Fast Food NationReadings #4 & #5: Chapter 2 – Your Trusted Friends

(p. 31-46, p. 47-57)

Reading #4 (p. 31-46)

  1. (p. 33) To whom did Ray Kroc and Walt Disney perfect the art of selling? What is the significance of this?


  1. (p. 34-35) Who is Ray Kroc? How did he become involved with McDonald’s?
  1. (p. 35-37) Summarize the history of the relationship between Walt and Ray.
  1. (p. 37) How is McDonald’s connected to Richard Nixon? What effect did that have on legislation? How do you feel about that?


  1. (p. 38-39) Who was Wernher Von Braun?
  1. (p. 39) Who was Heinz Haber? What was his job during World War 2?
  1. (p. 39-40) How were Braun and Haber connected to Walt Disney? What do you think of this?
  1. (p. 41) How was Ronald McDonald born? Why was he chosen as the mascot for McDonald’s?


  1. (p. 42-43) When did the big push to market to children begin? What types of items were marketed this way?
  1. (p. 43) What is “cradle-to-grave” advertising? How is the Joe Camel ad campaign related to it?
  1. (p. 43-44) How do children act as “surrogate salesman”?
  1. (p. 44-45) How do companies target children? List the ways they get information.
  1. (p. 45-46) Summarize and comment on the late 1970s/early 1980s proposed FTC ban on advertising aimed at kids.

Reading #5 (p. 47-57)


  1. (p. 47) According to Brandweek, what is the best way to market to children?How have fast food chains used this? Give examples of specific promotions.
  1. (p. 48) What is cross-promotion? Give specific examples of cross-promotions.
  1. (p. 49) How were Ray Kroc and Walt Disney eventually “reunited”?


  1. (p. 49-51) To which emotions do McDonald’s advertising campaigns (among others) appeal? What do you think about this?


  1. (p. 51) What revolutionary marketing idea began in 1993? List some details about this strategy.
  1. (p. 51-3) List arguments for marketing in schools. Comment on this practice. Do you agree with it?
  1. (p. 51-53) Who is Dan DeRose? Summarize his involvement with school marketing campaigns.
  1. (p. 53-55) Comment on the change in soft drink consumption. What do you think of this?
  1. (p. 55-57) List other ways that advertisers are involved in schools.