“Moses Has Been Gone Too Long on the Mountain”

A Prophetic Word from Yahuwah for His People Today

Exodus 31:18; 32:1-2: “And when He had ended speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the Witness (Ten Commandments), tablets of stone, written with the finger of Elohim. And when the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, the people gathered together to Aaron and said to him, `Arise, make us gods who go before us. For this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.’ ”

Abba woke me up at 5:00 AM this morning (August 3). He began by reminding me of what happened when the people thought Moshe (Moses) was too long on the mountain/Sinai. The people began to fear that something awful had happened to him and he wasn’t coming back, so they reverted to what was normal for them in Egypt. Then, Abba gave me a prophecy. He continued to expand on it, answering questions I’ve had about His timing of prophetic events for the last two years. He spoke to my spirit for about two hours, and shared things that surprised me. His Presence was filled with His peace, as a loving daddy taking a child in his lap and answering their questions, settling all concerns, and leaving the child in absolute contentment.

Abba Yahuwah reminded me of the events of Exodus 32. The longer the people waited for Moses, the more anxiety they felt. They felt alone and abandoned. Finally, they reverted to their comfort zone they had in Egypt and built a golden calf to worship. They danced around the golden calf lewdly and nudely, and made a lot of noise in their excitement to be enjoying the freedoms of Egypt once again. It was but a short time, then Moshe/Moses descended from the mountain holding the two stone tablets containing the hand-written Ten Commandments which were written by the Spirit of Yahuwah Himself. Yahuwah told him to get down to them, for they have corrupted themselves. The wrath of Yahuwah was kindled. As Moshe approached the camp, he heard and saw what they people were doing. He had just come from the Presence of Yahuwah! His reaction to their sin made him so angry that he broke the tablets. The Word of Yahuwah to His people, giving clear instructions for right standing with Him, wasbroken against the rocks. Truth fell to the ground, as His people were laughing and dancing – until they saw Moshe. When they saw him, they were horrified.

In Exodus 32:26, Moshe stood in the entrance to the camp and said: “Who is for Yahuwah? Come to me. And all the sons of Levi gathered to him. Moshe’ heart was broken for the honor of Yahuwah. Then Moshe told the Levites to take their swords, which hung from their belts. They killed 3,000 of those involved in creating the golden calf. That day, the Levites were set apart and the laws of animal sacrifice would be set in motion because of the people’s sin. On the day of Pentecost about 3,000 gathered to hear the Good News of the Lamb of Yahushua who died to remove sin from Israel.

Yahuwah was angry. He wanted to destroy them all, but Moshe pleaded for them to the point of even being willing to give up his own eternal life for theirs. Because his nature matched that of Yahuwah, the anger of Yahuwah was calmed. Yahushua Messiah passed before Moshe in answer to His request to know His Presence. In punishment on the people, Moshe made the people grind up the solid gold calf into fine powder, then he made them drink it. They had broken the First Commandment--the foundation on which the other nine Commandments were built. The Ten Commandments were the engagement agreement/covenant of what Yahushua expects in His Bride. The first one is the primary one – exclusivity! “You shall have no other gods in My face.”

Here is the prophecy that Yahuwah gave me this morning: “MY PEOPLE HAVE BUILT FOR THEMSELVES A GOLDEN CALF AND ARE DANCING AROUND IT. MOSHE HAS BEEN TOO LONG ON THE MOUNTAIN.” Then He proceeded to expand on it and explain it.

In my article yesterday about false prophets within the camp of Christianity and the Messianic Movement, I wrote about the story of the quail (Numbers 11). The people were not grateful for the manna--they craved meat. They complained.

Numbers 11:1, 4: “And it came to be that the people were complainers, and it was evil in the ears of Yahuwah. And Yahuwah heard it and His displeasure burned. And the fire of Yahuwah burned among them and consumed those in the outskirts of the camp…And the mixed multitude who were in their midst lusted greatly, so the children of Israel also wept again and said “Who is giving us meat to eat.” They went on to say that they remembered that in Egypt they had cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, garlic.

The “mixed multitude” were Egyptians who had left Egypt with the tribes of Ya’cob in the Exodus, initially fearing Yahuwah because of the 10th plague (Exodus 12). Instead of listening to Moshe and Yahuwah, the people listened to the pagan Egyptians.

This morning Abba clarified how He sees His people who crave the ease and comfort of Egypt (the world system), who complain because they don’t have all that they want.

They want a man to rule them, even in the days of Samuel (I Samuel 8-15). They wanted to be like the nations and have a king. They wanted someone to make Israel great in the eyes of the nations. They rejected Samuel and Yahuwah. I Samuel 8:7: “But Yahuwah said to Samuel, `…they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from reigning over them.’ ”

Today, most Christians don’t want Yahuwah to rule them. The Greeks, and later the Romans, hated the Torah of Yahuwah. The people wanted the sun gods of the nations to rule them, their kings, their systems. People today, as back then, don’t want a Jewish Messiah who renewed His Father’s Torah with His people--the instructions for right standing in His Kingdom. They want a human political ruler, and/or a religious leader.

I had not thought of these things before yesterday, especially in relationship to how He views His people in America right now. As with the quail, He has given His people what they want, thus while they lustily lean on promises of peace, wealth, world power, and “everything’s going to be all right,” dancing around hope as with the golden calf, His anger burns like fire. Even as I write this, He is showing me more things.

This morning He showed me clearly what it was all about when Christians banded together literally by the millions to pray for the election of Donald Trump. They got what they wanted. But, what they really wanted was for life here on earth to get better and better for them. The leaders of this prayer movement and believers of a “Great Awakening” revival to come are talking about going forth to spread the Good News of salvation to the world, of repentance, and the raising up of an army of God. It sounds super! But, the people have done little to nothing to prepare themselves to be part of a great revival. They’re depending on religious leaders to do it, while they cheer.

Actually, what they are really saying is: “We don’t want Messiah to come and rule over us with a rod of iron in His Kingdom. We want a man to rule over us and make life good for us in our kingdom.” I feel the anger and the broken heart of Abba.

Then as I listened with my spirit to Him, He reminded me of 2006, and the cassette given to me by my pastor in Fort Worth the previous November with the words “I believe God wants me to give this to you. Billye Brim is a friend of mine. She’s in Israel. I want you to meet her.” On the cassette were her experiences in Israel speaking with rabbis, even Chaim Richmond of the Sanhedrin, a friend of hers, who told her about the “Shmittahyear prophecy.” In 2000, all of Israel was buzzing over this prophecy, given by Jewish sages 400 years before, tracing the seven-year cycles since Joshua, and pinpointing the last three seven year cycles, prophesying over them. All during 2007, the Orthodox Jews were highly excited, because of the beginning of the last cycle on Yom Teruah,saying that Messiah was on His way. The accuracy of the Shmittah year prophecy is astounding – to the letter, with confirmation as it unfolded.

BillyeBrim was a personal friend of Ariel Sharon, and so had her ear tuned to what the Jews were saying. I had listened to her two cassettes in late November of 2005 in Aqaba, Jordan where I lived. I took notes. But in early 2006, Abba spoke clearly to me: “Listen to the tape about the Shmittah year prophecy again.” So I did. This time it came to life. I was prepared for what would come in 2007.

In March of 2007, I was going across the border for Passover in Israel. While there, staying in the Old City as usual, at Christ Church, I heard people from different nations saying: “We don’t understand it, but we know we must be in Jerusalem for Sukkot.” I’m not talking only Americans. I’m talking groups from Germany and other parts of Europe, from Japan, and other countries. That summer back in the U.S., I heard believers saying the same thing everywhere I went – “we don’t understand it, but…” I thought to myself “If this Shmittahyear prophecy is true, this will be the biggest Sukkot since the time of Solomon.” I am not gullible. I try the Spirits, I study the Word, and I do honest research. But, still, little did I know the enormity of what was going to happen.

In wrote “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” after re-hearing Billye Brim’s tape in 2006. I updated it in October of 2007 after Sukkot. I wrote the “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition” in July of 2007, and also updated it in October of 2007. As I finished writing the Forty-Eight Hour Transition, I thought to myself, “I can’t send this--it’s too far out there—like in outer space.” Yahuwah said clearly: “send it!” I argued with Him a little, but He won out. I sent it thinking my ministry was over. Within 10 minutes (I’m telling the absolute truth) my daughter brought me a small package that had just come in the mail. I had been trying to get a cassette tape from Don Esposito--a recording of a meeting he had in Jerusalem--for 2 years. At that time, his dad was sending out tapes of his meetings, and I didn’t get that one. It was very popular. In the little package my daughter brought me was the cassette tape. I laid down to listen to it. It confirmed exactly everything I had said in that article I just sent. Then Abba led me to listen to my new cassettes of “The Jonah Code” by Michael Rood. Back to back, what I heard confirmed everything I had just written. I was overwhelmed. I cried and praised Abba.

When I finished “The Shmittah Year Prophecy,” I went online and put “Shmittah year prophecy” in google search. Two articles came up – and two only. One was by DovRabbi Bar Lieb. Another one was telling about Billye Brim and what she found out from rabbis about it, from 2000. A few years later, I put the phrase in google, and guess what? My article was #1 of a long list of articles? - Shock!

I was in Jerusalem for Yom Teruah, September 13, 2007. Abba had given me 8 things to prophesy at the Wall/to proclaim. As I left for the Wall that morning, He gave me 10 more things. I proclaimed all 18 things. The #1 thing was the end of Ephraim’s punishment. According to Ezekiel 4 and Leviticus 26, the punishment on the ten northern tribes for their sin (that’s most of us), was 2, 730 years from their dispersion in 722 BCE into all nations AMONG the gentiles. Abba never calls His people “gentiles.” He says He will destroy all gentiles. We were lost in among gentiles however and lost our identity as the children of Yahuwah. But since around 1995, that identity has surfaced and today many Messianic believers know they are of the House of Ephraim/Israel/Joseph. In doing my math, I came out with Yom Teruah 2007/2008 on the Creator’s calendar. Little did I know that the Jews had known about this for at least 400 years, and more. So, because of the end of Ephraim’s punishment, and the beginning of the last complete 7-year cycle of Daniel 9:24-27 on that amazing third of three successive prophesied Yom Teruahs which paralleled Genesis 41, we entered the final revealed 7-year cycle before Messiah comes.

The Jews sure knew it. That Sukkot was indeed the largest since Solomon’s day. Fifteen of my friends joined me in Jerusalem. The Orthodox Jews were ecstatic. One example: One of my friends was serving dinner in a “soup kitchen” for the poor on Jaffa Road one night and a rabbi came in. He saw the man serving, and wearing tzitzit. He went up to him and began speaking rapidly in Hebrew. The question was: “Are you Ephraim?” When he said “yes,” the rabbi grabbed his shoulders and gave him a kiss on each cheek and began jumping up and down in joy. This happened in different ways to others with me, like one lady who was wearing tzitit. They knew Ephraim’s punishment was over, and they said to us: “Now Messiah can come.”

Refer to: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy,” “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition” and “The September 12, 2007 Report from Jerusalem,” all under the Mikvahof Preparation.

After the others left and Sukkot was over, I went back to the Wall one morning. I came back from breakfast at Christ Church at the Jaffa Gate, and my left knee popped out of place while I was in my room. Tendons and ligaments were torn, and I could hardly walk. I was to leave the next morning for Tiberias on the bus. The night before I had written the third of the articles “The September 12, 2007 Report From Jerusalem,” in which I listed the 18 things I proclaimed the eve of Yom Teruah. I hobbled downstairs and sat in the garden patio with my computer, to send the article to those on my address list. I prayed all the way down and all the time there for Abba to send me help. How could I take two large suitcases on the bus to Tiberias when I could hardly walk? Just before sending the article, a man came up to me and said “Yedidah.” I looked at him; I didn’t recognize him. He said, “It’s John. We met at your meeting in the home of Grace W.” Then I remembered him well. We had been e-mailing before the meeting. He was staying at the Imperial Hotel just nearby and had come to Christ Church for breakfast. I asked if he’d come back in 30 minutes so we could talk. I sent the article. He

came back in 30 minutes. The first thing he said when he sat down was “what can I do to

help you.” Even now I get tears thinking of it. I told him my plight. He said he’d there tomorrow morning and after breakfast he would take me to the bus, and go with me to Tiberias. I told him that someone was meeting me at the bus in Tiberias, but if he could just help me get the bags on the bus and me on it, I’d be so grateful. He did just that. He came back the next morning an hour early, I thought. But, the time had gone back – daylight savings time in Israel. What a faithful brother!

I said to Abba: If theShmittah Year Prophecy is true, and the last of the three Yom Teruahs fit into Genesis 41about prosperity, then famine, then the next thing I’m going to hear about this third one is about worldwide famine. In November, the news in America and around the world daily was about worldwide famine. And guess where it began? –EGYPT! Now what are the odds of that!

I kept asking questions for the 7 years. For months in 2015, I collected reports of what was predicted to happen during that Fall Festival cycle – September. I collected over 30 different things, even with the Pope and Obama meeting in the White House on Yom Teruah. There was such an expectancy that year for the Jubilee to begin and the coming of Messiah.

But, when Sukkot was over and Messiah did not come, people got discouraged and some got angry. Some got angry at me for date-setting. I never set dates for the coming of Messiah. I did report on the 7-year time span. One young man, a precious friend, even turned to atheism because he said Tom Horn and Yedidah said Messiah was coming and He didn’t come. People on my list began to be disgusted, and some got mad at the teachers of end time prophecy in general. Some got mad at me. As the month went on, people stopped opening my letters and reading my articles. But, neither Tom Horn nor I made any dogmatic statements about Messiah coming in 2015. Tom Horn was found to be right about his timing of the “stepping down” of Pope Benedict, and I went on to report as Abba led me.