Monitoring study of the band 863 – 870 MHz

At the meeting of WGFM in September administrations considered SRDoc TR 102 649-2 requesting additional spectrum for RFID and SRDs. They decided that FM 22 should be asked to perform a monitoring study of the band 863 – 870 MHz to determine its present level of occupancy. This is in line with CEPT Report 14, which includes the following recommendations

  1. That additional spectrum should only be made available to SRDs on the basis of a clear and demonstrable need. Any analysis of the case for new spectrum should include a valid reason why existing SRD spectrum is unsuitable and must fully take into account the impact on radio services.
  2. That CEPT should carry out periodical assessments of trends and future demand for spectrum for SRDs as necessary.

A meeting of FM 22 took place at the end of October at which consideration was given to a monitoring study at 863 – 870 MHz. It was agreed that measurements should be made at known hotspots at times of the day when peak traffic was expected.

It was recognised that it would be comparatively simple to identify suitable hotspots for sites with RFID systems. However, due to the diverse nature of SRDs, the specification of areas where SRDs were concentrated would be more difficult. Nevertheless it was agreed that the highest concentration of SRDs was most likely to occur in urban areas.

FM 22 requested the assistance of ETSI in providing details of busy RFID sites that are located in urban areas. Information on other busy RFID installations such as airports, distribution centres and sites of general interest would also be helpful. In addition FM 22 wish to receive suggestions on suitable locations for the monitoring of SRD signals and the times of the day when peak traffic is expected. (For example an elderly home for Social Alarm SRDs etc. etc.)

FM 22 wishes to perform a preliminary survey during the last quarter of 2008 to verify their method of measurement. A full survey will be carried out across all participating member states (see Annex A for details) during the first quarter of 2009. It is hoped to approve the report at the next meeting of FM 22 in April 2009. The report will be submitted to WGFM, who are likely to refer it to SRD-MG and SE24 for interpretation. These two bodies, in association with industry, will compare the data collected by FM 22 against the projected growth of SRDs/RFID and form a view on the need for additional spectrum. Their conclusions will be passed to WGFM as a recommendation.

Members of TG 34 are therefore requested to provide details of sites that might be suitable for the monitoring study. If possible details should include:

  • The location and contact details for each site
  • The number of interrogators at each site and whether they are fixed, vehicle mounted or hand-held.
  • The approximate time of day when transmissions will be at their maximum.

Similarly members of TG28 are requested to provide details of sites/areas in general terms where transmissions from SRDs are likely to be concentrated. In addition it would greatly assist the monitoring study to obtain information on locations where high spectrum usage/congestion is known to exist. If possible details of such locations should include:

  • The location and contact details for each site
  • The approximate time of day when transmissions will be at their maximum.

The monitoring study represents an essential step in the process towards obtaining additional spectrum. Members of TG34 and TG28 are requested to assist by providing as much useful information as possible including details of sites that would be willing to participate in the study.

Some site managers may consider the information that is being requested to be commercially sensitive. All replies shall be treated as “commercial in confidence”.

PLEASE SEND YOUR REPLIES BY NOT LATER THAN 15TH November 08 to TG34 and TG28 chairman, as applicable, at the following addresses.

TG34 chairman: John Falck <>

TG28 chairman: Enrico Tosato <>

Annex A

List of Probable Participants in Monitoring Study

Country of participating administration / Comments
Austria / Yes in principle but to be confirmed.
Bulgaria / Yes - subject to a clear definition in advance of the method of measurement
Finland / Yes
France / Yes - subject to a clear definition in advance of the method of measurement
Germany / Yes - but there should be a reasonable limit on the number of measurements
Latvia / Yes - subject to a clear definition in advance of the method of measurement
Lithuania / Yes
Netherlands / Yes
Norway / Yes - but there should be a reasonable limit on the number of measurements
Portugal / Yes - subject to a clear definition in advance of the method of measurement
UK / Yes

Notes: A sub-group of FM22 (including Mr. Tosato and Mr. Falck as industry representatives) had a positive meeting at which the technical approach and the methodology for the monitoring campaign were agreed.

The monitoring campaign will be co-ordinated by the Netherlands' administration, who will shortly circulate a summary document to members of the sub-group giving guidelines to ensure a harmonised approach to the campaign.

Following a final check and approval of the guidelines by members of the sub-group, the monitoring campaign will start.