DRMA Conference CallJanuary 19, 2016
Monique welcomed all members.
Those present were Monique Theriot, Kris Hiltzman, Karen Jennings, Danny Massey, Gabe Guzman, Eric McKisick, Marjorie Cooke, Tanya Campbell, Shane Gibson, James Sandoval.
- Monique forwarded minutes of the NCSSMA call held last week and opened the floor for questions. For the organizational payee audits, a contract is in the works for outside groups to do the reviews.
- Kris and Monique spent time with Shelia, Regina, and Mary Ann reviewing topics. OGC is mandating topics to be covered and Sheila is combining topics for the calls. A new SharePoint site will allow honest feedback and submission is anonymous. Encourage use of the site by members or submit yourself for those expressing issues.
- NCIS began in 2012 and Sheila was involved in policy at the time. Agency will move forward with this initiative; compile and submit to Monique any feedback you receive. They are going to headquarters on the 25th.
- Hiring may be at a replacement rate. We are asking for more options in our candidates so we donot lose diversity. PDs are generically written.
- Danny expressed concerns in the spirit of maintaining relationships, there has to be courtesy and respect by all parties. In the last 5-7 years, the tone changed and lines are crossed.
- Resolution 18 NCSSMA will address issue. Managers can come to us and we will bring issues to Sheila through Monique. Rick has posed questions to Regional Wells.
- Overtime/overtour questions raised with Sheila resulting in the recent email on this topic.
- USA JOBS-GS 15-Supervisory Management Analysis is a virtual position, questions posed to Daniel Harper.
- Reminder of Bios and picture to Shay if you have not taken care of it.
Danny reports:
Account Type / AmountBusiness Checking / $88,309.92
Business Market Rate Savings / $23,619.35
TOTAL / $111,929.87
Two new members and working on twoanomalies. He is working with Chris in Seattle to get an interactive program.
Kris & Dan Combs (DCO will pay for the February and May trip) NCSMMA will cover Kris’ travel to Capitol Hill.
Eric contacted Sherbie Mathews who has agreed to sing the National Anthem and contact being made with Col. Lemons for honor guard. Gift card to show appreciation is suggested.
Theme is needed for the meeting. Suggestions: Leaders Sharpen Leaders or Shooting for the Stars. A survey to be sent out will ask for volunteers from members. Terry Sumerlin with Barber-osophy reached out to us to speak. The survey will ask members what topics they want to request training and find out what they don’t want. Tanya will work with Marge on questions for survey, share any suggestions with them.
Kick-off is Friday at 1:00pm.
Action items:
- Get survey together.
- After meeting in April, discuss what went right and propose improvements.
Area Concerns:
II-Unverified remittances-send email to Mo. about issues. Can we push out the 21-day timeline? Kris’ grassroots committee is revamping strategy. Need local members to set-up meeting/conference call with Congressional staffs. Survey will ask members to volunteer for committees. Karen, Kris and Mo will have a meeting about updating committee members.
V-T2 Operations Committee is working on position paper re NCIS.
Meeting adjourned.