Moraga Chamber of Commerce
Board of Directors Meeting
April 1, 2015
8:00 – 10:00 AM
Ellen Beans, Kevin Reneau, Larry Tessler, Phil Arth, Wendy Scheck, Bob Fritzky, Tony DeVenuta, Kathe Nelson, Jason Evans, Ashley Louisiana, Peggy Hall, Bill Snyder.
Intern: Robby Rivera
Recording: Ashley Louisiana
- Agenda:
1. New Business, Item F, Ambassador Program
2. New Business, Item G, Citizen of the Year
- March Board Minutes: No changes. Motion to adopt made by Jason. Bob second.
- Results of vote on new Mission Statement
- Current Mission Statement – not as catchy as we would like it to be
- Bob provided example Mission Statements – Phil provided an example
- #5 with modifications is the winner (most votes)
- Modification: ‘To advance economic vitality…’
- Strategy for using Moraga business list to obtain new members
- Wendy and Jason have not had a chance to meet yet
- Final version of New Business Brochure
- Print 200 for no more than $250.00 Motion by Wendy. Jason seconds.
- Kathe wants to use Minuteman Press – can’t be over 15% above the lowest bid
- Edit - “Are you section” – semicolon, ‘the information will guide you through these steps; however some…’
- Insurance Overview – Henry scheduled for May meeting
- Kathe spoke to Orinda and Lafayette Chambers – we are spending too much
- Insurance agent will attend May Board Meeting
- Lamorinda Policy with all three Chambers?
- Proposed 2015 Budget
- Motion made by Bill to approve getting a Chamber credit card through Mechanics Bank – credit card only, secured. Jason seconds.
- Citizen of the Year: $500 – Chamber does not approve spending this money
- Remove $250 tree light donation – use money for other donations
- New Member Bonus – Kathe gets a bonus for every new Member
- Theater donation ($500) CAIFFA: Independent Film Festival
- Bob makes motion to approve budget. Jason seconds.
- Town of Moraga
- Repairing Rheem Blvd.
- St. Mary’s Lights
- Rancho Laguna
- Golf & Tennis Tournament
- Spice up scramble event
- Beat the pro contest at one of the holes
- Closest to pin
- Most accurate drive
- Marshmallow
- Buffet this year by bar
- Celebrity auction
- Tennis: Kathe meeting with Mark to discuss
A.How can the Chamber attract Members to attend Business Meetings? – holding until next meeting
B.Small Business nominations
- One nomination – Lynn
- Move to select Lynn. If there are any other nominations by Friday 4/3 we’ll discuss at that time. Motion to approve Lynn as Small Business Person of the Year made by Jason. Bob seconds. All in favor.
C.Personalize newsletter articles/references – holding until next meeting
D.Comments on Chamber Benefits first draft
- Any comments send to Larry
- Vote at May Board Meeting
E.Insurance Overview – already discussed under Old Business (above)
F.Ambassador Program
- Want to reach out to Members multiple times a year
- Postcard with Chamber information
- Board Members agree to make phone calls – 10 Members each
- Ashley will develop ‘phone call form’ for Board Members to use
- Kathe will get estimates for designing and printing postcard
G.Citizen of the Year – holding until next meeting
A.April 28th Mixer at Serbian Church
B.May 6th Board Meeting
Motion to adjourn made by Wendy. Bob seconds. All in favor.