Board Update

Board Members Volume 33, No. 13

David Ambrose, President

Aaron Close, Vice President

Pete Gordon Board Meeting

John Rowland December 20, 2016

Laura Smith

The Morgan County Board of Education met in a regular session on Tuesday, December 20, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Board of Education Office located at 247 Harrison Avenue, Berkeley Springs, WV. There was a cookie and hot chocolate social at 6:30 p.m. prior to the meeting to honor the fall student achievers.

David Ambrose, President presided. Aaron Close, Pete Gordon, Laura Smith, and John Rowland, Members, and David Banks, Superintendent, were present.

Present were: Administrators – Kristen Tuttle, Assistant Superintendent; Ann Bell, Treasurer. Directors – Kandy Kulus and Russell Penner. Others –Pamela Barron, Serenity McGowan, Jessica Leishear, Deanna Crone, Shane Crone, Jamie Weaver, Logan King, Chris King, Trish Shunney, Trisha Hendershot, Ethan Rutherford, Jason, Hook, Erin Hook, Hunter Hook, Cheryl Truly, Marilyn Starliper, Beaver Starliper, Margie Starliper, Brian Ailor, Austin Ailor, Sydney Ailor, Serenity Parsell, Aaron Parsell, Matthew Leasure, Gary Leasure, Dawn Leasure, Sherry Lutman, Darren Sheppard, AnnaMae Sheppard, Lee Sheppard, Bobbie McBee, Mary McBee, Paula Strait, Hannah Strait, Jeff Rossignol, Michelle Rossignol, Jaran Rossignol, Katlynn Rossignol, Steven Pindell, Branden Pindell, Jeannette Sweitzer, Bailey Verkouteran, Corey Verkouteran, Justice Beers, Aden Beers, Dustin Beers, Kristen Gregory, Scott Fortney, Rita Fortney, Jillian Fortney, Eileen Haggerty, Charlotte Williams, Deanna Steiner, Raymond Steiner, Clara Steiner, Carol Barnes, Bridget Christie, Luke Christie, Bridget Christie, Emma Christie, Charity Brinegar, Kayley Brinegar, Justin Brinegar, Braden Brinegar, Keri Chilcote, Laura Morgan, Jake Morgan, Josh Morgan, Lillian Morgan, Kate Shunney, Elliot Jurick, Joan Myers, Dick Myers, Catherine Myers, Chloe Riggs, George Stanton, Heather Stanton, Serenity Stanton, Aubrey Stanton, Fred McClintock, Anna McClintock, Keith McClintock, Jody McClintock, Ed Mellott, Sandy Mellott, Alex Mellott, Gat Caperton, Tish McCusker, Alex McCusker, Ashlee McCusker, Ronnie McCusker, Rachael McCusker, Jennifer Thomas, Lew Thomas, Charles Jones, Stewart Smith, Lori Smith, Zachary Salman, Mary Hott, Ethan Hatcher, Renee Fincham, Haden Fincham, Kyle Rankin, Keri Rankin, Steve Rankin, Kyle Rankin, Ed Spade, Jill Spade, Evelyn Spade, Jennifer Moats, Landen Schetrompf, Home Schetrompf, Jeff Carder, Dylan Carder, Loretta Carder, Dalas Carder, Ian Helmick, Anne Helmick, Audrey Helmick, Iris Helmick, Serenity Wise, Kierstyn Wise and Betsy Buser. Media – Kate Evans, Morgan Messenger.

I.  Call to Order

President Ambrose called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II.  Pledge of Allegiance

President Ambrose led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Roll Call

All board of education members were present.

IV. Approval of Agenda and Addenda

The board approved the Agenda and Addenda.

V. Presentations

A. Student Awards for Excellence in Academics

·  West Virginia General Summative Assessment – Level 4 (Distinguished)

VI. Reports/Communications

A.  President of the Board

NOTE: Mr. Ambrose noted that Morgan County received the SBA Grant Award.

B.  Board of Education Members

NOTE: Mr. Close noted that he had received an inquiry from the County Commission regarding the property in Great Cacapon.

C.  Superintendent

NOTE: Superintendent Banks gave an update on Bus 182’s accident on Rt. 522. He praised bus driver Cathy McCumbee for the fantastic job in keeping our students safe.

NOTE: Superintendent Banks noted the copy of the Needs letter in each members folder.

NOTE: Superintendent Banks noted that Ryan Fincham would like to speak to the board regarding tennis facilities. Mr. Fincham has already addressed the County Commission.

VII. Public Comments: NONE

VIII. Consent Agenda (Action)

The superintendent recommends approval of the following consent actions as presented:

A.  Minutes of December 6, 2016 Regular Meeting

B.  Payment of Bills

C.  Budget Adjustments (if necessary)

D.  Volunteers

E.  Exception to Attendance

The board approved the Consent Agenda.

IX. Personnel

The superintendent recommends approval of the following personnel actions as presented:

A.  Professional Personnel

·  Employment

1.  Ashley Burns, Substitute Teacher, County, effective December 21, 2016 for the 2016-2017 school year, contingent upon meeting employment requisites.

B.  Service Personnel

·  Employment

1.  Employ the following individual as Supervisory Aide, effective for the 2016-2017 school year:

Berkeley Springs High School

Joyclyn Riffle

2.  Employ the following individual to perform Specialized Health Care, effective for the 2016-2017 school year:

Berkeley Springs High School

Joyclyn Riffle

·  Transfer

1.  Eric McCoy, .5 Custodian III, Widmyer Elementary to 1.0 Custodian III, Warm Springs Intermediate School, effective January 3, 2017.(017-215)

·  Additional Position

– WSMS – .5 Special Education Aide

C. Extracurricular/Extra Duty Assignment

D. Professional Staff Development

The board approved Agenda Item IX.A-D

X. Calendar of Events

December 20 Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Board Office

·  Student Awards

-  Cookie & Hot Chocolate Social, 6:30 p.m.

January 3 Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Board Office

January 17 Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Warm Springs

·  LSIC – Warm Springs Intermediate Intermediate

February 7 Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Warm Springs

·  LSIC – Warm Springs Middle Middle

February 21 Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Paw Paw Schools

·  LSIC – Paw Paw Schools

XI. Adjournment

The meeting was duly adjourned at 7:53 p.m.

Board Update – December 20, 2016 Page 3