Monticello Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 01/17/2017
Monticello City Planning Commission
Meeting Minutes
1.Call to Order/Roll Call
Lee Bennett called to order the regular meeting of the Planning Commission at 6:41p.m. on Tuesday, January 17, 2017. A roll call was conducted; the following persons were present:
Chairperson Lee Bennett
Commissioner Tom Wigginton
Commissioner George Matocha
Commissioner Amber Johnson – not present
City Manager Ty Bailey
City Recorder Cindi Holyoak
2.Minutes Review/Approval
MOTION was made by George Matochato approve the minutes of the December 6, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting. The Motion was seconded by Tom Wigginton and passed unanimously.
3. Public Comment
4. General Plan
Manager Bailey reviewed the Public Safety section of the general plan. He said it should be expanded to include an emergency manager which is currently Police Officer Avery Olsen. This position is funded through grants and coordinates with the State EMS in times of emergency. The current plan states that there are 4 officers in the Police Department but there are currently 3. Manager Bailey hopes to hire a 4th officer in the future. He would also like to include training needs to the revised general plan, an expanded Fire Department section with some thoughts to better recruitment.Commissioner Matocha said water treatment should be added to public safety and traffic control was added as a top safety concern. There was discussion about annexing the Port of Entry. Chairperson Bennett said the last truck count she read was about 1,000 semi-trucks per shift.
Chairperson Bennett reviewed the demographics. She said numbers were updated on the graph per the latest census data for the United states in 2010. Language data she gathered was not specific to Monticello.
Parks & Recreation plans for the City will be completed by Natalie Randall. Data from the old plan has been updated. Included were standards for planning and recreation and outdoor recreation partnerships with federal agencies. Manager Bailey said there will be a trails master plan which will be mentioned in the General Plan. Commissioner Matocha asked if aging services should be included. Manager Bailey said the County is over senior services and aging.
Economic Analysis was reviewed by Commissioner Matocha. There was discussion about light manufacturing, aviation, and expanded map showing the airport and Loyds Lake. He said the County does not have access to business license information. There was discussion about an increase in sales tax revenue and whether it is due to change in the tax structure or change in activity. Commissioner Matocha asked for sales tax info to learn more about this increase. Manager Bailey will create a chart with tax revenue instead of taxable sales. Commissioner Matocha would like to research renewable energy.
Manager Bailey said the City needs to focus on stabilizing the economy through the winters. He mentioned the exploration of agriculture manufacture possibilities. He suggested a study through USU on farming, soil, and water.
Next steps:
1. Review remaining sections in Feb.
2. Draft copy for review by March
3. Goals & Objectives
4. Review other plans to determine template (Ty & Lee)
7. Other information/Discussion
8. Date/Agenda Items for Next Meeting
Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.
General Plan
10. Adjournment
MOTION was made by CommissionerGeorge Matocha to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tom Wigginton and passed unanimously.
Attest:/s/Cindi Holyoak, Recorder, CMC
Minutes APPROVED by: /s/Lee Bennett, ChairpersonDate: 02/07/2017