Morgan Dadgostar – Dallas Water Utilities
Assignment Editors, Metro Reporters,Pretreatment and Laboratory Services
Photo Journalists(214) 670-7692
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Dallas Water Utilities
Pretreatment Program
2013 Annual Blue Thumb Award
at Dallas City Hall
Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) Pretreatment and Laboratory Services Division will present their Annual Blue Thumb Awardsat 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 15, 2013 in the L1FN Auditorium at Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla Street. The Award recognizes industries that are in compliance with their wastewater discharge and reporting requirements.
DWU is responsible for implementing the National Pretreatment Program as mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency, to ensure that wastewater discharged into the City’s wastewater treatment plants meets EPA, TCEQ and City standards. The program also manages the surcharge assessment program which brings in more than $4 million dollars annually, in revenues.
The pretreatment Group prepares reports and maintains documentation, including preparing quarterly and annual reports for the Trinity River Authority, the State (TCEQ), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
During the last pretreatment year, the program conducted 284 inspections, filed 284 reports and collected 2,696 samples. Laboratory analysis results from the sampling were received, checked, processed, reviewed and mailed to industries. A total of 88 citations were issued during the pretreatment year ending June 30, 2013.
The Award program started in the 1988. Before the Award program started, the City only took actions against noncompliant SIUs by issuing notices of violations, citations, administrative fines, and publishing Significant Noncompliant (SNC) SIUs in the newspaper.
Theneed to recognize compliant SIUs led to the creation of the Blue Thumb Award. In order to receive the award in a given pretreatment year (July1st through June 30th), an SIU must be in compliance with discharge limit requirements, all reporting requirements, and be permitted for the entire pretreatment year.
“It’s important to recognize the many local industries with excellent compliance records that discharge into the sanitary sewer. Their compliance is helping to improve water quality standards and reduce costs.” said DWU Director Jody Puckett.
A total of 74 industries will be receivingthe Blue Thumb Award in November. Among them there are one five-year consecutive award recipient and two 10-year consecutive award recipients. In addition, DWU recognizes Pollution Prevention (P2) efforts by permitted industries. This year, twelve permitted industries will be honored for their P2 efforts and accomplishments.
“Through P2 programs, industries reduce the amount of pollution generated at its sourceand can improve profits, productivity and become more environmentally friendly,” Puckett said. “This reduces treatment costs, prevents violation of water quality standards and maintains treatment capacity at our wastewater treatment plants.”
Where:Dallas City Hall
City Hall Auditorium- L1FN
1500 Marilla St.
Dallas, Texas 75201
When: Friday, November 15, 2013
Reception: 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Awards ceremony: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.