April Monthly Chapter Meeting Minutes
Date: April 8, 2008
Location: Leon County Civic Center
Number in Attendance: 62
Meeting opened by President Janice Pursley
Invocation: Rhonda Mixon
Pledge: Pat Ferriby, Department of Revenue
Old Business
March Minutes were posted shortly after the meeting concluded. March and April Minutes will be presented for approval at next month’s meeting.
New Business and Presentation
Guests and New Members:
Carolyn Mooney was a guest today, and is working on her M.P.A. degree at the Reubin O’D Askew School of Public Administration and Policy at FSU. Thanks, and good luck with your finals Carolyn!
Job Openings:
No job openings were announced.
Awards Committee (Janet Garrison): Janet announced the receipt of several Buyer and Manager of the Year applications. These will be submitted along with award recommendations at an upcoming Board meeting.
Upcoming Chapter-sponsored Free Seminar (David Alba): Janice reminded us that the website (www.TACNIGP.com) is updated frequently, with a goal of presenting new and relevant educational and informative topics. A great example is the upcoming (Monday, April 14) David Alba all-day seminars on “Skills for the Supervisor/Manager” and “Creating Multigenerational Harmony”. Several members have volunteered to donate snack foods and money for beverages and utensils, so this will not cost you or your agency a single dime! Lunch is on-your own, and there are several good restaurants within a 10 minute drive from the Carr Building: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/3800+Commonwealth+Blvd+Tallahassee+FL+32303-3123
NIGP Chapter Minutes
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April 8, 2008
Membership Committee (Susan Barr): Susan announced that we are now up to 190 paid members for the 2008 calendar year. She asked us to encourage expired members or new folks in our offices to join.
Treasurer’s Report (Don Tobin): Current account balances:
Money Market accounts: $ 90,385
Checking account: $ 3,333
Total Cash Assets: $ 93,718
Vendor Conference and Trade Show Committee (Rhonda Mixon): This has been a busy and defining month for Rhonda and her volunteers. Links for vendor registration and member’s (Thursday, August 28) lunches are now available on the website under “Upcoming Events”. Vendors can register and select their booths on the interactive, real time application. A list of available hotels is also posted, and we will soon have one-on-one registration appointments listed.
There are 12 available “Premium Booths” (these are the booths that are directly beyond the registration desk). Rhonda pointed out that we have reduced booth prices for 2008, and there are additional discounts for sponsoring two or more booths.
Janice thanked the many volunteers that have worked extra time to insure our success. Chuvala Snell-Brown and her group of volunteers, Tim Ellinor working with the schedule and today’s memo (see the attached item following these Minutes), and Robert Threewitts and Wendi Sellers pushing for agencies’ participation for the one-on-one sessions.
On this topic, we were informed that vendors will preregister for the one-on-one sessions. Agencies will pre-indicate the products and services that they are interested in and are primary buyers of. Thursday’s schedule was announced; 7:00 to 8:00 breakfast, 8:30 to 12:30 Trade Show and 1:15 to 4:15 for the one-on-one sessions. Additionally, lunch (included with vendors’ registration and available at a reduced rate to members that pre-register online) will be served and we will have two (repeating) presentations on Thursday morning.
NIGP Chapter Minutes
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April 8, 2008
Presentation: Vonnie Allen introduced Summer Pfieffer, Director of Government Relations for the Children’s Home Society of Florida. Ms. Pfieffer gave an emotional and heartfelt presentation on the important issues facing Florida’s endangered children and the challenges of budget cuts on these vital programs. This is the 106th year for this organization, and they maintain 14 facilities in the State of Florida. She mentioned the toll-free Child Abuse Hotline phone number, (800) 96-ABUSE.
Several individuals (Jeanie Fuller, Gwen Parker, Gail Jones and Lori Potts) won various prizes in the drawings. The winner of next month’s free lunch is (once again, Lady Luck!), Pat Ferriby, Department of Revenue.
Respectfully submitted by
Mark Lovell, 2008 Secretary
Tallahassee-Area Chapter of NIGP