Mortar Board Minutes

MSU Chapter

Membership Meeting

September 14, 2005


Executive Board

President- Emily Yocum

Vice President- Katie Knauf

Treasurer- Justin Dunaskiss

Secretary- Julie Shermetaro

Selection Chair- Brandi Lindsey

Selection Chair- Nicole Vasilinek

Social Chair- Jennifer Edwards

Comm. Director- Danielle Weller

Historian- Colleen Crawford


Absences- Anthony Howell

Kristen McGlynn

Haniya Rehman

Abra Jeffers

Qian Li

President- Emily Yocum-

MB Guideline- 25 service hours a year

MB associated events must have five members in attendance

Report you hours to Katie (VP). Katie will have sheets for recording hours.


New meeting times to be discussed. Vote taken. Meeting will be Wednesday nights in the late evening at the Union.

-Goals for the year

1. Increase MB awareness on campus

2. Increase Alumni awareness

3. Start scholarship fund

4. Host benefit concert

Monica suggests “Hard Lessons” band

Possibly at the Breslin center? 40K, may be out of reach.

During the Feb/March time period.

We have connections for artists and venues.

Possibly Katrina/Red Cross as a sponsor

Justin- Our ultimate goal is to get the ball rolling tonight so we can accomplish huge things for MB’s future.

Concert committee sign-up is passed around.

Membership questions: Why aren’t we well know at MSU?

Emily- We’ve never hosted large events before. Some smaller events include “Trick or Treat for Boks”, flower sale for Valentines day, MLK “Into the Streets” program.

Yearly service hour requirements will be put into an e-mail or printout.

Social events are still in the making.

-Philanthropy events

Marissa Hill- Making Strides for Breast Cancer. October 15

Rachel James- Up Till Dawn letter writing campaign. End of October.

Ben Bode- United Way/Reading People tutoring service. 1-2 hours per week.

Carolyn Smith- Red Cross shelter program

-Crop walk, benefits hunger and poverty, 6.2 miles. Oct 16.

Danielle Weller- 5k run.

Julie Shermetaro- Evans Scholars and Lansing Area AIDS Network AIDS Walk, Oct 2.

MB fundraisers- Katie Knauf- Mongolian BBQ grill fundraiser

-Wednesday evenings

-Will send out e-mail with more info

-(free T-shirts!)

Emily- We need to look further into e-mail communication.

Next meeting Sept 28 9:30

Meeting Adjourned
