A male strong in character and conformation
This article will be a tribute to one of the best descendants out of the very influential Hertog Alpha le Dobry line called Hargos van het Wantij. This square black male was bred in Holland in 1986 in the well known kennel "v.h. Wantij" owned by Mr. J. v. Gelder. This year 1986 was a good year for the breed. It brought us several dogs chiefly valuable for their beauty but only Hargos had the power of transmitting his valuable traits for the International Dobermann breed. He overshadowed in his value for the breed certainly other dogs out of 1986 like Semper Sciff v. Stevinhage, who was maybe in conformation the better dog or the red male Falko de Los Valientes of whom some experts had high expectations.
Hargos was born out of the combination Hertog Alpha le Dobry x Esmir v. Hermansjomaik. Two dogs well known for their excellent working qualities but also well known for their conformation qualities. Both dogs were criticized and sometimes penalized for their broad and strong head type. Specially the dam was criticized for her masculine head. But despite this Esmir became a World Champion (1985 Amsterdam) and in that same year DV-Siegerin. Of course she got her Dutch, International and German Championtitles. Esmir was a daughter of two "Angekort" dogs. Nicolai v.d. Kloosterkamp who was a medium-sized dog well known for his excellent working qualities and Bonita v. Rensloo, a dynamic bitch with self-confidence and a lot of courage and hardness. She was a litter sister of Baron Cecar v. Rensloo. With such parents it is clear that Esmir was a bitch with a wonderful character and an excellent temperament.
Don Dayan v. Franckenhorst was not an exceptional working dog but certainly had success in the showring. His dam Tanja v.d. Kunnemaborgh was the opposite of Don Dayan. Conformation wise she was a moderate female but character wise she was a fiery bitch with excellent working qualities.
It is clear that Hargos v.h. Wantij with such bloodlines got a lot of qualities. He was a medium sized black male, slightly short on his legs (a legacy of his grandsire Nicolai v.d. Kloosterkamp). His body was compact with a firm back, excellent chest, strong bones and an excellent shoulder assembly. His head was heavy (which you could expect with those parents) with excellent parallel planes and a strong underjaw. He was not always running smoothly in the showrings. His character was great which was logical with such a background. He passed his IPO III and his Schutzhund III exam with ease. At the "Korung" he got the highest score 1A and received for courage, self confidence and hardness the best qualifications. The experts spoke highly about his firm bite and his strong attack with a lot of self confidence. He passed the Korung for life. In the showring he was very successful. When he was just two years old he became Bundessieger (1988). In 1990 he won the Belgian and the French Champion Show in Mauvieres and also the IDC title in Italy. One year later he won the World Champion title in Dortmund and became there best of breed and reserve best in Show. Hargos was a Dutch, Luxembourgh, French, German and International Champion. He never became a DV-Sieger although he was close to this title in 1989. But the title was given by Mr. 0. Vogel to another son of Hertog Alpha le Dobry called Gringo v. Franckenhorst, also a dog who passed the "Korung" with the reserve qualification.
he sire of Hargos the well known Hertog Alpha le Dobry was a dog who put his stamp on the breed during the eighties. No one can ignore that he passed through his own type to the breed. Unfortunately some experts discussed his character. But in my view he can be praised for improving the character of the breed. He certainly was a dog with an excellent temperament, who got on the "Korung" the highest marks from the judges underwhich the well known Mr. 0. Vogel, a workingdog expert pre-eminently. Hertog Alpha le Dobry certainly has given the breed stronger nerves, more self-confidence and a higher protection drive. Proved by the fact that a lot of his descendants havy passed their Schutzhund III or IPO III or other heavy tests like the "Korung".
To continue in g. Doberman ? 3/98
Famous sons Hargos van het Wantij:
  • Mamba Royal Bell
  • Erlando Royal Bell
  • Eady Royal Bell
  • Hillo Royal Bell
  • Idomeneus v.d. Barlinge