Montgomeryshire District Sports Council

Annual Sports Awards

Friday 27th January 2017 – The Hafren, Newtown

In ‘recognition’ of 2016 success

Nomination Criteria – Guidance

Kindly Sponsored by McDonalds

Eligibility and Criteria

1)  Nominees should currently be resident in Montgomeryshire or alternatively coach, volunteer or attend a club or school in Montgomeryshire.

2)  Their involvement must be within a sport recognised by the Sports Council for Wales.

3)  Nominees should be notified that they have been nominated.

4)  Last years nominees/winners are eligible to be nominated again, however they may be moved into an Outstanding Achievement Category.


Please note that where there are a large number of nominees in a category, the awards panel will select a workable shortlist of candidates to be featured in the evening’s ceremony.

Every nominee that isn’t shortlisted will be mentioned on the evening and will receive a certificate of commendation.

Notes on Completion of the Nomination Form

1)  Read criteria for each category carefully.

2)  Complete Nomination Form at back of booklet or email for or an electronic copy.

3)  Ensure you have answered all questions within the criteria for the relevant category.

4)  Return form by 28th November 2016 at the latest, including a photograph of the nominee(s). (If possible please email photograph through).

5)  Keep a copy of the nomination form for your records.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sports Awards – What are they?

Sports awards in Montgomeryshire are a way of recognising and celebrating the sporting success of sporting individuals and those involved in sport at all levels.

Sports Awards – How do they work?

Individuals or teams nominated will be judged at a Montgomeryshire Sports Council Panel Meeting made up of County Councillors and volunteers representing a variety of Sports. Powys County Council Sports Development Officers also attend the panel meeting but DO NOT have a vote.

Who can nominate?

Nominations can be received from any individual involved in schools or sports within Montgomeryshire.

How do I nominate?

To nominate all you need to do is complete the enclosed nomination form and return to the address provided by the deadline. All nominators and nominees will be sent tickets for the awards night.

Can I nominate the same person for more than one award?

Yes, however you need to ensure that all nomination criteria has been met for all categories.


Category / Criteria
Sports Personality of the Year (Including Veterans) / ·  Nominees must be over 18 on the 31st December 2016
·  Shown great sportsmanship, motivation and determination in their sport. The award will be made to the individual who, in the opinion of the panel had made an outstanding achievement in Sport in their district, county, regional or national level.
Junior Sportsperson of the year Under 12’s, 14’s and 18’s / ·  Nominee must be under 12,14 or 18 on the 31st December 2016.Shown great sportsmanship, motivation and determination in their sport.
·  Have displayed an outstanding level of personal achievement at district, county, regional or national level.
Disabled Sportsperson of the Year / ·  Shown great sportsmanship, motivation and determination in their sport
·  Have displayed an outstanding level of personal achievement at district, county, regional or national level.
Junior Sports Team of the Year / ·  A team of 2 or more people Under 18 on the 31st December 2016 who have participated in a team competition. (Subsections of an overall team will not be eligible)
·  Individual teams who have achieved success in their chosen sport at district, county, regional or national level.
·  A committed team who have shown motivation, determination and sportsmanship throughout their season.
Senior Sports Team of the Year / ·  A team of 2 or more people who have participated in a team competition. Individual teams who have achieved success in their chosen sport at district, county, regional or national level. (Subsections of team will not be eligible)Teams must play in a senior league and be members of a constituted club or body related to sport.
·  A committed team who have shown motivation, determination and sportsman ship throughout their season.
Club of the Year / ·  Made a substantial contribution to the local community
·  Have good school to club links Will have committed coaches and volunteers
·  The clubs performers may not necessarily be performing at a high level.
Volunteer of the Year / ·  Voluntarily contributes to sport and physical activity in any capacity e.g. committee member, administrator, official, umpire, groundsman, kit washer etc
·  Can be volunteering at a school, sports club, youth group, voluntary organisation, community centre, day centre, playgroup etc.
Young Sports Leader of the Year / ·  Nominee must have completed a Sports Leader course e.g. Dragon Sport Leader, 5x60 Leader.
·  Nominee must be under 21 years on 31st December 2016.
·  Nominee must be regularly helping to run extra curricular sports sessions in schools or volunteering in a local sports club or voluntary organisation.
·  Nominee should be reliable and enthusiastic and set a good example to young participants.
Service to Sport / ·  Have made an outstanding contribution to sport as an administrator, club person, grounds man, chairman, official over a minimum of 5 years
·  Nominees are only eligible to receive this award once
·  Approximately five nominees will receive an award in this category each year.
Coach of the Year / ·  A qualified coach who has made a major contribution to the lives of people through sport.
·  Has coached individuals or teams to outstanding success.
·  Is a positive role model for their performers and other leaders/coaches
·  Coach must hold a recognised NGB coaching qualification.
·  Committed to developing themselves as a coach and helping others improve.
·  Creates a positive environment and is athlete centred.
·  High Performance/ Elite coaches are not eligible.
·  Paid Coaches are considered.


Please complete the following and either return via email or post by the 28th of November 2016

Award nominated for (Please tick one or more box)

Category / Please Tick
Sports Personality of the Year
Junior Sport Personality
Under 12’s
Junior Sports Personality
Under 14’s
Junior Sports Personality
Under 18’s
Disabled Sportsperson of the Year
Junior Sports Team of the Year
Senior Sports Team of the Year
Club of the Year
Volunteer of the Year
Young Sports Leader of the year
Coach of the Year
Service to Sport

Details of Nominee

Name / Date of Birth (Only required for Junior award categories)
Postcode / Contact Tel Number
Email / Sport
Name of Club / School (Where applicable)

Details of Person nominating

Postcode / Contact Tel Number
Relationship to nominee

Please ensure you have carefully read the eligibility/criteria and the notes on completing the nomination form.

·  Please refer to the criteria and state your reasons for nominating – no more than 500 words

·  Remember the panel can only make a decision on the information that has been submitted. Please give as much relevant information as possible.

·  Please remember to submit a photograph of the nominee (it’s easier if these are emailed through separately).

Completed nomination forms to be returned via email or post by the 28th November 2016 to:

Montgomeryshire Sports Awards

Sports Development Unit

The Old College,

Station Road



SY16 1BE

Tel: 01686 614060 Email: or

For further information please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

Reason for nomination