Monday Night Bible Study Lesson 19–Parable of the Tenant Farmers
Day 1Review
1. What helped you most from the commentary notes?
2. What inspired you most from the lecture?
Day 2Read Luke 20:9-16 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]
3. Make a bullet point summary of the story Jesus told recorded in Luke 20:9-16.
4. How did the owner of the vineyard think the tenant farmers would treat his son (verse 13)? How did the tenant farmers respond to the owner’s son (verses 14-15)?
5. ? Personal Question: Have you ever had someone mistreat your son (or someone you loved)? How did that make you feel?
6. ? Thought Question: What do you see significant about the owner sending his son to the tenant farmers?
Day 3Read Luke 20:17-19 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]
7. What Old Testament verse does Jesus quote in Luke 20:17 (Hint: Look for a Bible verse footnote.)?
8. What do you learn about the capstone or cornerstone from Ephesians 2:20 and Isaiah 28:16?
9. ? Thought Question: What is the meaning of verses 17-18?
10. ? Thought Question: How do verses 17-18 relate to the parable recorded in verses 9-16?
11. How did the teachers of the law and the chief priests respond to what Jesus had told them (verse 19)?
Day 4Read Isaiah 5:1-7, Luke 20:9-16 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]
12. What do you learn about God and His vineyard in Isaiah 5:1-7?
13. Using Luke 20:9-16, identify whom the following might represent:
Vineyard –
Vineyard Owner –
Tenant Farmers –
Owner’s Servants –
Owner’s Son –
14. ? Personal Question: What have you claimed as your own possession (like the Tenant Farmers) that you should acknowledge you are just a steward and God is the real owner? (Hint: Job? Family? Finances? Time? Health? etc.) Explain your answer.
Day 5Read Genesis 2:15, Proverbs 27:18, Romans 14:12, 1 Corinthians 4:1-2, 7,
1 Thessalonians 2:4 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]
15. Without looking at a dictionary, define the word “stewardship.”
16. What do you learn about stewardship from each of the following Bible verses?
Genesis 2:15 –
Proverbs 27:18 –
Romans 14:12 –
1 Corinthians 4:1, 2 and 7 –
1 Thessalonians 2:4 –
17. ? Personal Question: Make a list of things (temporal and eternal) that God has entrusted to you. How faithful have you been in your stewardship of each?
Day 6Read Luke 20:9-19 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]
18. ? Thought Question: What do you think is the main point of the parable told by Jesus?
19. ? Personal Question: How might you apply the main point of the parable to your own life?