1.Purpose / The Board shall establish graduation requirements and acknowledge each student's successful completion of the instructional program appropriate to the student's interests and needs by awarding diplomas and certificates at graduation ceremonies.
Title 22
Sec. 4.24, 4.51, 4.52
Title 22
Sec. 4.24 / The Board shall adopt the graduation requirements students must achieve, which shall include the following:
For the Classes of 2015 and 2016: course completion and grades, completion of a culminating project, and results of District and state assessments in accordance with state regulations.
For the Class of 2017 and beyond: course completion and grades and results of District and state assessments in accordance with state regulations.
The Board requires graduation requirements to be published and distributed to students and parents/guardians, and made available in each school building or on the district’s website. All changes to graduation requirements shall be published and distributed to students and parents/guardians, and made available in each school building or on the district’s website immediately following approval by the Board.
SC 1611, 1613
Title 22
Sec. 4.13, 4.24
Pol. 100, 102, 127, 213 / The Board shall award a high school diploma to every student enrolled in this District who meets the requirements for graduation established by this Board.
A requirement for graduation shall be the completion of work and studies representing the instructional program aligned to established academic standards and listed below:

Units of Credit Course Title

4.00 English
3.00 Mathematics
3.00 Science
3.00 Social Science
2.00 Art or Humanities, or Both
0.50 Wellness
1.50 Fitness
8.0 Student selects 8.0 units of credit from any District approved courses including approved vocational education courses.
1.0 Student selects 1.0 unit of credit in any one of the four core areas of Math, Science, Social
Studies or English
26.00 TOTAL
Title 22
Sec. 11.4, 11.8
SC 1614
Title 22
Sec. 4.12, 4.24
34 CFR
Sec. 300.102,
Pol. 113
Title 22
Sec. 11.5, 11.8
Title 22
Sec. 11.4, 11.8 /

Acceptance of College Credits for Early Graduates

When a student requests to complete college courses for credit, as part of the Dual Enrollment Program, these courses will receive a grade, as approved by a transcript, and the grade will be included in the GPA calculations and rank. The course will be weighted as an AP course if it is approved as a course in one (1) of the four (4) core areas.
Students With Disabilities –
The Board shall permit a student with a disability, whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) prescribes continued educational services, to participate in commencement ceremonies with his/her graduating class and receive a certificate of attendance, provided that the student has attended four (4) years of high school. The Board shall issue a high school diploma to each student with a disability who completes the graduation requirements established by the Board or the goals established in the student’s IEP, as determined by the student’s IEP team.
Part-Time Students –
A student may qualify for graduation by attending a district school part-time when lawfully employed part-time or when officially enrolled part-time in a postsecondary institution.
Full-Time Postsecondary Students –
The fourth year of high school shall not be required for graduation if a student has completed all requirements for graduation and attends a postsecondary institution as a full-time student.
3.Delegation of Responsibility
Title 22
Sec. 4.24
Title 22
Sec. 4.12, 4.24, 4.51, 4.52
Pol. 102, 127, 213
Title 22
Sec. 4.12, 4.24, 4.51, 4.52
Pol. 102, 127, 213
Pol. 212
Title 22
Sec. 4.24 / The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for ensuring the following:
  1. Publication and distribution of graduation requirements to students and parents/guardians.
  1. Counseling of students regarding expectations of graduation requirements.
  1. Assessment of individual student attainment of academic standards to ensure the student’s progress toward achievement of graduation requirements.
  1. Accurate recording and reporting of each student’s progress and accumulation of graduation requirements.
  1. Provision of assistance to those students having difficulty attaining the academic standards.
  1. Development of a list of individuals who qualify for the award of a diploma.
  1. Planning and executing graduation ceremonies that appropriately recognize this important achievement.

Pol. 213, 216 / Accurate recording of each student's achievement of academic standards shall be maintained, as required by law and state regulations.
Students shall be informed of graduation requirements they are required to complete.
Upon prior approval, students who participate in correspondence courses, courses by examination, or similar programsas a make-up creditwill have the grade received for this work recorded as P or Fon his/her high school transcript. Any grade that is credited will not be included in calculating the grade point average and class rank.
Students transferring or taking courses at another public school or accredited institution will receive credit and the grade for course(s) completed and recorded by the sending public high school, college, or other accredited institution. These grades, except for college courses taken at a college or university, unless approved, will be used in calculating the grade point equivalent average and class rank. To be eligible to receive a Solanco diploma, the transfer student must be enrolled for at least one (1) marking period during his/her senior year.
Periodic warnings shall be issued to students in danger of not fulfilling graduation requirements.
The parents or guardians of a senior student who is failing are to be notified in writing by the principal if the student is not meeting the requirements for graduation.
Conferences will be held with the failing student and his/her guidance counselor at the end of the first report period. A letter and/or conference with the parents/ guardians will follow.
Conferences will be held with the failing student and his/her guidance counselor and principal at the end of the second report period. A follow-up letter will then be sent to the parents/guardians indicating the academic status of the student relative to graduation.
Conferences will be held with all failing students, the guidance counselor and the principal at the end of the third marking period. A follow-up letter will then be sent to the parents/guardians indicating the student’s status for graduation or failure to meet the requirements for graduation.
A conference will be held with the student and the principal midway during the fourth marking period to inform the student s/he will not graduate. A follow-up letter will be sent to the parents/guardians to confirm that the student has not met the requirements for graduation.
If there is a possibility that the student may still meet the requirements for graduation, final confirmation may be delayed until the final tests have been corrected or the completion of required academic work, but contact with parents/ guardians will be made by conference or by phone.
At the end of each report period, it is strongly recommended that the parents/ guardians confer with the teacher on the progress of the student. When deemed essential, the teacher should request a conference with the parents/guardians.
A student who has completed the requirements for graduation shall not be denied a diploma as a disciplinary measure, but the student may be denied participation in the graduation ceremony when personal conduct so warrants. Such exclusion shall be regarded as a school suspension.
A senior who has not met the requirements for graduation may make up the necessary credit during the summer or later. Only those students who have met the requirements for a diploma shall participate in the graduation exercises.

SC 1613

/ A list of all candidates for the award of a diploma shall be submitted to the Board for its approval.

Early Completion of Graduation Requirements

Unless there is specific Board approval on individual cases, early completion ofgraduation requirements shall not take place prior to the completion of the senior year.
A secondsemester senior may beconsidered an early completerand must have twenty-six (26) credits.
The Superintendent, or his/her designee, will establish and implement procedures for students to be designated as early completers.All the requirements for graduation must be completed by the time of graduation.
Early completersmust have the approval of their parents to complete their education. Emancipated minors are free to make their own decisions.
An early completerwould be considered a member of the class graduating that year.
Early completerswould be considered for awards and scholarships since they are still considered a member of the graduating class.
After students have completed graduation requirements and are no longer attending school, they are not eligible for athletics. Early completersare not eligible for athletics because of P.I.A.A. rules on attendance. Early completerswould be able to participate in other co-curricular activities if there are no rules or regulations against participation and they have permission of the high school principal. They would be permitted to attend the prom, senior class functions, etc., for their graduating class.

There are no formal graduation exercises for early completers.Students completingin January may participate in the June graduation exercises. Letters certifying that a student met graduation requirements will be issued to students requesting same.

Neither early completersnor June graduates are eligible to attend vocational technical schools or participate in any school programs at District expense following their official completiondate.

Methods Of Obtaining Diploma If Student Does Not Graduate With His/Her Class

A senior who does not meet the requirements for a diploma may be tutored in not more than two (2) subjects during the summer months immediately following the graduation of his/her class; be given a re-examination by the school in these subjects; and awarded credit if the examinations are passed. A diploma will be
awarded upon verification by the high school principal that the graduation requirements have been met.

A senior who does not meet the requirements for a diploma shall be permitted to submit an official transcript of the necessary credits earned at a Pennsylvania Department of Education approved evening school program, such school to furnish evidence that the course content and time spent in class meets the minimum requirements of the District. When such evidence is satisfactory, the principal will notify the Superintendentandaward the diploma.

A senior who does not meet the requirements for a diploma may attend summer school or take a credit-recovery course for make-up work on prior approval of the principal to earn credits toward graduation and receive a diploma upon the receipt of proof of successful completion of the course(s).
A senior who does not qualify under the above options should apply to the Department of Education for a Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma which is earned by satisfactorily completing the General Education Development tests administered through IU 13.

Eligible Veterans

SC 1611 / In order to honor and recognize honorably discharged eligible veterans who left high school prior to graduation to serve in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War the Board shall grant a diploma to a veteran who meets the applicable requirements of law and completes the required application.
School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1611, 1613, 1614
State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 4.12, 4.13, 4.24, 4.51, 4.52, 11.4, 11.5, 11.8, 11.27
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, Title 34, Code of Federal Regulations – 34 CFR Part 300
Board Policy – 100, 102, 113, 127, 212, 213, 216, 233

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