Morriston Primary SDP 2015-2016

Morriston Primary School

School Development Plan

2015 – 2016

This document is based on the Welsh Government regulations 155/2014

Timeline / Date / Staff Members and GB
Planning / September 2015 / All staff and Governors
Reviewing / March 2016 / All staff and Governors
Reviewing / July 2016 / All staff and Governors
Contents / Page
Contextual information / 2
Targets / 4
Progress since last inspection / 6
School and Governing Body’s appraisal of progress with 2014-2015 priorities / 7
School’s three-year priorities 2015 - 2018 / 9
Priorities 2015 - 2016 / 10
Checklist / 26

Contextual Information

Current National Category / 3 / B
Strategic Overview 2015-2016
Workforce Planning: number of fte TEACHERS / 10 Fte 2 P/T
Workforce Planning: number of fte SUPPORT STAFF / Foundation Phase: 15 / Other: 8
Grant Finance 2015-2016
Source of Funding / Purpose / Sum
Education Improvement Grant / Ensure each pupil profits from excellent teaching and learning, focusing on
•  Improving Literacy
•  Improving Numeracy
•  Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment / £10,257
Pupil Deprivation Grant / Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment / £59,850 + £563 adjustment
Other / Foundation Phase Grant / £68,526
2015-2016 / Nursery / Reception / Yr 1 / Yr 2 / Yr 3 / Yr 4 / Yr 5 / Yr 6 / Total
Eligible for Free School Meals / 16 / 7 / 8 / 18 / 6 / 5 / 6 / 66
Children in Need / 1 / 2 / 1
Looked After Children / 1 / 1 / 2
English as an Additional Language / 9 / 7 / 4 / 3 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 2 / 40
Number of latecomers to Welsh / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
Special Educational Needs
School Action / 5 / 8 / 3 / 2 / 8 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 32
School Action Plus / 4 / 3 / 5 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 28
Statement / 10 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 1 / 3 / 5 / 33

Target Setting : Foundation Phase Targets

Foundation Phase Targets – Free School Meals

Key Stage 2 Targets

Key Stage 2 Targets – Free School Meals

Progress since the Last Inspection

Date of Last Inspection:
Dec 2009 / Current Performance:
3 / Capacity to Improve:
B / Subsequent Monitoring:
None / LA / Estyn / GS / MA
Recommendation / Very good progress / Strong progress / Satisfactory progress / Limited progress
Tackles the recommendation in every way / Tackles the recommendation on the whole / Tackles the recommendation in many ways / Does not satisfy the recommendation
Definition / Does not require any further attention to any aspect.
Very good effect on the quality of provision. / Requires attention only to minor aspects.
Positive effect on standards and / or the quality of provision. / Continues to require substantial attention to some important aspects.
Limited effect on standards and / or quality of provision. / Each aspect or many important aspects continue(s) to require attention.
No effect on standards and / or quality of provision.
R1: Raise standards in Welsh as a second language in KS2 and pupils’ bilingual skills. / See Post Inspection Action Plan for evaluation of progress.
R2: Improve pupils’ problem solving skills and their presentational skills across the curriculum. / See Post Inspection Action Plan for evaluation of progress.
R3: Strengthen arrangements to assess achievement and progress more regularly and ensure the marking of pupils’ work is consistently helpful and constructive / See Post Inspection Action Plan for evaluation of progress.

School and Governing Body appraisal of the progress with 2014/2015 priorities

Good Progress / Strong Progress / Satisfactory Progress / Limited Progress
Priority 1: To raise attainment in Literacy at Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 at expected level and expected level +1
The percentage of pupils achieving LLC O5+ in 2015 was 81.5% compared with 73% in 2014. This is an increase of 8.5%.
The percentage of pupils achieving LLC O6+ in 2015 was 14.8%, compared with 19.2% in 2014. This is a decrease of 4.4%.
The percentage of pupils achieving English L4+ in 2015 was 82.6% in 2015, which is similar to 84.2 in 2014. There is an increasing trend in English L4+ over the last 3 years
The percentage of pupils achieving English L5+ in 2015 was 43.5%, compared with 26.3% in 2014, which is an increase of 17.2%.
Priority 2: Raise standards in Numeracy
The percentage of pupils achieving MD O5+ in 2015 was 85.2% compared with 73.1% in 2014. This is an increase of 12.1%.
The percentage of pupils achieving MD O6+ in 2015 was 8.5% compared with 19.2% in 2014. This is a decrease of 0.7%
The percentage of pupils achieving Maths L4+ in 2015 was 82.6% which is similar to 78.9% in 2014.
The percentage of pupils achieving Maths L5+ in 2015 was 43.5% compared with 31.6%% in 2014, which is an increase of 11.9%. For Maths L5+, the school is performing above the FA, the LA and the NA.
Priority 3: Improve levels of Community and Parental involvement
Annual questionnaires have been completed. A number of workshops and drop-in sessions have taken place to encourage greater involvement with children’s learning, eg. Craft sessions, e-safety and reading sessions. Parents are invited to celebrations of learning linked to Cornerstone projects. Meet the teacher has taken place in the Autumn term. Links with Libanus Church and Open the Book have been established, and contribute to the life of the school.
Priority 4: Meeting the needs of More Able and Talented learners
MAT pupils have been identified, and parents informed. Through scrutiny of teachers’ planning, raised expectations are now evident. Incerts is used to track MAT children. MAT Policy is in place.
Priority 5: Develop the role of the Governing Body
Governor training and attendance at school events has increased. Governors have been involved in monitoring Literacy lessons, and contributed to feedback to teachers. Governors have also evaluated the effectiveness of the SER.

Three-Year Priorities 2015 – 2018

Key Question 1 / Key Question 2 / Key Question 3
2015-2016 / Raise Standards in Literacy at Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2.
Raise Standards in Numeracy at Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2. / Improve levels of Community and parental Involvement.
Meeting the needs of More Able and Talented Learners.
Raise attainment in Welsh at Key Stage 2. / Develop the role of the Governing Body.
Management of resources – staff
Budget restrictions
(high level priorities) / Raise Standards in Literacy at Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2.
Raise Standards in Numeracy at Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2. / Implementation of the
Digital Competence Framework and E-safety
HWB+ implementation
My Voice stakeholder self-evaluation.
My Selfie pupil self-evaluation. / Management of resources – staff
Budget restrictions
(high level priorities) / Raise Standards in Literacy at Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2.
Raise Standards in Numeracy at Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2.

Priorities for 2015 – 2016

Focus: 1.1 Standards
SER Priority: 1
To raise attainment in Literacy at Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 at expected level and expected level +1
Links to National and local priorities:
·  Literacy across the school / Link Governor: Mr. C Hess
Measureable Pupil Outcomes:
i)To attain at least 83% O 5+ FP in order to secure a top 50% position against benchmarked schools at expected level
ii) To attain at least 23.5% O6 to attain top 50% position against benchmarked schools at expected level +1
iii) To attain at least 88.5% Level 4+ in order to secure highest 25% against benchmarked schools at expected level
iv) To attain at least 28.6% Level 5+ in order to secure highest 50% position against benchmarked schools at expected level +1
Points for action (steps) / Persons Leading
(Named Person) / Resources
Including time & training / Total costs
1. Further improve teaching of writing in every class
·  Develop continuity and progression in text types across the school.
·  Book scrutiny to focus on a consistent approach to teaching reading and writing skills.
·  Share good practice noted in book scrutiny in school, and in schools with good practice.
·  Further develop Writing Walls in every class.
·  Develop resources and class literacy files to support teachers.
·  Develop writing portfolio to show progress in attainment. / Mrs. Sarah Watts / Supply cover to allow share good practice / £315
2. Further improve assessment and tracking of pupils
·  Regular analysis of formative class data.
·  Identify and target borderline L4 and L5, O5 and O6 children.
·  Provide immediate and appropriate intervention for identified pupils and groups, eg. boys (catch-up groups).
·  Setting ambitious targets (see above).
·  Track pupil progress within individual text types.
·  Catch-up training for TAs in Year 2 and Year 6, as appropriate.
·  Teachers to use class data to inform ambitious planning. / Mrs. Sarah Watts / Catch-up groups / £210
3. Improve every teachers’ planning to raise pupil expectation through:-
·  Regular monitoring of teachers’ planning.
·  Differentiation to support and challenge all learners.
·  Pitching literacy across the curriculum at ambitious levels.
·  Learning walks and book scrutinies to check on use of AFL strategies. / Mrs. Sarah Watts / Supply cover / £315
Points for Action / Outcomes / Monitoring
(All reports to be submitted to GB) / Who?
(Named) / When?
(Actual Dates) / RAG Rating of outcome.
A / Sp / Su
1. Further improve teaching of writing in every class / ·  Continuity and progression in text types across the school.
·  A consistent approach to teaching reading and writing skills is evidenced in pupils’ books.
·  Good practice identified and shared in-house, and schools visited.
·  Writing Walls developed to be a point of reference for children, and to include Success Criteria, text type examples and year group specific text type features.
·  Class literacy files in place to support teachers.
·  Writing portfolio demonstrates and celebrates pupil progress in each text type.
·  Apply writing skills across the curriculum. / Work Scrutiny
Data analysis
Learning walks
Listening to learners / WS all teachers
Mrs. Sarah Watts / WS half termly
LO Annually
LW Termly
LL Annually
2. Further improve assessment and tracking of pupils / ·  Improved analysis of formative class data, which informs future planning.
·  Borderline L4 and L5, O5 and O6 children identified
·  Data from Catch-up groups to show pupils’ progress.
·  A consistent approach to Target Setting has been developed across the school.
·  Individual and groups of children’s progress is tracked in each text type. Data analysis shows boys’ performance has increased.
·  Catch-up training provided for TAs as appropriate.
·  Teachers use class data to inform ambitious planning. / Teachers’ planning
Work Scrutiny
Analysis of pupil progress
Analysis of Incerts / WS all teachers
Mrs. Sarah Watts / Planning scrutiny termly
WS termly
PP End of every term
3. Improve every teachers’ planning to raise pupil expectation through:- / ·  Monitoring of teachers’ planning undertaken termly.
·  Differentiation evident in teacher’s planning.
·  Literacy planning is at ambitious levels.
·  Learning walks and book scrutinies focussing on the use of AFL strategies are undertaken regularly. / Monitoring of planning
Book scrutiny / WS all teachers
Mrs. Sarah Watts / TP half
LO termly
End of every term
Monitoring Progress (Impact statements from reports)
Measureable Pupil Outcomes:
i)To attain at least 83% O 5+ FP in order to secure a top 50% position against benchmarked schools at expected level
ii) To attain at least 23.5% O6 to attain top 50% position against benchmarked schools at expected level +1
iii) To attain at least 88.5% Level 4+ in order to secure highest 25% against benchmarked schools at expected level
iv) To attain at least 28.6% Level 5+ in order to secure highest 50% position against benchmarked schools at expected level +1
Focus: 1.1 Standards
SER Priority: 2 Raise standards in Numeracy
Links to National and local priorities
Numeracy / Link Governor:
Measureable Pupil Outcomes:
i)To attain at least 80% O 5+ FP in order to secure position in 3rd quartile against benchmarked schools at expected level
ii) To attain at least 21% O6 to attain top 50% position against benchmarked schools at expected level +1
iii) To attain at least 85% Level 4+ in order to secure highest 50% against benchmarked schools at expected level
iv) To attain at least 36% Level 5+ in order to secure highest 25% position against benchmarked schools at expected level +1
Points for action (steps) / Persons Leading
(Named Person) / Resources
Including time & training / Total costs
1.  Standardisation and moderation processes
·  Maths Co-ordinator to work with cluster for support with standardisation and moderation process
·  Phase meetings for standardisation of pupil work
·  Internal moderation of Year 6 pupils by KS 2 teachers