JANUARY 10, 2011
The Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Village Board was held this evening, Monday, January 10, 2011 with the following Board Members present: Mayor Brenda Gilberti, Trustees Raymond Daviau, David Glenn, Robert Friedlander, and Lisa Atanasoff. Also present was Police Chief Dominick Hiffa, DPW Superintendent Charles Tritten, Fire Chief Peter Sobel, Codes Enforcement Officer David Neary, Village Attorney Richard Parker and Village Historian Judy Mallozzi.
Also in Attendance: Kayla Friedlander, Marilyn Mahanna, Robert Misiaszek, Beth Park, Chris Park, Rob Conklin, Cathy Penner, Paul Klumbach, Patrick O’Connor, Glenn Hopsicker, Jan Zabek, Dan Williams, and Margaret Dobies, and Kathy Walker Stewart of Adirondack Financial Services.
Mayor Gilberti called the Meeting to Order at 7:00 P.M. followed by the Recital of the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Gilberti asked everyone to please partake in a moment of silence for thoughts for all involved in the recent tragedy in Arizona.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion Trustee Friedlander, second Trustee Glenn to approve the Minutes of the January 6, 2011 Voucher-Workshop/Meeting as presented. Vote: Trustee Glenn – yea, Trustee Atanasoff – yea, Trustee Daviau – yea, Trustee Friedlander – yea. Approved.
CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk/Treasurer Goding read two letters from the Whitesboro Fire Department. The first was a list of the 2011 Line & Executive Officers. The second was to inform the Board that Marie Prybrowski has been expelled due to lack of requirement per by-laws and Jasmine Zinkovich has resigned.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Marilyn Mahanna, Parkway Drive thanked the Village Board, Dept. Heads and Village residents for all the hard work they provided to save the Village of Whitesboro from dissolution, along with thanking all of the Village residents who came out on a very cold day, January 4, 2011, to vote and save the Village. Mrs. Mahanna also asked if Mr. Misiaszek was going to pay for the election costs for the above mentioned election that he supposedly stated he would in an article in the Observer Dispatch. Mayor Gilberti said she is not sure that statement is true because the Observer Dispatch does not always quote word for word and Mr. Misiaszek may not have said such statement in such a manner.
CODES ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT: Motion Trustee Daviau, second Trustee Glenn to approve the Month of December 2010 Codes Enforcement Department Report as presented. Vote: Trustee Glenn – yea, Trustee Atanasoff – yea, Trustee Daviau – yea, Trustee Friedlander – yea. Approved.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: Motion Trustee Friedlander, second Trustee Glenn to approve the Month of December 2010 Fire Department Report as presented. Vote: Trustee Glenn – yea, Trustee Atanasoff – yea, Trustee Daviau – yea, Trustee Friedlander – yea. Approved.
POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion Trustee Daviau, second Trustee Friedlander to approve the Month of December 2010 Police Department Report as presented. Vote: Trustee Glenn – yea, Trustee Atanasoff – yea, Trustee Daviau – yea, Trustee Friedlander – yea. Approved.
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: Motion Trustee Glenn, second Trustee Daviau to approve the Month of December 2010 Department of Public Works Report as presented. Vote: Trustee Glenn – yea, Trustee Atanasoff – yea, Trustee Daviau – yea, Trustee Friedlander – yea. Approved.
HISTORIAN DEPARTMENT: Motion Trustee Glenn, second Trustee Friedlander to approve the Month of December 2010 Historian’s Report as presented. Vote: Trustee Glenn – yea, Trustee Atanasoff – yea, Trustee Daviau – yea, Trustee Friedlander – yea. Approved.
OLD BUSINESS: Trustee Friedlander informed the Board that DPW Supt. Tritten and the DPW are still using the Town of Whitestown’s spare Salt Truck due to our Salt Truck being out of commission.
Attorney Parker informed the Board of a newly revised agreement with the Sauquoit Creek Inter-municipal Commission with reference to the Sewer Consent Order.
Motion Trustee Daviau, second Trustee Atanasoff authorizing Mayor Brenda D. Gilberti to execute, in duplicate, the newly revised Intermunicipal Agreement between the County of Oneida and the Town of New Hartford, the Town of Paris, the Town of Whitestown, the Village of Clayville, the Village of New Hartford, the Village of New York Mills, the Village of Whitesboro, and the Village of Yorkville for the operation and maintenance of a sewage treatment plant and interceptor infrastructure which receives and conveys sewage collected and conveyed by municipal sewage systems tributary to the County Sewer District, which includes pump stations that serve the southern and western part of the Sewer District known as the Sauquoit Creek Pump Station. Vote: Trustee Glenn – yea, Trustee Atanasoff – yea, Trustee Daviau – yea, Trustee Friedlander – yea. Approved.
Attorney Parker informed the Board of the status of the Cell Tower installation in the Shopping Center. Originally, the Planning Board voted 3-2 to approve the installation of the Cell Tower, pursuant to the ZBA agreeing to the set-back variance. The ZBA denied the tower of the set-back variances due to safety concerns for the public. The Village was then taken to court by Verizon Wireless. The Court raised the safety concerns also, but the Judge approved the denial upon special requirements. Verizon Wireless will have to go back to the landowner and obtain a new lease with new measurements. If they cannot get a new lease, they will be denied the installation of the cell tower. A Court Order will be prepared stating all the results.
DPW Supt. Tritten asked the Board if he may start working on root removal control in the sewers around the start of March 2011, due to the last time this was done was in 2007 and pictures recently taken and provided to the Board show this is necessary very soon.
DPW Supt. Tritten then asked the Board if there has been any decision made with reference to the use of a vehicle to clean the Village owned sidewalks. Mayor Gilberti stated she would contact Yorkville Mayor Leone about the use of their equipment.
NEW BUSINESS: Codes Officer Neary informed the Board that he will inspect the DPW Garage tomorrow morning, January 11, 2011 with reference to concerns about recent fires at Burrows Trucking and the Town of Marshall DPW Garages.
Codes Officer Neary reminded the Board that he had provided them with a new proposed Fee Schedule and asked if maybe the next Voucher-Workshop/Meeting they could all sit down and work together to get a final review.
All of the Board Members stated they have looked over the newly proposed Fee Schedule and like it.
Motion Trustee Friedlander, second Trustee Glenn to approve the newly revised Fee Schedule submitted by Codes Enforcement Officer David Neary with an effective date of January 11, 2011. Vote: Trustee Glenn – yea, Trustee Atanasoff – yea, Trustee Daviau – yea, Trustee Friedlander – yea. Approved.
Codes Officer Neary also informed the Board he would like to hold a quarterly workshop to help Village residents with topics of Building Permits, Flood Zones, Fire Regulations, etc.on Saturdays from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Trustee Glenn asked Codes Officer Neary if the Village of Whitesboro could look into the Nuisance Abatement Law established in New York Mills. Codes Officer Neary said yes he would help and will have it sent electronically to the Village Office.
Mayor Gilberti stated she and Trustee Friedlander are going to meet with New York Mills Mayor Bialek on Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. here at the Village Office to work on Police Consolidation and or cross swearing with the Village of New York Mills.
Trustee Glenn informed the Board he would like to get a committee together soon to start planning the 200th Anniversary of the Village of Whitesboro.
Trustee Glenn also said he would start working on a new Disaster Plan.
Mayor Gilberti then informed everyone that Kathy Walker Stewart of Adirondack Financial Services was going to make a presentation on Health Insurance Programs and that if Department Heads wanted to leave they could, not knowing how long the presentation may take.
Kathy Walker Stewart of Adirondack Financial Services then made a presentation on various Excellus Blue Cross/Blue Shield Health Insurance Programs and options available that my assist the Village in saving money and still providing the employees and retirees with good coverage options. There were various questions and then answers provided. After the presentation, Kathy Walker Stewart thanked the Board for listening to her presentation and is looking forward to hearing from the Board in the near future.
Mayor Gilberti then asked the Board for any further topics of discussion and there being none asked for a motion to adjourn the Meeting.
Motion Trustee Atanasoff, second Trustee Glenn to adjourn the Meeting at 9:10 P.M. Vote: Trustee Glenn – yea, Trustee Atanasoff – yea, Trustee Daviau – yea, Trustee Friedlander – yea. Approved.
Adjournment – 9:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan M. Goding