Honors Algebra II Course Syllabus 2017/2018
Instructor: Mrs. Briscoe
Phone: 425-844-4867
Website: http://chs.rsd407.org/departments/math/math.aspx
Extra Help: One half hour before or after school, advisory or by appointment.
Course Description This course covers different kinds of functions and their application. Students will explore linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational and radical functions. Additionally students will investigate linear systems, probability and statistics, sequences and series. Basic trigonometric functions, graphs and identities will also be included in the course.
Textbook Algebra 2, Holt McDougal
Materials *Pencils, Lined Notebook Paper, Graph Paper
*A 3-ring notebook is highly recommended for homework, worksheets and handouts.
* Graphing calculators will be used throughout the course. It is highly recommended that each student get their own graphing calculator. A limited number of class calculators can be checked out for in class use only. Calculators can also be checked out from the LRC.
Classroom Rules
· Students are expected to treat the instructor, students and all materials and equipment in the classroom with respect.
· No distractions are allowed during class lessons. This includes unrelated reading material, music and unauthorized electronic devices.
· Students should clean up their area and return books to cabinets when they leave class.
· Appropriate consequences will be dealt out for breaking class rules.
· Parents will be contacted for severe or chronic issues.
· Students will be referred to the principal if immediate action is required.
· School attendance policies will be followed. Please become familiar with these policies.
· Arriving in class after the bell rings, without teacher approval, is considered tardy. If you are more than 10 minutes late to class, it is considered an absence. If you do not arrive at all in class, you are considered absent.
· Students will have to make up time with the teacher for every 3 tardies.
· A student exceeding 10 absences during a semester will not receive credit for the class.
· Work from excused absences can be made up. A student will have the number of days absent to make up missed work.
It is the student's responsibility to make up missed notes and work when absent.
Semester Grading Scale
A = 93% C = 73%
A- = 90% C- = 70%
B+ = 87% D+ = 67%
B = 83% D = 63%
B- = 80% F = 62.99% and below
C+ = 77%
Parents of student with a failing grade will be contacted before the end of the grading period.
Progress reports will be sent home periodically throughout the semester for parent review.
Daily Points (5%)
· Points will be given for attendance, preparedness, daily work, following class rules, participation and warm ups.
Assignments (20%)
· Assignments will be checked daily for completion and will receive 0 - 3 points depending on percentage of completion
· Short homework quizzes will be given for each chapter using problems similar to homework problems. These will be used to assess understanding.
· Project assignments throughout the semester will be assigned points as appropriate.
· Web activities are optional assignments that add to the homework score.
Quizzes (25%)
· Quizzes will be given on a regular basis throughout the semester.
· Quizzes missed due to excused absences can be made up outside of class time by the end of the unit.
Tests (50%)
· Tests will be given at the end of each unit. A review worksheet will be completed before each test.
· Missed tests can be made up before or after school.
· The student has the option of one retake per semester. This can be taken before the next Chapter test or at the end of the semester. A student can get up to 75% of the difference between the original score and the retake score.
· Cheating on a test or quiz will result in a score a zero with no possibility of a retake.
I have read and understand Mrs. Briscoe’s classroom rules and policies.
Student signature
Student name (Print)
1) How do you feel about Math?
2) Tell me one important thing about you (hobby, sports, family, music, etc).
I have read and understand Mrs. Briscoe’s classroom rules and policies.
Parent/Guardian Sign
Parent/Guardian name (Print)
Home phone number
Convenient contact name, time and phone number
Convenient Parent/Guardian E-mail
(This is my preferred method of contact if available)
If you have any questions on this syllabus, course, or just in general, please do not hesitate to contact me at Cedarcrest at 844-4867 or at