Jasper County Animal Rescue League and Humane Society
5411 Liberty Avenue Newton, IA 50208
641-792-5407, www.jcarl.org
Fearful Behavior in Cats
Why is my cat fearful?
Cats when exposed to any situation in which they feel uncomfortable may exhibit signs of fear.
How can I tell if my cat is afraid?
Cats will generally express fear in one of three ways. They may flee, fight or freeze. Sometimes if extremely fearful, a cat can lose control of its bladder and bowels. If your cat is prevented from using one method then he will choose another way to express his fear. For example if a cat who is uncomfortable around dogs is approached by a dog, the cat may try to run and hide. If the dog corners the cat, then the cat may hiss and swat at the dog.
What should I do?
� Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out any medical problems.
� Make sure the cat has easy access to food, water and a litter box.
� Keep any contact with the fearful situation/stimulus to a minimum.
� Allow the cat time to adjust. Let him come out of his hiding spot on his own.
� Keep the cat’s routine as consistent as possible. This will help the cat feel more comfortable.
� Work on desensitizing the cat to the fearful object by rewarding him with food treats and praise
when the object is present at a “safe distance”. A safe distance is the distance at which the cat
is showing no signs of fear. Gradually move the object closer to the cat. As long as the cat remains comfortable, continue to reward him. If the cat becomes fearful, stop and start the
process again from a safe distance and proceed at a slower pace.
What shouldn’t I do?
� Do not attempt to handle the cat when he is frightened. This will usually result in a bite or scratch.
� Do no force the cat into a situation where he feels uncomfortable.
� Do not remove a cat from his hiding place.
� Do not punish the cat. This will only increase his fear.