
Monthly Trainers’ Conference Call

December 29th, 2009

9:00am – 11:00am (EST)

I.Welcome Matt Claps

II. Regional Trainings Matt Claps

Notes: Set for the week of January 11th throughout the state. There will be a reminder email sent this week. Please encourage staff to register/attend as there are currently only approx. 500 registered compared to 1000 at the last regional training event. One highlight for this event is the full day motivational interviewing workshop that falls in line with Family Centered Practice philosophy and practice.

III.Integrated Pre-Service Curriculum PlanMatt Claps

Notes: An overview of the Department’s transition plan for this curriculum was recently emailed out, with June, 2010 as the targeted date for implementation. The Child Welfare Training Academy is conducting Train the Trainer dates for walk throughs of the new curriculum, with scheduled dates posted on their website. Matt asked USF to reserve the last week of each month through June to host the TTT events (in locations around the state). Issues of concern include the need to update the post test to reflect the new curriculum, Skillnet system difficulties, and the need to build the seed data in each training region. Feb 9,10 and March 3,4 have been scheduled for seed data build workshops at the Academy, during which technical assistance/expertise will be available. Seed Data entry windows within the FSFN training region have tentatively been scheduled for Jan 14,15, 25, 26th. The Updated Supervising for Excellence Curriculum has been finalized and Train the Trainer overviews have been scheduled. These dates are also posted on the Academy’s website

IV.Seed Data (TA; Workshops) Matt Claps

Notes: see above

V.Training SurveysMatt Claps

Notes: If you received an email from Arlene about this, please have your response in by close of business today. If you did not, please disregard.

VI.Recertification Arlene Carey

Notes: The deadline for certified staff to have their hours for recertification entered into Skillnet has been postponed until March31, 2010. Staff should be advised to enter their 48 hours of training into Skillnet, however be sure to caution them not to hit the submit button at this time. If there are any technical issues, advise staff to submit a help desk ticket. Also advise staff to maintain their own files of training verification with copies of hours/certificates, etc.

VII.SkillNET Arlene Carey

Notes: see above

VIII.Performance Assessments (Update) Arlene Carey

Notes: Revised PI version of the FBPA is complete, others are 2/3 completed. Projected completion date is 3/31/2010. New version is very comprehensive and in line with QA standards.

IX.Other Issues/Comments/Discussion All

Next call: Tuesday, January 26that 9:00am - 11:00am (EST)