Biology 1
Monerans, Viruses, and Protists Unit ScheduleDate / Goals and Activities / Homework
Day 1 / Goals: Describe the basic anatomy and life
cycle of viruses.
Activities: Watch a virus video
Virus Video questionnaire /
- Read pages 450-459
Day 2 / Goal: Explain the life cycles of a virus based
upon their anatomy and genetic makeup.
Activities: 1. Complete Activity # 5
2. Review Activity # 6 /
- Complete Activity # 6
Day 3 / Goals: Interpreting diagrams and graphs
Describe important viral diseases
and how they are fought
Activities: 1. Review activity #6
2. Start activity #7 / 1. Complete
activity #7
- Study for virus quiz
Day 4 / Goals: Score well on virus quiz.
Begin collecting data on bacterial growth
Activities: 1. Virus quiz
2. Start growing bacteria (Act. #2) /
- Read pp. 460-464
Day 5 / Goals: Describe how bacteria look and live.
Activities: 1. Activity #1
2. Activity #3 / 1. Complete
2. Read pages
Day 6 / Goals: Observe, classify, and stain bacteria
Describe how bacteria look and live.
Activities: 1. Review Act. #3
2. Discuss Procedure of Activity #4 / 1. Review procedure for Act. #4
2. Read Exploring Further on p. 463
Day 7 / Goals: Observe, classify, and stain bacteria
Describe how bacteria look and live.
Activities: 1. Colect Data from Act. #2
2. Activity #4 – Gram Staining / 1. Complete Act. #2
2. Complete Act. #4
3. Study for Moneran Quiz
Monerans, Viruses, and Protists Unit Schedule
Day 8 / Goals: Score well on Moneran Quiz
Describe a protist and how it reproduces
Activities: 1. Moneran Quiz
2. Activity #8 / 1. Read pages 476-481, & pg. 487
Day 9 / Goals: 1. Classify Protists
2. Observe examples of protists
Activities: 1. Activity #9
2. Start Activity #10 / 1. Read pages 482-489
Day 10 / Goals: 1. Continue observing examples of
2. Score well on Protist Quiz
Activities: 1. Complete activity #10
2. Protist Quiz / 1. Begin MVP review. (Act #11)
Day 11 / Goals: Get ready for the MVP test
Activities: 1. Complete activity #11
2. Review game / 1. Study for the MVP test
2. Finish MVP Vocab
Day 12 / Goals: Score well on the MVP test
Activities: Take the MVP test / 1. Begin vocab for next unit
Vocabulary (36 words)
Virus, capsid, envelope, bacteriophage, pathogen, lytic cycle, virulent, latent, provirus, lysogenic cycle, emerging virus, prion, viroid, pilus, bacillus, coccus, spirillum, capsule, antibiotic, endospore, conjugation, anaerobic, aerobic, toxin, protozoan, alga, zygospore, alternation of generations, sporangium, amoeba, pseudopodium, diatom, euglenoid, cilium, plasmodium, sporozoite,