Monroe Joint Park Recreation Commission, September 28, 2015

The Monroe Joint Park Recreation Meeting was held at Smith’s Clove Park, 133 Spring St, Monroe, New York on the 28thday of September 2015.

PRESENT:John BattagliaChairman

Ann Marie MorrisAdm. Chairman

Mike NiemannCommissioner

Anthony VaccaroCommissioner

Steve PaviaCommissioner(arrived at 7:45 pm)

Laura BollenbachCommissioner

Andrew CalvanoCommissioner

Joe MancusoPark Recreation Director

Paul TruaxPark Manager

Priscilla C. Chang- StaleyPark Secretary

Stephen GabaPark Attorney


Chairman John Battagliacalled the meeting at 7:35 P.M, with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

On a motion made by Commissioner Bollenbach and seconded by Adm. Chairman Morris

Resolved, to approve the minutes of July 27, 2015, as written. After two months having voted on the minutes, the minutes are approved.

Ayes: 5 Battaglia, Morris, Bollenbach, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

Abstain: 1Niemann

On a motion made by Commissioner Vaccaroand seconded by Adm. Chairman Morris

Resolved, to approve the minutes of August 24, 2015, as written. However, August’s minutes will be voted on again in October.

Ayes: 4 Battaglia, Morris, Bollenbach, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

Abstain: 2Niemann, Calvano

Note: Motions were passed prior to Commissioner Pavia’s arrival.

Final Minutes

September 28, 2015

Privilege of the Floor – Public Concerns

Chairman Battaglia presented a plaque to MW Pop Warner representative Bill Scully from the Park Commission to show appreciation of the league’s contribution to the community. Mr. Scully

thanked the Commission for their support.Note: The Commission, at a ceremony on September 19, 2015 presented plaques to leagues associated with Smith’s Clove Park as a “thank you” for their contribution to the community. POP Warner was not represented at that event so Bill Scully attended the Park meeting to accept the plague on behalf of POP Warner.


There was no Atlas Security representative present during the meeting.

Park Recreation Director Report

As per Park Recreation Director Mancuso, he reported the following information to the


  1. A copy of the August 24, 2015 minutesfor approval (draft).
  1. A copy of a playground sign quote.
  1. A copy of October’s Park Calendar. Mancuso added that the Pumpkin Painting Annual event will be held on October 25th.
  1. A copy of the invitation to Bid Notice regarding the Field#4 Bleacher and Press box project.
  1. A copy of the Park Picnic schedule, to date.
  1. A copy of the 2016 Park Budget Worksheet.
  1. A copy of a 2013-2017 five year plan worksheet.
  1. A copy of an Event Request for the following events:
  1. Hay Rides/pumpkin painting to be held on Saturday, October 25th 1:00 pm –3:00pm. Total amount requested is $993.00.
  2. Holiday Tree Lighting to be held on Sunday,December 6th, at 6 pm, followed by a holiday party inside. Total amount requested is $683.00.

Final Minutes

September 28, 2015

On a motion made by Adm. ChairmanMorris and seconded by Commissioner Calvano

Resolved, approved the event request for the Hay Rides/pumpkin painting the event which will be held on Saturday, October 25th from 1 pm to 3 pm, not to exceed $1,100.00)

Ayes: 6 Battaglia, Morris,Niemann, Bollenbach, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

On a motion made by Adm. Chairman Morris and seconded by Commissioner Vaccaro

Resolved, approved the event request for the Holiday Tree Lighting the event which will be held on Sunday December 6that 6 pm, not to exceed $700.00)

Ayes: 6 Battaglia, Morris,Niemann, Bollenbach, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

Note: Motions were passed prior to Commissioner Pavia’s arrival.

  1. A copy of Park IDs issued in September. 23 IDs were issued this month, with seven renewals. Mancuso noted that the increase in ID this month was due to class registration.
  1. A copy of the Park’s Fall Class registration breakdown.Mancuso added that 159 slots were filled, 84 unduplicated children are registered and 64 families are enrolled in the classes. Two classes (homework helper and lacrosse) are no longer being offered due to low enrollment.
  1. A copy of correspondence inviting the Town and Village Boards to the League Appreciation Event.
  1. A copy of a memo to the Park Commission regarding a phone conversation with a resident over a YAC receipt from 2013.
  1. A copy of a collection letter for a returned check. Mancuso added that there has been some confusion with some regarding a YAC fee and the free lunch program at Monroe Woodbury. He further added that families that need financial assistance with YAC fees should be addressed. In the past, there were scholarships as well as organizations that paid for campers who couldn’t afford to pay. Also, in the past the school has recommended families who are in need of sponsorship. Further discussion was had on the topic. Commissioner Calvano offered to be the liaison between the Park and the school districts regarding this matter for next year.

Park Manager Report:

Park Manager Paul Truax reported that the maintenance truck (no plow, 44,000 miles 2001 model year) has been returned from being repaired. It was previously involved in an accident while it was parked at a car wash. The car wash insurance company paid for the damage. Since

Final Minutes

September 28, 2015

the truck has been repaired, Mr. Truax was looking to sell it as a surplus. Further discussion was had on the topic. The Commission decided to postpone the discussion until the spring; in the interim the truck will be used as a spare for the maintenance department.

Old Business:

Field #4 Revised Bleacher Plan

Mr. Mancuso distributed a copy of the latest revision of the Field#4 Bleacher plan to the Commission. The pre-fab bleacher and press box all-in-one unit has been scraped and an extended level area will be created to accommodate free standing bleachers and individual seating.Additional changes were made plan such as making a change to the handicap seating and centering thepress box on the 50 yard line. A retaining wall with a cap will also be included. The removal of the utility pole will not be included in the newest bid revision. There was question regarding where electricity would be coming from for the press box. Further discussion was had on the topic. Park Attorney Gaba advised that it might be necessary to speak with Maser engineering regarding an electrician and/or to add an electrical contract, to avoid a possible increase to the project’s cost. The Commission agreed and asked Mr. Mancuso to follow up. He also asked if any Commissioner would be available to review the plans once they’ve been revised again, that would be good.

On a motion made by Commissioner Niemann and seconded by Adm. Chairman Morris

Resolved, approved the Field# 4 Bleacher and Press Box bid drawing as submitted, subject to any errors or omissions by October 5, 2015

Ayes: 7 Battaglia, Morris,Pavia, Niemann, Bollenbach, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

On a motion made by Commissioner Niemann and seconded by Commissioner Pavia

Resolved, approved to put the Field#4 Bleacher bid notice in the Times Herald, no later than October 10th.

Ayes: 7 Battaglia, Morris,Pavia, Niemann, Bollenbach, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

50th Anniversary Event Review: September League Appreciation Day

Mr. Mancuso suggested a winter carnival to be held in January of 2016. He will continue to work on planning the 50th anniversary festivities.

Land Encroachment Update

Park Attorney Stephen Gaba provided an update. He stated he hasn’t received any money for the soil test from the Landowner. A letter was sent to the Town Building Inspector and to the Village regarding the Commission’s proposal to the Landowner (which is for the landowner to pay an additional $500 that will be placed in escrow to cover the cost of the soil test). Further discussion was had on the topic. The Commission decided to proceed with getting the soil testing

Final Minutes

September 28, 2015


On a motion made by Commissioner Vaccaro and seconded by Adm. Chairman Morris

Resolved, approved to proceed with soil testing, at a cost up to $1,500 as well as pursue reimbursement from the landowner

Ayes: 7 Battaglia, Morris,Pavia, Niemann, Bollenbach, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

Playground Sign Update

The Commission decided to proceed with the plans as presented.

Sidewalk Proposal

Discussion was postponed until next month’s meeting.

Front Sign Proposal

The final draft will be available by the next meeting. The deposit was made already.

New Business

2016 Park Budget Proposal Discussion

Mr. Mancuso reported the 2016 Park Budget proposal will be reviewed at the upcoming Monroe Town Board Meeting. The Commission discussed the individual line items.


Having no matters to discuss in Executive Session, the Commission continued with the agenda.

Authorization for motion to Approve and Pay the Bills

On a motion made by Adm. Chairman Morris and seconded by Commissioner Niemann

Resolved, to approve and pay the bills.

Ayes: 7 Battaglia, Morris,Pavia, Niemann, Bollenbach, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

With no further business, on a motion from Vaccaro seconded by Niemannthe meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm. Carried unanimously.


Priscilla C. Chang-Staley

Park Secretary