Ola High School Cheerleading Guidelines

The following document outlines the requirements, rules, regulations and general information governing the Ola High School Athletic Program.

Eligibility Guidelines:

1. Academic requirements

  1. Student must have passed 5 of 7 subjects (not including IF) on the second semester report card from the 2016-2017 school year to remain on the squad according to Section 1 of the GHSA Bylaws.
  2. Student must also meet these academic requirements during the first semester of the 2017-2018 school year.
  3. Returning students must also remain “on track”. Second year students must have accumulated 4 units and third year students must have accumulated 10 units.

2. Physical examination requirement

Each student must pass a physical. A copy of the physical report must be on file with the Athletic Director and the Cheer Coach before practice begins. All physicals are valid for one year from the date on the report. There will be physicals on April 29th here at OHS (cash only)

3. Insurance Coverage requirements

Each student must have either school insurance or a private policy that will cover the student if injured while participating in cheerleading activities or while traveling to or from any activity. The name of the insurance company and policy number must be provided before the student can practice. If insurance information changes, please notify the coach immediately.

4. Parent consent requirements

The student’s parent signature on this form provides your consent for your child to participate in all OHS cheerleading activities.

5. Emergency medical consent requirements

The student must have on file a form giving the coaching staff the authority to seek emergency medical treatment in the absence of the parent. This form indicates that the parent is the party responsible for any bills incurred during the medical treatment. This form was required for you child to tryout for the cheerleading squad.

7. Cheerleading guidelines and procedures requirements

Both student and parent/guardian must sign this form indicating that you have read this constitution and all other guidelines and regulations of the athletic department. Signing indicates that all parties agree to fully abide by these guidelines.

We feel that our guidelines are both appropriate and fair. We expect everyone involved to respect our coaching staff. The staff has worked hard to make this cheerleading program a successful one.

Participation Guidelines:

  1. Fingernails should not extend beyond the end of the finger more than 1/8 of an inch for safety reasons. Colored polish is Not allowed at games or performances. French manicures, SNS and acrylic nails are prohibited at any time during the cheerleading season. This starts with summer practice.
  2. Hair must be in a high ponytail for practices, games or competition. If your hair will not go into a ponytail it must be pulled up completely on both sides. No metal clips or barrettes are to be worn for safety reasons. Hair should be in a ponytail prior to practice, getting on the bus, or arriving for a game.
  3. All cheerleaders should carry an official cheerleader bag to all games/competitions.
  4. All squad members should wear their designated spirit clothing to school on designated spirit days. These assignments will be made ahead of time. Any changes will come from the coach only. All squad members should wear their assigned travel wear to all away-games/competitions. THIS INCLUDES PROGRAM SHIRT GIVEN AFTER TRYOUTS. If you lose it you do not participate.
  5. In cold, wet, or inclement weather, squad members may wear warm ups at games. If you do not have your warm up you will be sat. All cheerleaders are required to be uniformly dressed. Cheerleaders will be excused from the field in severe conditions at the direction of the coach only.
  6. All female squad members are required to shave their legs and underarms.
  7. While in uniform, there will be no inappropriate behavior.
  8. No gum chewing or eating at anytime during games or practices. Eat before you come to the game or practice. You should not have anything other than water or sports drinks at games or practices. NO GUM DURING COMPETITION PERFORMANCES OR WARMUP.

Parents: The coaching staff would appreciate your full support and cooperation with these rules.

Practice Guidelines:

  1. Parents, please try to refrain from interrupting practice to give messages to your child. We ask that parents remain outside until practice is over. All practices are closed to all spectators. This includes family and friends.
  2. Every practice will end with announcements and a brief team meeting with the coaches.
  3. Clean up after yourself at all practices. All cups, cans, paper, etc. should be removed from the practice area. Trash left behind will result in conditioning.
  4. At no time will the coaches leave the cheerleaders unattended while stunting or tumbling. If the coach must leave the area, the cheerleaders are instructed to leave one foot on the floor at all times. No stunts! No Jumps! No Tumbling! Any violation of this rule could result in immediate dismissal from the squad.
  5. Practices will be scheduled as needed by the coach. The entire practice session will be devoted to cheerleading activity and conditioning. The dress for cheerleaders for practice must be the proper apparel for performing activities: shorts, T-shirts, cheerleading shoes, etc.
  6. Cheerleading shoes, correct dress, hair up, appropriate fingernail length, and removal of all jewelry is required at all practices.
  7. Practice for competition will begin after school at 3:45(to roll mats) and ends at 6:00 p.m. If any emergency arises please notify the school. If a pattern arises where a cheerleader is routinely not picked up on time, a meeting will be called with the parent, the coach, and the athletic director. Tardies will result in Pride Squad on Mondays from 6-7 PM.
  8. Practice for FB is at 7 AM. Absences or tardies will result in loss of cheering time at the game and/or Pride Squad on Mondays from 6-7 PM.
  9. All cheerleaders are required to attend all practices. Please realize that when

one person is out, stunts cannot be done. Every member is essential for proper

and optimal performance.

  1. All cheerleaders should be on time for practice. No cheerleader should leave

the practice area without permission. Phone calls should be made before


  1. No cell phones at practice! Please call the coach if you need your

cheerleader immediately.

Game and Performance Guidelines

  1. All cheerleaders are required and expected to attend all games and performances. This includes playoff games. Each cheerleader must report to their coach.
  2. Always wear the assigned uniform, socks, and shoes to perform. Hair must be up, jewelry must be off, the correct uniform on, and you are ready to perform prior to arrival. SENIOR SASHES, LETTERMAN JACKETS CANNOT BE WORN.
  3. All cheerleaders are under the direction of the cheer coach at all times. No chant, cheer or routine that has not been perfected and approved by the coach will be performed at any game. Cheers etc., should not be practiced or taught during game time!
  4. Football Cheerleaders will not be allowed to go home on Friday’s before the games. They must stay after school to prepare for the game. Each cheerleader must pack all parts of the uniform for the game.
  5. No food, gum, candy, or drinks in open cups are allowed in the cheering area or in the stands. Only water and clear sports drinks will be allowed in the cheer area.
  6. Cheerleaders are to remain in formation on the playing area until the end of the game. No team member will be excused early unless it has been cleared with a coach. Cheerleaders will not carry on conversations with friends or family while in cheering formation. Lack of focus on the game will result in an immediate benching/Pride Squad.
  7. All competition squad members are expected to stay with their team until after the team huddle after awards.
  8. National Anthem: Cheerleaders should stand at attention facing either the flag or music during the National Anthem. This position should be maintained until the anthem is over. No fidgeting, playing or talking while the anthem is being played. We are all leaders. Please set a good example always.
  9. At all times at practices and performances, the GHSA and National Federation rules and regulations governing cheerleading will be followed. Every cheerleader is expected to display unquestionable sportsmanship as well as loyalty to our school. Any display of poor sportsmanship will be dealt with in a severe manner.
  10. All cheerleaders are to report to their designated area at the time designated by the coach, whether it is at the start of the game, competition or a return from halftime. Failure to report without prior approval from the coach will result in immediate benching/Pride Squad.

Away Game and Performance Guidelines

  1. Any squad member traveling with the game squad will be under the supervision of the cheer coach and subject to all regulations of the game squad. Misconduct during travel to or from the events will not be tolerated.
  2. Cheerleaders may ride home from away events with parents or an adult of the parent’s choice with a written note from the parent. The note must be presented prior to the event. At no time will a cheerleader be allowed to ride from away events with any non-approved person. At no time will a cheerleader be allowed to ride from away events with another student or teenager.

Commitment Statement

All cheerleaders should remember that their first sport is cheerleading. Cheerleading runs from June until November. No cheerleader may participate in any other sport until the cheer season is over without permission from the coach. If another school activity clashes with our cheer schedule, the sponsors of the activities will meet to discuss the situation. No parent should attempt to diffuse the conflict. Please leave this up to the coaches.

Stunt/Routine Camp

  1. Each Competition Cheerleader will attend a stunt/routine camp. All cheerleaders are expected to attend camp.


  1. Cheerleaders are responsible for purchasing items such as warm-ups, camp clothing, shoes, uniforms, cheer bags, etc.
  2. Uniforms and shoes will be kept clean, attractive, and in good condition. The uniforms will be worn in conjunction with school events only. No part of a cheerleading uniform should be worn by anyone other than the cheerleader, this includes warm-ups, camp clothes, etc.
  3. Loss of any part of the uniform must be replaced at the expense of the cheerleader.
  4. Cheerleaders who are dismissed or who quit the squad will not receive a refund of any money already paid.
  5. Uniforms, body suits, bloomers, socks, shoes, ribbons, warm-ups, tee-shirts, shorts, etc., should all be clean, wrinkle free and neat looking when a cheerleader represents OHS. Underwear and bloomers must be worn at all times with uniforms. Body suits, warm ups and rain gear should be in the duffle bag to take to all games just in case we should need to put them on.
  6. No unapproved accessories such as stickers, temporary/permanent tattoos, badges, pins, etc., may be placed on the body or uniform of any OHS cheerleader at any time while representing OHS.
  7. At no time is jewelry a part of the uniform at practice, games, camp, or competitions. This includes body piercing.
  8. Fingernails will be unpolished and at the appropriate length.

Uniform Violations

Cheerleaders will be benched for the following uniform violations:

  1. No bloomers
  2. No underwear
  3. No body suit
  4. Dressing in the stands, or grooming in the stands
  5. Hair not up properly
  6. Long fingernails
  7. Colored nail polish
  8. Failure to have designated spirit wear at all games (shoes, hair bows, socks, poms, etc.)
  9. New piercing that cannot be removed.
  10. Dyed hair that is a distraction.
  11. Any clothing not associated with uniform or warm up i.e. letterman jackets, fleeces, etc.
  12. Competition Cheerleaders are expected to be in assigned travel wear or they will be assigned Pride Squad

* The benching will be for the duration of the game unless the violation can be corrected

immediately and can result in Pride Squad.

Training, Conditioning, and Practice Time

Training may include but not be limited to aerobics, running, weight training, gymnastics, dance and/or general conditioning. All cheerleaders are expected to give 100% during all practices. Training and conditioning during the season are mandatory. All cheerleaders are expected to abstain 100% from the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.


All games, practices, competitions, and fund raising activities are mandatory.

Any cheerleader who must miss any scheduled activity must notify the coach before the activity if at all possible. No parent can excuse his/her child from an activity unless it has been discussed with and approved by the coach 2 weeks prior to the activity. If a cheerleader is at school and must miss the afternoon practice, a coach must be notified before practice.

Excused absences will follow the school guidelines:

  1. Illness of cheerleader with a written note from parents.
  2. Family emergencies with written note from parents.
  3. Unavoidable medical appointments. Appointments should be scheduled, if possible, to not conflict with practices.
  4. Other situations may be excused at the discretion of the coach if the coach is notified in advance.
  5. No jobs or outside activities will interfere with a cheerleader’s attendance at a scheduled event or practice. Organize all personal, social, family events so as not to interfere. YOU CHOOSE TO TRYOUT and therefore are expected to be in attendance.

6. Excessive excused absences will result in benching, suspension, or dismissal if

such absences are a detriment to the squad.

7. All absences that do not fall into the above categories are unexcused. Unexcused

absences will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary measures. Please see

the section concerning Disciplinary Procedures to see the consequences for

unexcused absences.

8. Parents, please do not plan vacations during our season. The success of our

program is dependent on all of us working together. A stunt group is useless

without all its members

9. Tardiness is unacceptable. An excused tardy can only be issued when it falls into

the categories listed for excused absences. Unexcused tardiness will result in

disciplinary measures.

10. A student who checks in or out will not be allowed to participate in after school.

performances or practices if they have not check-in or out at the appropriate time.

Disciplinary Procedures

Benching, Suspension, or Dismissal:

If at any time a parent of a cheerleader has a question concerning the handling of discipline problems, please make an appointment with the coach to discuss the problem before it escalates out of proportion. The first step to handling a concern is to speak with the coach.

A cheerleader may be benched, suspended or dismissed for the following reasons:

1. Unexcused Absences and Tardiness to games or performances

1st. benching/PS

2nd suspension/PS

3rd dismissal

2. Unexcused Tardy to practice 1st warning/PS




3. Unexcused Absence at practice1st benching/PS



4. Uniform Violations immediate benching/PS

5. Swearing or Profane Languageimmediate benching/PS

6. Unsportsmanlike Conductimmediate benching/PS

7. Disrespectful attitude or

insubordination toward coaches1st warning/PS

2nd benching/PS

3rd suspension/PS

4th dismissal

8. Failure to know routine or cheersbenching/PS

9. Eating while cheeringimmediate benching/PS

10. Minor bickering, arguing, display

of an attitude of dissension toward squad 1st warning/PS

2nd benching/PS

3rd suspension/PS

4th dismissal

11. Academic ineligibility, see handbook immediate dismissal

12. Confirmed use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco immediate dismissal

13. Behaving detrimental to the squad’s safety or performance.

1st warning/PS

2nd benching/PS

3rd suspension/PS

4th dismissal

14. ISS1st suspension/PS

2nddismissal at Coach’s discretion

15. OSSdismissal at Coach’s discretion

16. Assigned to Alternative Schoolimmediate dismissal

17. Inappropriate/Disrespectful Comments1st warning/PS

On Social Media 2nddismissal

All violations will be submitted to the Athletic Director and an administrator.

When a cheerleader is Benched, she must report to performances on time, must be in uniform, and must sit with the coach. She will participate in the activities if needed. She must not eat, socialize or engage in any other activity that they would not be allowed to do if she were cheering.

When a cheerleader is Suspended, she/he may not participate in any cheer activities with the squad. The cheerleader must report to practices on time but may not dress out. They must report to all games on time but may not wear a uniform. The cheerleader must sit with the coach. A suspension period will begin when the cheerleader is notified in writing by the coach.

Pride Squad will be on Mondays from 6:00-7:00 PM and will consist of conditioning. If a team member does not report to PS then they will be referred to the next step of the disciplinary process.


  1. A cheerleader shall cooperate with the coach, game officials, administrators, and other squad members AT ALL TIMES. Disagreements will be handled through conferences and away from other members of the squad.
  2. A cheerleader should promote good sportsmanship because you are an official representative of the school. A cheerleader shall not display undesirable emotions such as anger or rage or use improper language at practices, games, or whenever in uniform.
  3. A cheerleader’s conduct shall be held to a higher standard than other students. This includes in the classroom, hallways, and all school events. Any unusual behavior or attitude, which is not compliant with the guidelines and the integrity of the squad, will result in a conference with parents, coach, and administrator prior to dismissal from the squad.
  4. No messages will be accepted by another squad member. You must contact the coach personally if a problem arises (i.e. family emergency – please inform the coach of what the emergency is, concerts or get-togethers are not emergencies). If you plan on being absent, contact your coach. We will not accept an excuse the next day. If you aren’t at practice or a game, you will receive the appropriate violations.

Parental Involvement

  1. We want our parents to be involved in our program as much as possible. However, if there is something that you would like to discuss with your child’s coach, you may contact the head coach and a professional meeting will be set up with you, the athletic director, the head coach, and an administrator.
  1. Squad members must be dressed, in uniform, and at the school at the designated time set by the coach.
  2. As coaches, will not be in charge of floats. If the team wants a float for homecoming, there will need to be a parent committee.
  3. If a cheerleader withdraws from the school at any time after being selected, he or she will be dismissed from ALL squads they are a member of. If a cheerleader quits during the cheer season or is dismissed from the squad, she may not tryout for cheerleading in the high school the following year without undergoing the appeals process.
  4. The appeals process includes a meeting with an administrator, coaches, other school personnel, cheerleader and their parents to discuss consideration for tryouts.
  5. If your balance goes unpaid, your cheerleader will not compete, practice, or cheer until the balance is paid in full. All balances need to be paid by August 1st 2017.
  6. If you quit or are dismissed from a squad, you are responsible for paying for items ordered for you.

Parent/Guardian Permission For Participation and Adherence to OHS Cheerleading Guidelines, Rules and Consequences