The Zambian Parliamentary Committee on Local Governance, Housing, Environment and Chiefs’ Affairs has paid glowing tribute to Mopani Copper Mines Plc for its commitment to developing and maintaining warm business relations with the government of the Republic of Zambia and other stakeholders. The committee also commended the Company for investing heavily not only in mining operations, but also in measures aimed at mitigating negative environmental impacts arising from mining operations. Speaking on behalf of the committee after touring Mopani operations in Mufulira and Kitwe on Monday 25th June 2012, Chairman of the Committee, Honourable Edgar Sing’ombe, MP, expressed gratitude to Mopani for organizing the highly informative trip.
“As a committee we are very grateful to Mopani for inviting us to come and see and broaden our understanding of the operations of mines as well as issues relating to the environment. We hope as a mine you will continue interacting with parliamentarians so that we can work together and try to address some of the problems that you are facing. It is important that we all work at the same wave length,” Honourable Sing’ombe said.
The Parliamentary Committee was invited by Mopani on a familiarization tour of Mopani operations and to appreciate the measures being implemented by the Company to address some of the historical environmental challenges inherited at privatization.
And Mopani Copper Mines Plc Board Chairman, Emmanuel Mutati explained to the parliamentarians that Mopani had invested close to K10.6 trillion in projects and working capital since privatization and that the Company was planning to invest another K7.5 trillion kwacha in new projects in Mufulira.
We are glad that you accepted our invitation to come and visit us and appreciate our operations. We believe that this interaction is quite cardinal in building our business relations and understanding the prevailing economic climate. It’s important that we are all reading from the same page as we discuss issues pertaining to the development of our country and the mining industry in particular.
As Mopani we are very confident in the future of copper mining in Zambia and it’s for this reason that we are investing huge financial resources in new projects aimed at enhancing production whilst safeguarding the environment. Apart from the major projects that we are currently undertaking to a tune of K4.1 trillion, which include the new Synclinorium Shaft in Kitwe and Smelter upgrade in Mufulira, we are planning to invest another K7.5 trillion kwacha in two new shafts and a processing plant in Mufulira. The new shafts will extend the life of Mufulira mine by 30 years. Other direct benefits will include; securing jobs and government revenue, guaranteeing market for suppliers of various goods and services inter alia,” said Mr. Mutati.
Mr. Mutati reiterated Mopani’s deliberate policy to invest not only in mining operations, but also in the welfare of the community. He informed the Members of Parliament that as at December 2011, Mopani had spent over K800 billion on various Corporate Social Responsibility projects which include roads, water, sanitation, education, health, agriculture among others. He stated that this deliberate policy is driven by the conviction that Mopani is an integral part of the communities in which the company operates, therefore the need to play a role in improving the standards of living of the people in these communities.
Released by:
The Corporate Affairs Department
Mopani Copper Mines Plc
Central Street
Nkana West
27th June 2012

The government of the Republic of Zambia has commended Mopani Copper Mines Plc for its intervention in the plight of Wusakile residents by providing them with good individual household toilets and rehabilitating the entire water and sewer network in the township to replace the old and dilapidated communal toilets and reticulation system which the residents had been using for decades. The government is happy that through this project, Mopani has helped to address one of the serious sanitation problems that the government was faced with and also helped to bring to an end the perennial waterborne disease outbreaks in the township. Speaking at the official handover of phase 2 of the sanitation project last week, Local Government and Housing Minister, Professor Nkandu Luo expressed government’s delight with Mopani’s initiative which she said will go a long way in improving the living standard of the people of Wusakile Township.
I’m a very happy woman and as Minister of Local Government and Housing that today Mopani has come to Wusakile and brought individual toilets for every household instead of communal toilets. This will bring dignity to our people and will help to stop the problem of waterborne diseases. This is a highly commendable initiative,” said Professor Luo.
Wusakile area Member of Parliament, Honourable Richard Musukwa also joined in thanking Mopani for taking the first step in addressing one of the major water and sanitation challenges that the township has been facing:
This area has been facing serious challenges in water and sanitation for a very long time and the gesture by Mopani to build individualised toilets is very welcome and is the first step in addressing these challenges,” said Honourable Musukwa.
And Mopani Copper Mines Plc Chief Executive Officer, Danny Callow said Mopani was happy to be associated with the project of improving water and sanitation for the people of Wusakile.
We are committed to improving the living standards of the people in communities where we operate from. With the implementation of this sanitation upgrade project, the incidence of typhoid fever, which was a perennial problem and a menace to the Wusakile community, has been brought under control,” said Mr Callow.
Phase 2 of the project involved the construction of 288 individual toilets and a new reticulationsystem for water and sewerage. A total of 5,560 metres of water lines and 2,582 metres of sewer lines were laid. This brings the total number of toilets constructed under phase 1 and 2 to 1677. In total the project has cost Mopani K23.4 billion with phase 2 contributing K2.96 billion to this cost.
Mopani currently spends an average of K1.7 billion per annum on various programmes covering health, education, infrastructural development and road rehabilitation inter alia.
The Company has also partnered with the local council in a number of areas. For example, Mopani in December 2011donated 20 hectares of land to Kitwe City Council for the creation of a dump site to help with the city’s solid waste management.
The Company also handed over a total of 440 hectares of land near Mindolo Shaft and Ichimpe Forest to the Kitwe City Council for construction of a modern mall on part of the same land by Phoenix Materials Limited.Further, Mopani also assists the local authority withearth moving equipment to work on the roads in various constituencies in the city of Kitwe.
All these corporate social responsibility initiatives are founded on our belief and serious commitment to play a significant role in the social and economic welfare of the local people living in our areas of operation. It is our sincere resolve as Mopani to continue being part of the community we operate in through our Corporate Social Responsibility programmes. Mr Callow reiterated.
Released by:
The Corporate Affairs Department
Mopani Copper Mines Plc
Central Street
Nkana West
25th June 2012



Mopani Copper Mines Plc has since its inception in 2000 been supporting a variety of sporting disciplines in the country. The Company sponsors not only the highly celebrated sports such as Football, Rugby and Golf, but it extends its support to minor sports as well.
Mopani’s support to minor sports arises from the Company’s conviction that these sports have a huge following especially among the youths and therefore,have huge potential to provide not only alternative leisure options for the country, but also a reliable source of livelihood. This is obtaining in other countries and given the history of sports development, there is every reason to believe that if properly harnessed and supported, minor sports can create a huge positive impact in Zambia.
The minor sports that Mopani is currently supporting either in form of monthly grants or ad hoc donations include: Cricket, Tennis, Squash, Rowing, Boxing, Swimming etc. The current beneficiaries include; Copperbelt Cricket Club, Nkana Squash Racquets Club, Zambia Amateur Rowing And Canoeing Association (ZARCA), Zambia Amateur Swimming Union to mention but a few.
The sponsorship goes a long way in alleviating some of the challenges faced in the running of these minor sports. Many beneficiaries testify to the importance of this sponsorship to the clubs.
The financial support that we have been receiving from Mopani has been helping us a lot to develop cricket at the grassroots, by venturing into schools and tapping talent from there. It has also helped to make cricket quite popular especially among the youths. Without this grant we would find it quite difficult to undertake our activities,” said Mr. Kang’ombe, Honorary Treasurer for Copperbelt Cricket Association.
We have been able to send our players to take part in major international tournaments. This year, out of the 14 Zambian players going to participate in the International Cricket Council tournament in South Africa, 8 are from the Copperbelt. This has been made possible by cooperating partners like Mopani. We wish to urge other corporate organisations to emulate Mopani and not just concentrate on supporting major sports like football. These minor sports are also very essential.”
In 2011 the company spent about US$320,000 on supporting various sporting disciplines, including the minor sports.
Other than providing an alternative to leisure and being a source of living, Mopani believes that sport plays an important role in personal and national development by keeping the population healthy and productive. Minor sports are also key in talent identification and keeping the youth away fromdire activities.
On behalf of the President and the Executive Committee of the Zambia Amateur Swimming Union, I would like to thank Mopani Copper Mines for the generous sponsorship towards the Zambia Invitational Swimming Gala. With your generous support we have managed to purchase sports attire among other things. We greatly appreciate your support as it is a great motivation to the children as they compete with their colleagues, seeking international glory,” said Karen O’Neil, Secretary for the Zambia Amateur Swimming Union, when she received a cheque of US$5000 from Mopani towards the 2012 Zambia Invitational Swimming Gala that took place in Lusaka in March 2012.
Mopani Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Danny Callow, has reiterated the Company’s commitment to supporting not only major sports, but minor ones as well because they are equally significant in national development.
We have been involved in sport for many years now and despite our continued commitment to the big sports - football, rugby and golf - we feel obliged to support a diverse range of sports that have generally been neglected in favour of the big sports. Most of the minor sports are struggling to meet their basic requirements to continue running while in actual fact these sports could be a great source of leisure and income in the country. It is our wish as Mopani to see these minor sports develop because of their positive influence and ability to build teamwork, development, discipline and future growth of the nation,” said Mr. Danny Callow, Chief Executive Officer, Mopani Copper Mines Plc.
The government has reiterated the need to develop various sporting disciplines in the country, including minor sports, and Mopani has committed itself to contribute to the development of sports through its support to various clubs.
Danny Callow
Chief Executive Officer
05 April 2012

Mopani has made a landmark achievement in combating HIV/AIDS with a record 45,000 people going through the company’s Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) programme since the programme started in 2003. Of the above number, about 14, 000 people are currently receiving free care and treatment from the Company’s medical facilities of international standard. The treatment and care component ensures that those that are infected are taken care of and assisted to live positively.
The HIV/AIDS programme is being undertaken in collaboration with cooperating partners that include Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Programme (CHAMP), Catholic Relief Services/AIDSRelief as well as the Zambian Government through the Ministry of Health. This partnership of the HIV programme is a good example of the Public Private Partnership initiatives. Through the HIV/AIDS programme Mopani has helped to change hundreds of lives and is currently helping people to live meaningful lives despite being HIV positive. This achievement is a significant contribution to Government’s effort in addressing the devastating effects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that has brought untold anguish for the people.
Mopani’s HIV/AIDS programme encompasses not only its employees, but community members as well, who are given unlimited access to the Company’s medical facilities. The company’s HIV programme Team continues to engage the public on various issues surrounding HIV/AIDS with a focus on behavioural change among employees, contractors and the immediate community to prevent new infections and the incidences of HIV/AIDS. This is in line with the current HIV theme which aims at getting to Zero infections. Programme team members who include peer educators, psychosocial counsellors and supervisors, treatment adherence counsellors and palliative caregivers have also been trained at the workplace and in the community respectively in order to roll out various HIV/AIDS intervention strategies.
The United Nations AIDS (UNAIDS) World AIDS Day report released in Berlin in November 2011 indicated that Zambia was among the Sub-Saharan African countries that have recorded a drop of 26%in the number of new HIV/AIDS infections. Mopani is delightedto be part of this achievement which the Company regards as a result of concerted efforts from various stakeholders and evidence of positive impact of responsible corporate citizenship. Mopani has over the past ten years spent over US$100 million on the provision of health services including HIV/AIDS related programmes.
The non discriminatory HIV/AIDS programme has greatly helped to influence behavioural change and cut through barriers such as stigma, self denial and non willingness to access VCT services, thereby contributing to the reduction in infection rate and increased access to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). This has led to many people accessing treatment in good time, thereby increasing their chances of living meaningful and healthy lives.
One of the employees from Mopani’s contractor company- Reliant Drilling - Chanda Gilbert who is HIV positive, has been trained as a counsellor and peer educator and has this to say:
“I was diagnosed with HIV in June 2004. It wasn’t a pleasant time for me. However I gained courage and started taking ARVs. Before I started taking ARVs, my weight had fallen to 35kg while my CD4 was 20. I had a lot of opportunistic infections. Basically I was a moving corpse. But through adherence to medical treatment, doctor’s advice and good diet, here I am, healthy and productive.
Mopani has had a lot of impact on my life and I know hundreds of people out there who are also benefiting from Mopani’s HIV/AIDS programme of which I’m very proud to be a part. I’m now part of the Mopani team of counsellors and peer educators who are sensitizing colleagues and the community at large to be positive and live a fulfilled life regardless of theirHIV status. Stigma and self denial are no longer as serious as they used to be sometime back. Credit should go to Mopani and other cooperating partners for working together towards the goal of zero new infections and for supporting those who are already infected,” said Gilbert with a wide smile.
The other component of the HIV/AIDS programme that has proved highly successful is the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme which has recorded a significant increase in mothers accessing PMTCT during their Antenatal Care. For example between December 2009 and December 2011, the number of pregnant mothers accessing PMTCT and subsequent treatment at various Mopani medical facilities almost doubled from 4056 and 487 to 9569 and 980 respectively. The number of babies being born HIV positive from HIV positive mothers has drastically reduced. In 2011 Mopani recorded only 3 cases as compared to 56 cases in 2007. The best record was in 2010 when the Company recorded 0 HIV positive cases for babies born from HIV positive mothers.