Montana Perinatal Association Annual Conference 2012
April 26-28, 2012
Chico Hot Springs Resort
Pray, MT
2012 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 1802 hours by Bobbi Bybee.
Welcome and Introductions
Bobbi welcomed everyone to the Montana Perinatal Association Annual Conference Executive Committee Meeting.
In attendance were:
Bobbi Bybee
Janine Hester
Cindy Wolverton
Rita Ortiz
April Fox
Nola Vollmer
Ginny Turley Spenner
Minutes Reviewed
The minutes from the 2011 Executive Committee Meeting were reviewed. Cindy made a motion to accept the minutes as written and April seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was submitted by Janine Hester, Secretary/Treasurer. The financial status of the MPA is as follows:
Balance 3/31/2011 $25,044.50
Interest year 2011 $40.77
Balance 3/31/2012 $24,889.43
MPA Conference 2011
a) Expenses $6640.44
b) Revenue $7304.88
MPA Conference 2012
a) Expenses $1031.28
b) Revenue $4307.07
Filing fee-annual report $15.00
Website-2 yr web hosting $240.00
A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report as written. The motion passed unanimously.
A discussion was held regarding the Executive Board positions currently up for nomination and the process by which the rotation of board members occurs. Current positions open include Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and 2 Member-at-Large. Cindy nominated Janine for Vice President. Janine nominated April for Secretary-Treasurer. Ginny, Nola, and Rita were all nominated for Member-at-Large. A call for other nominations and a final vote will take place at the business meeting.
Membership Issues
No issues were presented for discussion.
Annual Meeting and Conference
The annual conference is scheduled to be held at Chico Hot Springs for the next 5 years (2013-2017). The sponsoring agency for next year’s conference in 2013 is St. Vincent’s Healthcare in Billings. The conference in 2013 will be held April 25-27 at Chico.
A discussion was held regarding whether or not we should form a planning committee from the organization for the annual conference or continue to rotate the responsibilities among the largest centers with a NICU including Benefis Health System, Billings Clinic, Community Medical Center, and St. Vincent’s Healthcare. After a discussion the executive committee voted to continue the hospital based rotation for planning of the annual conference but also include all members of the Executive Committee. It will be the responsibility of the planning committee hospital to complete the MNA application for continuing education credits. They will also be the primary planners of the conference with the executive committee members serving more in an advisory capacity. CME issues were also discussed and due to the rigorousness of the application process, the cost, and the lack of participation on the part of medical providers the committee made an executive decision to discontinue offering CME credit for the annual conference. This will be discussed at the business meeting.
Website Issues
The committee discussed having the information e.g. date, topics for the conference, available on the website earlier in the year. The use of pictures from the conference, final evaluation comments, and possibly articles about the conference on the website was also discussed but no decisions were made. These items will be taken to the business meeting for further discussion.
Other Issues
Ginny discussed ways to try and get new people involved in the organization. A discussion was also held regarding the possibility of having more continuing education credits available for the conference. Both of these issues will be taken to the business meeting for further discussion.
Business Meeting Agenda 2011
-Minutes of last year’s meeting
-Treasurer’s report
-Website issues
-Executive Board nominations for open positions
-Next year’s conference including planning committee
-CME issues
-Mead Johnson and AWHONN Wine and Cheese Social
-Conference evaluations
Meeting was adjourned at 1935.
Respectfully submitted
Janine Hester MSN, MS, NNP-BC
MPA Secretary/Treasurer