Fast Food NationReadings #4 & #5: Chapter 2 – Your Trusted Friends
(p. 31-46, p. 47-57)
Reading #4 (p. 31-46)
- (p. 33) To whom did Ray Kroc and Walt Disney perfect the art of selling? What is the significance of this?
- (p. 34-35) Who is Ray Kroc? How did he become involved with McDonald’s?
- (p. 35-37) Summarize the history of the relationship between Walt and Ray.
- (p. 37) How is McDonald’s connected to Richard Nixon? What effect did that have on legislation? How do you feel about that?
- (p. 38-39) Who was Wernher Von Braun?
- (p. 39) Who was Heinz Haber? What was his job during World War 2?
- (p. 39-40) How were Braun and Haber connected to Walt Disney? What do you think of this?
- (p. 41) How was Ronald McDonald born? Why was he chosen as the mascot for McDonald’s?
- (p. 42-43) When did the big push to market to children begin? What types of items were marketed this way?
- (p. 43) What is “cradle-to-grave” advertising? How is the Joe Camel ad campaign related to it?
- (p. 43-44) How do children act as “surrogate salesman”?
- (p. 44-45) How do companies target children? List the ways they get information.
- (p. 45-46) Summarize and comment on the late 1970s/early 1980s proposed FTC ban on advertising aimed at kids.
Reading #5 (p. 47-57)
- (p. 47) According to Brandweek, what is the best way to market to children?How have fast food chains used this? Give examples of specific promotions.
- (p. 48) What is cross-promotion? Give specific examples of cross-promotions.
- (p. 49) How were Ray Kroc and Walt Disney eventually “reunited”?
- (p. 49-51) To which emotions do McDonald’s advertising campaigns (among others) appeal? What do you think about this?
- (p. 51) What revolutionary marketing idea began in 1993? List some details about this strategy.
- (p. 51-3) List arguments for marketing in schools. Comment on this practice. Do you agree with it?
- (p. 51-53) Who is Dan DeRose? Summarize his involvement with school marketing campaigns.
- (p. 53-55) Comment on the change in soft drink consumption. What do you think of this?
- (p. 55-57) List other ways that advertisers are involved in schools.