Dear Parent/Carer,
Next half term your child will begin a new topic ‘Kings, Queens and Castles’; this takes a historical approach to our learning. The topic focuses on medieval life and traditional stories and fairy tales which feature Kings ,Queens and Castles.The class will visit Castle Rising which will cover the history and geography curriculum.
The maths curriculum this half term covers addition and subtraction methods, rounding and estimating numbers, multiplying and dividing, fractions and decimals and symmetry and angles of turn.
In science and Design Technology your child will learn about fair testing and recording data. This links to our topic as they will be exploring strong materials with which to build structures such as towers and bridges. The children will continue to learn German words and phrases and will also will experience a full day of RE.
Dear Student,
You can choose to do these activities in any order…have fun!!l
These activities are not marked…but if you would like to bring them to school to show I would love to see them!
Miss Rutter, Mrs Gibbs & Mrs Snow wish you all a safe and happy Christmas break.
IctResearch Castle Rising. Find out when it was built and who for??? / Reading
Find a traditional story or Fairy Tale which features Kings, Queens or Castles and if possible bring it to school for our first week back. / History
What is a Motte and Bailey Castle? If you can make a model and bring it into school. You could use old cartons, lego or anything else you can think of. / Times tables
Learn the times table you are up to in class. You will be tested on your return! I wonder how many of you will be ready to move on?
Use the internet to find out about life in a castle. How did people used to live? / Geography
Find out where castles were usually built. Clue: look for natural features such as hills and rivers. / Library
Join your local or school library and check out a book about our topic. / Numeracy
Working with decimals: choose 3 items from your mum/dad’s shopping list and add them together.
To challenge yourself choose another item and subtract it from your total.