Monday June 1st 8:00am to10:00am –Safetyand HistoryofNAWIC and Women inConstruction

APresentationonNAWICwillbepresentedandSummerCamprules,activitiesandformswillbecovered.Careersinconstructionwillbediscussed.Camperswillparticipateinatwo-hoursafetyseminar.Safetyactivitieswillincludehands-ontraininginpersonal protectiveequipmentandsafety rules fortheweek.

MondayJune1st10:00amto12:30pm– Plumbing
Campers will learn the basics regarding plumbing from a female Plumber. Campers will create an Angled Pipe Desk Lamp that they will take home.
Lunch 12:30pm – 1:00pm: Pizza
MondayJune1st1:00pmto 3:30pm– ConcreteFinishing

CamperswilllearnthebasicsofthecomponentsofConcretefromawoman.Camperwillpourandfinisha concreteprojecttotakehome.

TuesdayJune2nd 9:00am to 3:30pm–WeldingandCutting

CamperswilllearnthebasicsofWeldingfromaunionfemalewelder.Dailyactivitieswillincludelearningto useacuttingtorch andwelding. Campers willweldaproject totakehome.

Lunch 12:00pm – 12:30pm: HyVee Deli
WednesdayJune3rd9:00am to 12:00pm -Carpentry

CamperswilllearnthebasicsofCarpentryfromseveralunionwomancarpentermembers.Camperswillassemble awooden“ToolStool”theywillusethroughouttheweek’sactivities, Theywillparticipateinpowertool demonstrationslearningbasic skillsusingvarioushandand powertools.

Lunch 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Carpenter BBQ (All volunteers for the week are welcome to attend)
WednesdayJune3rd 9:00amto12:00pm–Painting

Camperswilllearnpaintbasics. Campers will also painttheirStools to take home.

Lunch 12:00pm – 12:30pm: HyVee Deli
Thursday June 4th9:00am to 12:00pm - Electrical

CamperswilllearnthebasicsofElectricityfromcertifiedwomenelectricians.Camperswilllearnbasicwiringbyinstallingaswitch,lightandreceptacleproject. Campers will wire the Angled Pipe Desk Lamp that they created on Monday to take home with them.

Lunch 12:00pm – 12:30pm: KFC
ThursdayJune 4th 12:30pm -3:30pm–ProfessionalDevelopment

Camperswilllearnaboutdifferentprofessionalcareersthatareconstructionrelated. Eachwomanwilltalkaboutherroleinconstruction,whethersheisanarchitectwhodoes the designor thelawyerthatstepsinwhen thingsgowrong.



Job Site Tour: One Light Tower

Lunch & Presentation: KCP&L Energy Center



Aliecia Taormina at


*MAGIC Construction Summer Camp


SummerDayCamptobeheldJune 1-5,2015at TheBuilders’TrainingCenter


Thiscampisdesignedtochallengehighschoolgirlstodiscoverthemanyopportunitiesavailableinthisexcitingandrewardingfield.Girlswilllearnthehistoryofwomeninconstructionandthe 50+yearhistoryoftheNationalAssociationofWomeninConstruction. Localscholarshipinformationforqualifiedgirlswillalsobeprovided.

Journey level tradeswomen will team teach with instructors at The Builders’Association Training Center in safety, carpentry, concrete, painting, plumbing, electrical and welding skills during this free camp. By the end of this week, Campers will have several projects to take home with them and show off the skills they learned.


Student Name / Date of Birth
High School / Grade
Contact Number
Parent/Guardian Name
Email & Phone (if different than above)

I give permission for my daughter named above to participate in all MAGIC (Mentoring a Girl in Construction) Summer Camp activities scheduled for June 1st - June 5th. I understand that there will be “hands-on” activities offered in the camp, and that a field trip is scheduled for Friday, June 5th. I understand that my daughter must have personal insurance coverage prior to participation in the summer camp activities. I understand that Camp directors will make every effort to keep this summer camp experience educational and safe. I also give NAWIC and the Camp’s Company Sponsor’s the permission and authority to use my child’s photograph, videotape, or other medium for press releases and other activities that promote safety, job recruitment, retention, or any positive industry related event. I, on my behalf and as guardian of my daughter,waive and release the camp directors, camp participants, and the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) from liability for any physical injury or property damage that may occur in connection with my daughter’s participation in MAGIC.


Parent’s SignatureDate

Please email the completed Registration form to: Aliecia Taormina @

For questions regarding the camp, contact Taryn at (816) 564-3589 or Aliecia at (719) 291-0208