More School Subject Readings 2 – Vocabulary Test
【Unit 1 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 비열한
2. 영리한
3. 정부
4. 욕심 많은
5. wife
6. history
7. murder
8. servant
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Nero was one of the emperors in history.
(A) wisest (B) kindest (C) worst (D) cleverest
10. The emperor cared only about himself.
(A) greedy (B) generous (C) graceful (D) great
11. Nero was so cruel that he many members of his own family.
(A) survived (B) murdered (C) supported (D) saved
12. Rome's ruled many other countries thousands of years ago.
(A) citizens (B) slaves (C) gods (D) government
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. Once emperors ruled the city of Rome.
(A) protected (B) destructed (C) saved (D) governed
14. Some emperors were intelligent and kind.
(A) interested (B) generous (C) smart (D) indifferent
15. Nero decided to kill himself.
(A) determined (B) planned (C) promised (D) refused
16. Later, he built a giant castle for himself where the fire had been.
(A) graceful (B) huge (C) gothic (D) common
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그 황제는 신하에게 자신의 엄마를 죽이라고 말했다.
The emperor told his to kill his mother.
18. 네로 황제는 로마에 대화재가 난 것이 다른 사람들 때문이라고 했다.
Nero others for a major fire in Rome.
19. 네로 황제는 기독교인들을 좋아하지 않았다.
Nero did not like people.
20. 로마 정부는 많은 다른 나라들을 통치했다.
The Roman government many other countries.
【Unit 1 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 관광
2. 지친
3. 오락
4. 군중
5. memorable
6. gladiator
7. cone
8. relieved
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Once fought each other to death at the Colosseum.
(A) citizens (B) gladiators (C) slaves (D) nobles
10. Our tour leader carried a big umbrella for us to find her in the .
(A) rain (B) dark (C) crowd (D) forest
11. My parents were to see me again.
(A) relieved (B) frightened (C) afraid (D) disappointed
12. Mom and Dad were after a long walk, so they took a rest.
(A) refreshed (B) relieved (C) excited (D) exhausted
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. Today was really memorable.
(A) unforgettable (B) desirable (C) possible (D) unbelievable
14. Can you imagine that people murdered each other for entertainment?
(A) enterprise (B) fun (C) interest (D) appointment
15. I thought it was much too hot and noisy.
(A) nervous (B) calm (C) novel (D) loud
16. I felt like a scared little girl.
(A) surprised (B) excited (C) frightened (D) nervous
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그 관광단은 콜로세움에 도착했다.
The tour group the Colosseum.
18. 그 관광가이드는 자주색 우산을 들고 있었다.
The tour guide carried a umbrella.
19. 그 소녀는 우연히 관광가이드를 잘못 따라갔다.
The girl accidentally the wrong tour guide.
20. 그 소녀는 아이스크림을 산 후에 길을 잃었다.
The girl got after buying some ice cream.
【Unit 2 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 토양
2. 생존하다
3. 소화시키다
4. 열대의
5. carnivorous
6. organism
7. slippery
8. vine
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Some plants must small animals for extra food.
(A) digest (B) find (C) see (D) catch
10. plants, like the Venus flytrap, eat small animals.
(A) Tropical (B) Wild (C) Arctic (D) Carnivorous
11. Most of carnivorous plants grow in countries in Asia.
(A) poor (B) developed (C) developing (D) tropical
12. Some carnivorous plants have their own special to catch animals.
(A) tools (B) organs (C) bodies (D) organisms
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. These amazing organisms are "killer plants" that eat small animals for food.
(A) creature (B) create (C) creators (D) creation
14. This plant is well-known because many people buy it to grow at home.
(A) expensive (B) famous (C) important (D) well-being
15. Some plants have sticky leaves that move quickly to trap flies.
(A) slippy (B) thick (C) thin (D) gooey
16. Other plants are covered in a slippery liquid.
(A) rough (B) sticky (C) smooth (D) straight
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 대부분의 식물들은 생존을 위해서 토양과 햇빛이 필요하다.
Most plants need soil and sunlight to .
18. 하지만 어떤 식물들은 자라기 위해서 육류를 섭취해야 한다.
Some plants, however, must meat to grow.
19. 가장 잘 알려진 식충 식물은 Venus flytrap이다.
The most famous plant is the Venus flytrap.
20. 어떤 식물들은 심지어 개구리 크기만 한 생물들을 먹기도 한다.
Certain plants even eat as large as frogs.
【Unit 2 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 맛있는
2. 휴지
3. 쓰레기
4. 부화하다
5. rotten
6. dresser
7. recycling bin
8. all of a sudden
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. We can see many flies in a bin.
(A) bowl (B) fruit (C) recycling (D) rice
10. The fly out of an egg along with many other flies.
(A) hatches (B) breaks (C) feeds (D) dies
11. The fly usually gathers around the to look for food.
(A) garbage (B) garage (C) garden (D) garb
12. The boy found a fly and picked it up with a of tissue.
(A) slice (B) piece (C) loaf (D) handful
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. Only after one day, they grew into adults.
(A) adolescents (B) grown-ups (C) advisors (D) infants
14. The fly saw some rotten apple pieces at the bottom of the bottle.
(A) decaying (B) delicious (C) dirty (D) sweet
15. The fly found a broken dish covered with tasty red juice.
(A) sticky (B) fantastic (C) delicious (D) colorful
16. All of a sudden, the boy let me go and I flew away.
(A) unexpectedly (B) purposely (C) accidentally (D) exceptionally
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그는 나를 삼 일 동안 병 속에 가두어 두었다.
He me in the bottle for three days.
18. 그때가 내 인생에서 가장 행복한 날이었다.
It was the day of my life.
19. 병 속에서의 생활이 곧 지루해졌다.
Life in the bottle soon got .
20. 그 소년은 나를 집어서 이빨 달린 이상하게 생긴 식물에게 가져갔다.
The boy brought me over to an looking plant with teeth.
【Unit 3 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 농작물
2. 관습
3. 알아채다
4. 길들어진
5. abundant
6. rodent
7. sacred
8. cherished
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Farmers grew many beside the Nile River in Egypt.
(A) crowds (B) crowns (C) crops (D) creatures
10. Some wild cats became after people began to take care of them.
(A) tame (B) tough (C) scary (D) nervous
11. The of keeping cats as pets dates back to ancient Egypt.
(A) country (B) owner (C) thought (D) practice
12. Cats became important to farmers because they hunted and killed .
(A) crops (B) rodents (C) dogs (D) birds
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. The practice of keeping cats as pets first started in ancient Egypt.
(A) hobby (B) period (C) custom (D) country
14. Soon farmers began to notice that wild cats ate the mice and rats.
(A) feel (B) perceive (C) note (D) hear
15. Wild cats got abundant food and love from their new human friends.
(A) absent (B) lacking (C) amusing (D) plentiful
16. Today, pet cats are cherished members of many families.
(A) loved (B) troubled (C) ignored (D) cheerful
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 어떤 야생 고양이들은 그들의 야생성을 버리고 길들어졌다.
Some wild cats gave up their wild behaviors and became .
18. 과학자들은 쥐와 고양이, 사람의 뼈가 함께 묻어진 것을 발견했다.
Scientists found the of mice, cats and humans buried together.
19. 이집트인들은 고양이를 너무 사랑해서 그들을 신성한 동물로 여기게 되었다.
The Egyptians loved so much that they regarded them as animals.
20. 그러나 현대의 고양이들도 여전히 야생성을 지닌 그들의 선조들처럼 행동한다.
However, modern cats still act like their wild .
【Unit 3 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 조심성 많은
2. 특이한
3. 이웃
4. 익숙한
5. condominium
6. petite
7. meow
8. post
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. The blind cat was very not to fall off from the stairs.
(A) careless (B) afraid (C) cautious (D) asleep
10. There was something about the cat different from others.
(A) similar (B) odd (C) common (D) ordinary
11. The girl searched her until she found her lost cat.
(A) friends (B) room (C) family (D) neighborhood
12. The girl heard her cat's sound from her backyard.
(A) barking (B) meowing (C) growling (D) chirping
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. When my aunt moved to a new condominium, she couldn't keep her cat.
(A) apartment (B) concrete (C) community (D) business
14. Her cat, Mickey, was a petite and young cat.
(A) pretty (B) cutty (C) tiny (D) cute
15. I made signs and posted them around my neighborhood to find my cat.
(A) played (B) displayed (C) scattered (D) postponed
16. He was very cautious not to tell the secret.
(A) indifferent (B) interested (C) confident (D) careful
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그 소녀는 이모에게서 Mickey라는 이름의 고양이를 얻었다.
The girl got a new cat Mickey from her aunt.
18. 그 소녀는 자신의 고양이에게 새로운 이름을 주기로 결정했다.
The girl to give her cat a new name.
19. 어느 날 그녀는 뒤뜰에서 고양이가 야옹거리는 소리를 들었다.
One day she heard her cat from her backyard.
20. 나는 내가 좋아하는 TV 만화주인공의 이름을 따서 그녀를 Magoo라고 불렀다.
I named her Magoo my favorite TV cartoon character.
【Unit 4 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 재능
2. 책임감
3. 리사이틀
4. 반항적인
5. endow
6. aspiring
7. finest
8. contemporary
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Nature endowed him with musical .
(A) tool (B) talent (C) note (D) equipment
10. He had his first public at the concert hall when he was five.
(A) gallery (B) gymnastics (C) recital (D) workout
11. Although he was a student, he finished school with high marks.
(A) rebellious (B) serious (C) good (D) obedient
12. It is important to learn the value of during childhood.
(A) resist (B) request (C) recovery (D) responsibility
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. He has played all over the world with the best contemporary artists.
(A) contrary (B) confident (C) modern (D) commercial
14. God endowed her with remarkable beauty and talent.
(A) helped (B) provided (C) shared (D) took
15. He sometimes gives advice to young, aspiring musicians,
(A) afraid (B) ashamed (C) awake (D) ambitious
16. His rebellious temper may be inherited from his father.
(A) resisting (B) religious (C) regional (D) reliant
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그는 다섯 살 때 처음으로 공개석상에서 연주했다.
He first publicly when he was five years old.
18. 어떤 사람들은 아주 어린 나이에 악기를 연주할 수 있다.
Some people are able to play musical when they are very young.
19. 어린 시절에는 돈을 버는 것보다 배우는 것이 더 중요하다.
Learning at young age is more than making money.
20. 그는 특히 첼로 연주를 잘했다.
He was especially at playing the cello.
【Unit 4 - 2】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 주저하다
2. 낯선 사람
3. 물려받다
4. 강사
5. sign up
6. approach
7. hilarious
8. anxious
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. Her mother wanted her to play the piano they had from grandma.
(A) stolen (B) bought (C) graduated (D) inherited
10. She first about the suggestion of piano lessons, but soon enjoyed it.
(A) hesitated (B) accepted (C) talked (D) thought
11. Her piano taught her to play the piano with kindness.
(A) disciple (B) pupil (C) instructor (D) destructor
12. She disliked taking piano lessons with a because she was shy.
(A) friend (B) stranger (C) relative (D) acquaintance
C. 밑줄 친 단어와 같은 의미는?
13. She also felt anxious because she never met the new girl.
(A) ashamed (B) asleep (C) awake (D) nervous
14. Her mother approached her and said, "You should learn playing the piano."
(A) got (B) arrived (C) reached (D) came
15. I have to take piano lessons with a complete stranger.
(A) thorough (B) competent (C) thoughtful (D) comfortable
16. They felt hilarious from drinking a good wine.
(A) dizzy (B) funny (C) hysterical (D) hopeful
D. 빈 칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
17. 그녀는 피아노 수강에 대해 일주일 내내 걱정했다.
She was worried all week about piano lessons.
18. 그녀는 그전에는 악기를 연주해 본 적이 한 번도 없었다.
She had never played a instrument before.
19. 우리에게는 할머니에게서 물려받은 좋은 피아노가 있다.
We have a fine piano that we from grandma.
20. 그것은 너에게 새로운 친구를 사귀는 좋은 기회가 될 것이다.
It would be a good for you to make a new friend.
【Unit 5 - 1】Vocabulary Test
A. 영어는 우리말로, 우리말은 영어로 쓰시오.
1. 임신한
2. 불법의
3. 운명
4. 전통적인
5. flee
6. disguised
7. daring
8. end up with
B. 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
9. She from home because she became bored with house work.
(A) came (B) flew (C) fled (D) flee
10. It was to kill a pregnant woman.
(A) common (B) illegal (C) normal (D) ordinary