MOPGP 2017, Word template for extended abstract submissions

Imed Kacem1, Pierre Laroche1, Hatem Masri 2

1 Université de Lorraine, LCOMS, F-57045 Metz, France


2 University of Bahrain, College of Business Administration, PO Box 32038, Kingdom of Bahrain


Keywords: Stochastic MOP/GP, optimization.

1  Introduction

This document is a Word template to use for submitting your 2-4 pages extended abstract for MOPGP’17. The twelfth edition will be held from 30 to 31 October 2017 in Metz, France. Papers should use 11-point Times New Roman font. Margins are 2.5cm on all sides, with an additional left binding of 0.5cm.

2  References

2.1 Figures, tables or formula references

References can be done in two ways: i) Figure (1) represents LCOMS’logo or ii) LCOMS’logo (see Figure 1) is black and yellow.[1]

2.2 Bibliographic reference

Bibligraphic references should use brackets. Examples: a book [1], a paper [2].

2.3 Illustration, formula and legend

Figures legends should be placed below ths figures, as on Figure (1). Equations should be centered and appear in Arabic numerals (e.g. Equation 1).

E = MC2 (1)

FIG. 1 – LCOMS logo

Theorem 1 Sample theorem. Use the same style for: remark, property, corollary, definition, notation, example.

Proof: This is a proof.

2.4 Table

The title of the table should be placed below the table (e.g. Table 1).

Column 1 / Column 2
Line 1 / L1C1 / L1C2
Line 2 / L2C1 / L2C2

TAB. 1 – Sample table

2.5 List

Here’s a list:

-  remark

-  property

Conclusions and perspectives

The number of pages should be between 2 and 4.


[1] Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. The Vehicle Routing Problem. Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2002.

[2] Scott Kirkpatrick, C Daniel Gelatt, and Mario P Vecchi. Optimization by simulated annealing. science, 220(4598) :671–680, 1983.

[1] Sample footnote