELS Thinking Processes Standards Year 1
VELS Thinking Processes Standards Year 2
VELS Personal Standards Year 1
VELS Personal Standards Year 2
VELS Interpersonal Learning Standards Year 1
VELS Interpersonal Learning Standards Year 2
Lesson 1
/Lesson 2
/Lesson 3
/Lesson 4
Activities / Cue in by talking about dangerous creatures. What are they? Why do we need to watch out for them? Read p6 of Dangerous Animals: List animals and the body parts (e.g. claws, teeth, jaws, beaks, fangs, stingers, antlers, tusks, venom)they use to attack on w/b.Show pictures of cute cats & ask is a cat a dangerous animal? Read Lucy’s Cat and the Rainbow Birds –What was in danger from Lucy’s cat? (The birds). Show pictures of cats’ claw, teeth and muscular legs and list body parts used to kill birds on w/b.
Show (but do not distribute) project worksheet.
Children browse texts to choose a dangerous animal and identify its body parts, teacher records name of chosen animal & which book was used.
Browsing and borrowing.
Review taking turns & sharing.
Share Time: add to list of animals on w/b & their body parts.
Complete PLJs.
AFTER THE LESSON: Check that the book the student is using has enough information for them to find the answers they need. If not, check to see if there is a page about that animal in the PPT and if not, make additional pages for the PPT as needed. / Review dangerous animals & their body parts from last week’s lesson. Read story and lead discussion about the body parts the crocodile uses to attack.
Introduce project research worksheet. Discuss wild animals that cannot be tamed, such as the crocodile.
Model entering the name of the book, its author, finding © stamp to locate and enter year of publication & publisher.
Students copy name of chosen book and its publication details on the research worksheet, and do a ‘practice drawing’ of their animal on the back of their research sheet. (Ensure students DO NOT begin entering information in the rest of the sheet.)
Browsing and borrowing.
Share Time: show practice drawing of animal and explain why they chose it. .
Complete PLJs. / Review last week’s list of dangerous animals & their body parts.
Read and discuss Queenie: One Elephant’s Story by Corinne Fenton (F). Discuss whether a zoo elephant is a dangerous animal.
Model using a table of contents and an index, when using keywords to take notes on a Juniors note-taking research worksheet. Stress using own words.
Distribute worksheets and assist students to record the page number & information in their own words for some of the keywords.
Fast finishers:Practise labelling the practice drawing of their scary creature on the back of the worksheet
Browsing and borrowing.
Share Time: tips for finding information.
Complete PLJs. / View Australia’s Deadliest Creatures (Travel Oz, loan from Lois Garrett, 15 minutes)
Give out & review last week’s work when children researched dangerous animals & their body parts. Discuss which of these creatures they might encounter and how to avoid them.
[1]Discuss how Aboriginal families taught their children about these dangers through story, song and dance and how they supervised them all the time to keep them safe.
Focus for this week is researching ONLY what the animal eats. Model using a table of contents and an index to find the page, when using keywords to take notes on a Juniors note-taking research worksheet. Stress looking at pictures and text to find answers, using own words, and only filling in the box for what the animal eats.
Distribute worksheets and assist students to record the page number & information in their own words. Monitor spelling to ensure invented spelling can be read next week.
Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: what should be in the Notes boxes on the worksheet to score 3? What if you copy from the book?
Fast finishers:Practise labelling the practice drawing of their scary creature on the back of the worksheet
Browsing and borrowing.
Share Time: tips for finding information.
Complete PLJs.
Resources / Lucy’s Cat and the Rainbow Birds by Anthony Hill
Selected easy-reading non-fiction texts about cats, and dangerous creatures including reptiles and insects
Cats by June Love, Macmillan Young Library 2003(636LOV) Cats and Dogs by Amanda O’Neill, Kingfisher, 2001 p54-55 (636 ONE)
Teacher-made project research sheets and project sheets.
Personal Learning Journals. / Tick-tock Tick-tock, What’s Up Croc? By Kim Michelle Toft (T)
Selected easy-reading non-fiction texts about cats, and dangerous creatures including reptiles and insects.
Teacher-made project research sheets and project sheets, with OHP versions for modelling.
Personal Learning Journals. / Queenie: One Elephant’s Story by Corinne Fenton (F)
Selected easy-reading non-fiction texts about cats, and dangerous creatures including reptiles and insects.
Teacher-made project research sheets and project sheets, with OHP versions for modelling.
Personal Learning Journals.
Teacher made PPT with supplementary info about animals for which insufficient info is available in the available books. / Australia’s Deadliest Creatures (Travel Oz, loan from Lois Garrett, 15 mins)
Selected easy-reading non-fiction texts about cats, and dangerous creatures including reptiles and insects.
Teacher made PPT with supplementary info about animals for which insufficient info is available in the available books.
Special needs / At risk ESL: Monitor choice of animal & text for easy reading
Gifted: Encourage challenging choice of more unusual animals. / At risk ESL: Monitor choice of animal & text for easy reading
Gifted: Encourage challenging choice of more unusual animals. / At risk ESL: Support students to locate easy-reading info.
Gifted: Encourage adding extra detail. / At risk ESL: Support students to locate easy-reading info.
Gifted: Encourage adding extra detail.
Assessment SLAV Library Skills / IL 2.1 Defining: select from a range of well defined topics, participate in teacher led brainstorming, clustering of ideas, focus question development and completion of a group search plan / IL 2.1 Defining: select from a range of well defined topics, participate in teacher led brainstorming, clustering of ideas, focus question development and completion of a group search plan
IL 2.2 Locating: identify and locate resources following a search plan with assistance
LS2.7 Recognise main elements of a text & be familiar with publication process (Can show publishing details & copyright for books) / IL 2.3 Selecting: select main ideas and supporting keywords, categorise and record information in lists, picture sequences, grids or webs
IL 2.4 Processing and Organising: process information by comparing, selecting and combining that which is relevant to the task and organising according to an agreed format / IL 2.3 Selecting: select main ideas and supporting keywords, categorise and record information in lists, picture sequences, grids or webs
IL 2.4 Processing and Organising: process information by comparing, selecting and combining that which is relevant to the task and organising according to an agreed format
VELS standard/s Y 1 / Personal Learning 1.25 Working in teams
strategies for allocating speaking and listening time; e.g. taking turns / Personal Learning 1.25 Working in teams
a willingness to share and take turns / PP 1.25 Working in teams
a willingness to share and take turns / PP 1.25 Working in teams
a willingness to share and take turns
VELS standard/s Y 2 / Personal Learning 1.75 Working in teams
a generous attitude that encourages the fair allocation of resources, opportunities and roles / Personal Learning 1.75 Working in teams
a generous attitude that encourages the fair allocation of resources, opportunities and roles / PP1.75 Working in teams
a generous attitude that encourages the fair allocation of resources, opportunities and roles
self control in listening and planning / PP1.75 Working in teams
a generous attitude that encourages the fair allocation of resources, opportunities and roles
self control in listening and planning
Australian curriculum standard/s Y1 / Y1 Literacy: They interact in pair, group and class discussions and make short presentations of a few connected sentences on familiar and learned topics. / Y1 Literacy: They interact in pair, group and class discussions and make short presentations of a few connected sentences on familiar and learned topics. / Y1 Literacy: They accurately use knowledge of text structure, letters, words, sentences and directionality to read different kinds of short texts. They retell the main ideas in texts in logical sequence / Y2 Literacy: They locate literal information in written texts.
Australian curriculum standard/s Y2 / Y2 Literacy: They engage effectively in group and class discussions, and ask questions to clarify and extend others’ ideas. They express their opinions on topics of interest, providing some supporting evidence for their points of view. / Y2 Literacy: They engage effectively in group and class discussions, and ask questions to clarify and extend others’ ideas. They express their opinions on topics of interest, providing some supporting evidence for their points of view. / Y2 Literacy: They locate literal information in written texts. / Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: what should be in the Notes boxes on the worksheet to score 3? What if you copy from the book?
E5 / Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: Define items on PLJs and explain how they are expectations for all students in Victorian Schools. / Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: what should be in the Resource Used box on the worksheet to score 3? What if you forget capital letters? / Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: what should be in the Notes boxes on the worksheet to score 3? What if you copy from the book? / Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: what should be in the Notes boxes on the worksheet to score 3? What if you copy from the book?
Lesson 5
/Lesson 6
/Lesson 7
/Lesson 8
Activities / Model using the Table of Contents and index to choose pages to read from in The Truth about Dangerous Sea Creatures.Give out & review last week’s work when children researched dangerous animals & their prey and habitat.
Focus for this week is researching ONLY the body parts used to attack & defend. Develop a word bank on the w/b. Stress looking at pictures and text to find answers, using own words, and only filling in the box for what the animal uses for attack & defence.
Distribute worksheets and assist students to record the page number & information in their own words. Monitor spelling to ensure invented spelling can be read next week.
Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: what should be in the Notes boxes on the worksheet to score 3? What if you copy from the book?
Fast finishers: Begin transferring info from notes sheet to project sheets.
Browsing and borrowing.
Share Time: tips for finding information.
Complete PLJs. / Read selected page/s from an information report, i.e. the puffer fish on p18 of Amazing Poisonous Animals drawing attention to text features i.e. general statements in the present tense.
Focus for this week is transferring information from research sheets to the project sheet. Model features of information report genre i.e. the way sentences begin with the name of the animal and are in the present tense. Develop a word bank on the w/b.
Distribute completed worksheets from previous week & project presentation sheets
Monitor spelling to ensure invented spelling can be read next week.
Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: how should sentences look to score 3?
Fast finishers: Begin transferring info from notes sheet to project sheets.
Browsing and borrowing.
Share Time: tips for finding information.
Complete PLJs. / Read Library Lion by Michelle Knudsden (K) and discussthe main characters, the setting & the emotions in the story, and identify the sequence of events. How does the setting contribute to the humour in the story?
Focus for this week is finishing the transfer of information from research sheets to the project sheet. Review features of information report genre i.e. the way sentences begin with the name of the animal and are in the present tense.
Distribute completed worksheets from previous week & project presentation sheets
Monitor spelling to ensure invented spelling can be read.
Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: how should sentences look to score 3?
Browsing and borrowing.
Fast Finishers: Scary Animals word-search.
Share Time: Finished projects.
Complete PLJs.
Resources / The Truth about Dangerous Sea Creatures by Mary M Cerullo (Casey-Cardinia library 591.77CER)
Selected easy-reading non-fiction texts about cats, and dangerous creatures including reptiles and insects.
Teacher made PPT with supplementary info about animals for which insufficient info is available in the available books. / Amazing Poisonous Animals by Alexandra Parsons (Amazing Animals Series) (591PAR)
Teacher-made project presentation sheets.
Teacher made PPT with supplementary info about animals for which insufficient info is available in the available books. / Library Lion by Michelle Knudsden (K)
Teacher-made project sheets
Cover paper for backing sheets
Teacher-made Scary Animals wordsearch
Teacher made PPT with supplementary info about animals for which insufficient info is available in the available books.
Special needs / At risk ESL: Support students to locate easy-reading info.
Gifted: Encourage adding extra detail & longer sentences (on project sheets). . / At risk ESL: Support students with repetitive text models to follow
Gifted: Encourage adding extra detail & longer sentences (on project sheets). . / At risk ESL: Support students with repetitive text models to follow
Gifted: Encourage adding extra detail & longer sentences (on project sheets).
Assessment SLAV Library Skills / IL 2.3 Selecting: select main ideas and supporting keywords, categorise and record information in lists, picture sequences, grids or webs
IL 2.4 Processing and Organising: process information by comparing, selecting and combining that which is relevant to the task and organising according to an agreed format / IL 2.4 Processing and Organising: process information by comparing, selecting and combining that which is relevant to the task and organising according to an agreed format / LS 2.3 verbalise sequence of main events in stories
LS 2.4 identify the main characters from particular picture story books and describe significant physical features
LS 2.5 describe the setting for a particular picture story book
LS 2.6 identify strong emotions that occur in a picture story book and explain the contribution of the illustrations to that end / IL 2.4 Processing and Organising: process information by comparing, selecting and combining that which is relevant to the task and organising according to an agreed format
IL 2.5 Creating and Sharing: present information which conveys understanding of the information gathered
VELS standard/s Y1 / PP 1.25 Working in teams
a willingness to share and take turns / Personal Learning (focus)
Students begin to take responsibility for managing their time and resources within the context of structured tasks that have clear outcomes and a set time frame. / Personal Learning (focus)
Students begin to take responsibility for managing their time and resources within the context of structured tasks that have clear outcomes and a set time frame.
VELS standard/s Y2 / PP1.75 Working in teams
a generous attitude that encourages the fair allocation of resources, opportunities and roles
self control in listening and planning / Personal Learning (focus)
Students begin to take responsibility for managing their time and resources within the context of structured tasks that have clear outcomes and a set time frame. / Personal Learning (focus)
Students begin to take responsibility for managing their time and resources within the context of structured tasks that have clear outcomes and a set time frame.
Australian curriculum standard/s Y1 / Y1 Literacy: They accurately use knowledge of text structure, letters, words, sentences and directionality to read different kinds of short texts. They retell the main ideas in texts in logical sequence / Y1 Literacy: Create short... informative texts that show emerging use of appropriate text structure, sentence-level grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements, for example illustrations and diagrams / Y1 Literacy: Create short... informative texts that show emerging use of appropriate text structure, sentence-level grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements, for example illustrations and diagrams
Australian curriculum standard/s Y2 / Y2 Literacy: They locate literal information in written texts. / Y2 Literacy: Create short ... informative ... texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features ... selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose. / Y2 Literacy: Create short ... informative ... texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features ... selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose.
E5 / Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: what should be in the Notes boxes on the worksheet to score 3? What if you copy from the book? / Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: how should sentences look to score 3? / Define 1/2/3/4 rubric where 3 is the expected level: how should sentences look to score 3?
Learning FocusEnglish
/ English VELSStudents practise the skills of being attentive listeners in a wider range of contexts. They listen to spoken texts that deal with familiar ideas and information, recall some of the main ideas and information presented, and use questions to clarify meaning.
Learning Focus Thinking Processes
/ As students work towards the achievement of Level 3 standards in Thinking Processes, they explore ... contexts and information which lie beyond their immediate experience. Questions and wondering are encouraged, recorded and shared, and become the basis for further learning.They develop their skills in using a range of sources of information when investigating selected questions.
Learning FocusPersonal Learning
/ Students begin to record their feelings and understanding about their learning, responding to prompts which help them acknowledge their successes, noting where improvements could be made and reflecting on the effort they put into particular tasks.Students develop strategies to use when they are feeling uncertain about their learning, for example, seeking assistance from peers. They begin to recognise that learning from mistakes is an important attribute of being a good learner. Students begin to take responsibility for managing their time and resources within the context of structured tasks that have clear outcomes and a set time frame. ....
Students work with the teacher to develop simple protocols to assist them to learn effectively with peers. They begin to recognise their contribution to the achievement of a positive learning environment in the classroom.
Learning Focus Interpersonal Learning
/ Students learn to work in teams to complete structured activities within a set timeframe (the teacher may select the teams and allocate roles and responsibilities). Students learn to stay on task and share resources fairly. In response to questions and prompts, they learn to reflect on the team’s challenges and successes and their contribution to the team’s effectiveness.SLAV Library focus
/ Level 2 Information skillsWith teacher assistance, modelling and scaffolding students will be able to:
IL 2.1 Defining: select from a range of well defined topics, participate in teacher led brainstorming, clustering of ideas, focus question development and completion of a group search plan
IL 2.2 Locating: identify and locate resources following a search plan with assistance
IL 2.3 Selecting: select main ideas and supporting keywords, categorise and record information in lists, picture sequences, grids or webs
IL 2.4 Processing and Organising: process information by comparing, selecting and combining that which is relevant to the task and organising according to an agreed format
IL 2.5 Creating and Sharing: present information which conveys understanding of the information gathered
IL 2.6 Evaluation and Strategies: review appropriateness and acceptability of presentation in relation to the original task
Aboriginal Perspectives